I have to admit, we were kind of tired of getting pelted with actual rain today. So, this beauty and I decided to make it rain with some flower petals! It was definitely an improvement!
🌸 Halfpint
#makeitrain #rainyday #rainraingoaway #walkingintherain #singingintherain #dogsandrain #pnw #pnwweather #pnwonderland #pnwpup #dogsofmountlaketerrace #mlt #mountlaketerracedogwalker #woof #wag #swag #dogmodel #instamodels #instafamous #influencer #doginfluencer #dogwalker #thedogcatlady #datlady #catlady #doglady #itsadogslife #dogdays #datladydogwalking
Sometimes, on a supermodel shoot, they have the fan up way too high!
🤍 Finn
#onlocation #models #modeling #dogmodel #happypup #finn #finnonstuff #finstagram #finnoforthewin #finnforthewin #terriersofinstagram #dogsonthebeach #beachbody #beachbod #happydoghappylife #mansbestfriend #womansbestfriend #thedogcatlady #datlady #datladydogwalking
💖Just some of the lovelies that I got to spend the day with. 💝
I have been using a lot of words lately and I have one more long story for you. You’re going to want to read it though, especially if you love Susie.
I really wasn’t sure how this week would feel to me. There were moments of definite sadness, with a few tears involved and then some moments of extreme happiness. I got to see Susie’s very best friend, Winston and it was wonderful. I got to see her doppelgänger, Little Bear and it was painful, but peaceful. I got to spend time with Simon and Susie’s very good friend, Kip and that brought me so much joy.
I think a perfect way to celebrate the end of this week and Friends Friday is to tell you a story about something amazing that also just happened. I arrived home to find a package on my doorstep. I knew that I didn’t place any recent orders and so was confused when the book (pictured below) came out of the package. There was a small note included that thanked me for allowing them to use one of my photos. It took me quite a long time to recall the conversation, but then I did remember someone, through Instagram, asking for permission to use one of my photos. I truly thought it was one of those crazy people that tells you to “DM for a collab!” I never understand that. Why don’t they just DM you? What are we collabing on?! (These are questions for another time.) The point of this story is that I turned through the pages and eventually came upon the most amazing thing I have ever seen. You will have to watch the video to experience it for yourself. My words could never do it justice.
Every day of this girls life, I told her that she was a supermodel. When people started asking, “Why is she sideways” as her spinal cord injury progressed, I always told them that all supermodels are a little bit sideways. I always knew that my girl was a supermodel and now the world knows that as well. Well, at least everyone in the world who picks up this book, which I hope is everyone.
Thank you for letting me tell
To say I’m excited to see my friends again is an understatement. I don’t even know the appropriate word. We are rolling back into some sort of normal together. We will keep it clean, safe and hopefully fun for the furs!
#phaseone #herewecome #firstdayofschool #vibes #nervous