Canine Massage Therapy & Nutrition Support

Canine Massage Therapy & Nutrition Support Promoting better health for our fur family through Massage Therapy, improved immunity & supporting j your dog like lettuce?  Mine always make themselves available when I'm...
Does your dog like lettuce? Mine always make themselves available when I'm preparing a salad.

Nutrient dense leafy green vegetables like lettuce are a healthy food for humans, but what about our canines? Can dogs eat lettuce? Dogs are omnivores by nature, so they eat both meat and plants. Most leafy greens like lettuce are safe for a dog to eat, in moderation.

My dogs LOVE eggs - raw, soft boiled or hard boiled, it makes no difference.  My dogs do eat the shells, but only from o...

My dogs LOVE eggs - raw, soft boiled or hard boiled, it makes no difference. My dogs do eat the shells, but only from our chickens. I gentlty wash them in warm water & crack it in their bowl.

Do you give your dogs eggs?


When sourcing the perfect longevity snack for your dog, the humble egg🥚 should be at the top of your list! If there was such a thing as a perfect food for pets, it would be eggs. They are rich in bioavailable amino acids, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals while being relatively low in calories and carbs. Whether from chicken🐔, quail, or ducks🦆, eggs are nature’s nutrition bombs!

Eggs🥚 contain all ten essential amino acids needed to support effective muscle growth, recovery and maintenance. Eggs are also rich in choline, a nutrient crucial to the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain, which aids brain function, memory, and may help treat & even prevent “doggy dementia”.🧠

Lastly, research shows as many as 60% of dogs have signs of arthritis🦴, on x-rays, and one veterinary study found dogs who consumed egg shell membrane had significantly less joint pain, so start feeding your pets more eggs as treats!

What’s the best way to feed an egg?🍳

The fastest method, obviously, is to offer them raw… this is how animals have been eating eggs for millennia. However, according to science, lightly cooking the egg protein (called avidin) makes the B vitamin biotin easier to absorb but if you opt to cook you eggs, remember to not overcook them! Logically, applying too much heat to good food is a naturally destructive process. The chemistry of heating foods looks a lot like unwinding molecules, for better or for worse. Heating egg whites is generally beneficial, however, the yolks would do better with less heat, because heat damages fats and vital nutrients inside.

Soft boiled is the ultimate way to cook an egg🥚 (this is when you boil an egg, but it’s still a little runny and the yolk is definitely not hard) because the fats and nutrients in the yolk essentially have three protective layers from oxidation – the water, eggshell, and egg white. This way, all of the good stuff in the egg yolk is maximally preserved while the whites are cooked enough for best protein utilization and removal of avidin.

Instructions for soft boiling:
Fill a medium pot with water and heat to a gentle simmer, just below boiling. Using a slotted spoon, carefully lower the eggs into the water and let simmer for 7 minutes (6 minutes for a runnier egg).

When choosing eggs, go for pastured, free-range eggs to get the most nutrients. One egg is about seventy calories. My 30lb dog Shubie gets an egg on her meal several times a week.

In our new book, The Forever Dog, we list over 40 of our favorite longevity foods you add to your pup’s bowl, backed by the most surprising new science as to why they’re so amazing at building health and longevity! We also show you how to add them in a way that keeps your pup’s nutrition in balance.

You’ll want to check out the section called: “Core Longevity Toppers: Superfoods You Can Share with Your Dog on a Daily Basis.” We’ve also included handy charts on which foods are best at building your dog’s microbiome🦠, powerful polyphenol-rich foods🫐, as well as a long list of fast-n-fresh training treats, if you’re on the go. The Forever Dog book is now available for order worldwide!

Have you ever wonder if your dog can eat broccoli?  Is raw or steamed better?

Have you ever wonder if your dog can eat broccoli? Is raw or steamed better?

Broccoli is considered one of the most nutritious vegetables! Can dogs eat broccoli?  Yes, broccoli is a safe and nutrient dense food for dogs.  It

What kind of bowls do you use for your dog?  Interesting information to keep our pets healthy.

What kind of bowls do you use for your dog? Interesting information to keep our pets healthy.

What type of dog water bowl do you use? 🐶💧

The dog water bowl has previously been identified as the third most contaminated🦠 item within the household and can be a breeding ground for dangerous germs & life-threatening bacteria🧫 that can put the entire house at risk, researchers at University Centre Hartpury have revealed.

So, which dish is best to use for a dog water bowl? The bowl that grows the least amount of life-threatening bacteria!

In the first study of its’ kind, Hartpury scientists found stainless steel grew the least amount of bacteria and over time, plastic bowls grew the highest amount, but the shocking part was the most harmful bacterial species (including salmonella, E. coli and MRSA) were most frequently identified in CERAMIC bowls!

Lead can also be a problem when using ceramic bowls, and the endocrine disrupting chemicals found in plastic bowls are a no-go! Also be aware plastic bowls🥣 can cause Plastic Dish Nasal Dermatitis🙀: Chemicals in plastic absorb through the skin and inhibit the synthesis of melanin, leaving the nose👃🏼 and adjacent areas with pink blotches.

So stainless steel🍴 bowls are the safest, right?

Well not so fast…. there’s even been recalls on stainless bowls😫. In our upcoming The Forever Dog book, in the chapter titled Environmental Impact and the section labelled “Toxic Toys, Chews, and Beds", we cover how to choose the best chemical-free bowls🚫 that won’t leach contaminants over time. The Forever Dog is available now for pre-order, worldwide, check out the

Yes!  My dogs love broccoli- raw, steamed or frozen.  Do you feed your dog this vegetable?

Yes! My dogs love broccoli- raw, steamed or frozen. Do you feed your dog this vegetable?


Several studies show the sulforaphane found in broccoli destroys cancer cells and/or damaged cells in dogs. This process alone will help extend their lives!

Whether you chop it raw, ferment it, steam it or boil it, start by adding a 1/4 teaspoon🥄 per 10lbs of body weight mixed in their bowl.

Feed your carnivores🐕 some broccoli, my fellow pet parents, and here’s to your pet’s health!

- Rodney Habib

Why Onions are NOT good for your dog.........

Why Onions are NOT good for your dog.........

Be very careful not to give onions (or any food containing them) to your furry family members. 🙅♀️

Read today’s free blog post to find out what you should do if your pet accidentally eats onions:

Do you have an older dog?  Senior dogs benefit from learning tricks plus they will love the time hanging out with you!ht...

Do you have an older dog? Senior dogs benefit from learning tricks plus they will love the time hanging out with you!

You can learn how to teach an older dog new tricks that will benefit both humans and canines. One plus is older dogs often have the ability to focus for

Healthy treats made from ingredients you most likely have around the house.  My two dogs absolutely love this recipe!!! ...

Healthy treats made from ingredients you most likely have around the house. My two dogs absolutely love this recipe!!! They make great rewards when teaching new skills.

What is your dog's favorite flavor?? (peanut butter, sardines, green beans, etc.)

How to make healthy dog treats at home that your dog will love! Use five simple human-grade ingredients to create a healthy dog treat.

Agree!  Drop a pic of your cool pup in the comments. 🐶

Agree! Drop a pic of your cool pup in the comments. 🐶

❤️ Will your pup find something under the tree this year?

❤️ Will your pup find something under the tree this year?


Just for fun..... Do you currently own or know of someone who has any of these breeds? 🐶🐶

8 Tips for Navigating the Holidays with your Pet. Including travel tips, a packing list & even gifts ideas for your furr...

8 Tips for Navigating the Holidays with your Pet. Including travel tips, a packing list & even gifts ideas for your furry family members. 🎄

What to do when guests arrive - 6 suggestions that make it more pleasant for everyone. Enjoy the holidays with your pup❣️

Keeping your Pet Healthy During the Holidays is what we all desire. Take precautions with holiday food and be prepared when guests arrive.

Canned pumpkin is great to have in the pantry!  I always pack a can when we travel or go camping as well.

Canned pumpkin is great to have in the pantry! I always pack a can when we travel or go camping as well.

The old school bland diet for pets with diarrhea or occasional digestive upset was ground beef and rice, but many veterinarians (including me) have changed their recommendations to 100% pumpkin puree in place of white rice (far less sugar and more beneficial fiber), and ground fat-free turkey in place of hamburger (which has much higher fat).

Have you upgraded your bland diet recipe for the animals in your household?

Click here and subscribe to my daily blog for free to learn more about the benefits of this bland diet for occasional digestive upset:

We got quite a bit of sticking snow last night. Dogs LOVE it!  How about your pups?

We got quite a bit of sticking snow last night. Dogs LOVE it! How about your pups?

Who buys a Christmas gift for their pets?? 🙋🏻‍♀️. 🎄First of all, it's just fun. Secondly, it gives them something new to...

Who buys a Christmas gift for their pets?? 🙋🏻‍♀️. 🎄

First of all, it's just fun. Secondly, it gives them something new to play with and chew on while you share gifts with family and friends.

Check out this post for ideas for healthy treats, chew toys, and interactive toys.

Holiday Gift Guide for Dogs gives dog owners healthy gift options for their dog. Dog treats, toys, chew toys and supplies.

How does your dog greet you??  Mine are calm but full of wiggles.

How does your dog greet you?? Mine are calm but full of wiggles.

One of the most important ingredients I include when making my dog's food is LIVER.  The health benefits are numerous!  ...

One of the most important ingredients I include when making my dog's food is LIVER. The health benefits are numerous! If you're dog eats a raw diet, you can serve it raw right in their dish. However, if your dog eats kibble, consider supplementing with cooked liver.

Does your dog eat liver?

This organ meat seems to have an unpleasant reputation, however there is a reason it is called a nature’s “multi-vitamin”. By the end of this article, you will learn how to cook liver for dogs and learn that liver is truly amazing!

Do you have a picky eater in your house??  I have Labrador retrievers so my issue is make sure they eat slowly.  This ar...

Do you have a picky eater in your house?? I have Labrador retrievers so my issue is make sure they eat slowly. This article has great tips to get an older dog to eat and picky eaters to eat as well.

Feeding your dog is a way to meet one of their most basic needs. Dog owners can be alarmed when their dog “inhales” their food or eats it very fast. Owners can equally be concerned when their dog picks or fusses at their food. It’s difficult when you have a dog that can’t clearly communicate...

To crate or not to crate???  What choice did you make for you and your dog?

To crate or not to crate??? What choice did you make for you and your dog?

Often there is a stigma associated with crating a dog, it makes the humans feel guilty or they feel like a failure because their dog is not able to roam the house. When in fact, it’s just the opposite! Dogs of all ages benefit from being properly crate trained. In this article, How to Crate Train ...

Healthy dog nails = better posture, less pain and reduced risk of hips issues.  Do you trim your dog's nail at home?  ht...

Healthy dog nails = better posture, less pain and reduced risk of hips issues. Do you trim your dog's nail at home?

One basic grooming skill that can be intimidating is learning how to clip a dog’s nails. Once you understand the importance of trimming nails, a dog’s nail anatomy, the necessary equipment needed, you’ll be confident in this basic grooming skill.

Happy 4th of July! (Observed).Did your pup join you on any adventures this weekend?  Our labs enjoyed playing in Lake Mi...

Happy 4th of July! (Observed).

Did your pup join you on any adventures this weekend? Our labs enjoyed playing in Lake Michigan.

Shop is Open for business!  Drop in to "window shop" or grab something for your furry family member! 🐶

Shop is Open for business! Drop in to "window shop" or grab something for your furry family member! 🐶

This page contains affiliate links with Chewy & Amazon. Chocolate Lab Puppy wearing a Halti head collar with a leather leash. 6 foot Leather Leash Handcrafted from a single, long piece of thick, premium-grade full-grain leather to last a lifetime.Independently tested to withstand over 245 pounds of....



Today, ninety-six percent of pet owners around the globe are feeding dry commercial pet foods. Of those 96%, there is a large majority that believes dried commercial pet food is really all their pet needs and would never stop to consider the benefits of adding fresh “human food”.

(“Human food” definition in this article: clean sources of meat-based proteins and some organic plant matter, not beer and nachos 😉)

There are many reasons why some of these pet parents feel this way, however the most popular reason today seems to be the 50-year-old rumor that is in existence and still spreading.

You know the one: “Giving your animal table scraps is bad!”

How or when did this terrible rumor start?

Well, if we go back in time, research shows that shortly after the invention of processed pet foods, manufacturers were having a hard time convincing pet parents to make the switch from foods in their refrigerators to their commercial pet foods.

So in 1964, the pet food industry, along with the PFI, joined together with a whole bunch of marketing dollars and launched one of the most influential campaigns the pet world had ever seen: the “Ban All Table Scraps from your Pets’ Bowls” campaign!

Through thousands of newspapers, magazines, and news stations, the public was warned about the dangers of table food scraps or “human food” and the importance of feeding “processed” commercial pet food. From there, the giant smear campaign took off!

Not only did this clever campaign work, but it was so impactful that now, 50 years later, folks are still in fear of offering anything that is not labeled pet food.


Not according to ongoing research it isn’t, especially with today’s cancer rates being 1 in 2 dogs!

In a 2005 study conducted at Purdue University on Scottish Terriers, the results showed that adding fresh vegetables to dry commercial kibble actually prevented and/or slowed down the development of transitional cell carcinoma (aka bladder cancer)!

In the study, dogs ate a diet of dry commercial pet food, while some got an assortment of vegetables added to the mix at least 3 times per week.

When the study was concluded, according to the researchers, they weren’t really shocked by the results.

Here’s what they found:

Dogs that ate any green leafy vegetables, like broccoli, had reduced the risk of developing bladder cancer by 90% and the dogs that consumed any yellow – orange vegetables like carrots reduced the risk by 70%!

Seriously! A lousy carrot helped smash the potential of cancer.

( ) (Raghavan, Knapp, Bonney, 2005)

Yes, of course cats are obligate carnivores (must have meat to survive) and our dogs are facultative carnivores (carnivores with omnivorous potential if circumstances demand) so offering clean meat-based protein sources should always be top priority and essential.

However, because today’s world is ever-so changing due to factory farmed livestock being fed genetically modified grains and our planet being contaminated with every type of pesticide, fungicide and larvicide, the importance of fresh, organic plant matter to help detox the body couldn’t be more crucial.

So if the “cancer reducing benefit” doesn’t tickle your fancy enough to convince you to add any “human fresh foods” to your pet’s bowl, then maybe think of it this way:

How bad would it suck if someone forced you to eat dry processed foods your whole lIfe?!

By: Rodney Habib

"An educated, informed and well-researched community of pet owners can only put more pressure on the pet food industry to be better! When pet owners know better, they will only do better!"

Here’s a “test” to start your week......I’m guilty of 5/8!  🐶.How do you rate? 🐕😍

Here’s a “test” to start your week......I’m guilty of 5/8! 🐶.

How do you rate? 🐕😍


I enjoy making my dog’s food! I usually make 16 meals worth & freeze them. It keeps his inflammation low, plus his food has never been treated at high heat. It supports a healthy immune system!

Do you make your dog’s food? Leave a 🐶 in the comments if ever had any interest in supplementing either with supplements or food toppers.

What do you like best about your dog??I like that my dog is solid around kids. He takes the hugs, belly rubs, ear rubs a...

What do you like best about your dog??

I like that my dog is solid around kids. He takes the hugs, belly rubs, ear rubs and more hugs. It's not natural for a dog to tolerate hugs and even a person in their face. When a dog is desensitized to know this is a kind human action, it ends up being mutually beneficial.

Just for fun we'll talk about training our dogs..... what is your best piece of equipment for teaching your dog to walk ...

Just for fun we'll talk about training our dogs..... what is your best piece of equipment for teaching your dog to walk nicely on a leash?

I like a few pieces of equipment; the Halti head collar, front clipping no-pull harness and a leather leash. I don't use them all the time. It sure is nice when introducing your pup to a new park or beach.



What is your biggest health concern for your dog?  Hips, immunity, eyesight, heart, etc.  NuVet Plus Ingredient Highligh...

What is your biggest health concern for your dog? Hips, immunity, eyesight, heart, etc.

NuVet Plus Ingredient Highlight: SELENIUM. This essential mineral is needed for pancreatic function and tissue elasticity. It also plays an important role in regulating the thyroid hormone and fat metabolism. Promotes a health immune system. ❤️🐶

One question I get asked frequently is what do you recommend for dogs that like to chew?  I'm a fan of Michigan Antler C...

One question I get asked frequently is what do you recommend for dogs that like to chew? I'm a fan of Michigan Antler Chews because they have fresh antlers at the best prices! My labs are medium strength chewers so I purchase medium-core elk antlers.

Check out my Website Store!

(I'm not an affiliate of Michigan Antler Chews, I just like the products.)

So that’s how they learn......

So that’s how they learn......

Customer Testimonial: "Her coat is soft, healthy, and shiny. She even has the energy to keep up with her new 'little bro...

Customer Testimonial: "Her coat is soft, healthy, and shiny. She even has the energy to keep up with her new 'little brother' Dusty." - Jill Y.



How much does your dog like the cold and winter?  On a Scale of 1-5.    1 - doesn't want to go out.      5 - loves it.I ...

How much does your dog like the cold and winter? On a Scale of 1-5. 1 - doesn't want to go out. 5 - loves it.

I have one lab that is 5 and another lab that is 3.

NuVet Ingredient Spotlight: Evening Primrose Oil - helps support a healthy cardiovascular system. It also maintains healthy skin, coat and bone structure.

Such a cool diagram of a dogs muscles.  During a therapeutic massage, we treat 23 muscle locations; releasing tension, t...

Such a cool diagram of a dogs muscles. During a therapeutic massage, we treat 23 muscle locations; releasing tension, toxins and allowing for better mobility.

NuJoint Plus Customer Testimonial:  "After being on NuJoint Plus for 3 months, we have seen a remarkable difference.  Sh...

NuJoint Plus Customer Testimonial: "After being on NuJoint Plus for 3 months, we have seen a remarkable difference. She is much more mobile, shakes far less, and even jumps and hops again when she is excited." The Billingsleys

My pups love these supplements!  I like the quality and health benefits. 🐶😍

My pups love these supplements! I like the quality and health benefits. 🐶😍

How many are currently in the puppy stage with their dog?? 🙋🏻‍♀️. Are they chewers?  Ours doesn't chew on personal items...

How many are currently in the puppy stage with their dog?? 🙋🏻‍♀️. Are they chewers? Ours doesn't chew on personal items but he is attracted to throw rug corners and wood.

NuVet Plus Ingredient Highlight: Amino Acids. They are necessary in both humans and canines for building new muscle, bone and tendon cells. Their role is to support a healthy metabolism and brain function.

What's your dog's favorite treat?  My dogs LOVE anything that has liver in it.  That could be one reason they are eager ...

What's your dog's favorite treat? My dogs LOVE anything that has liver in it. That could be one reason they are eager to take their supplements each day.

Nuvet Plus Ingredient Highlight: Chicken liver is a rich source of essential amino acids, B Vitamins, folic acid, magnesium, and copper. All those nutrients support healthy digestion, tissue development and production of red blood cells.

NuVet uses cold processed production to maintain the nutrients. No baking or high heat. Just one of the reasons I give this to my dogs.


Mount Pleasant, MI


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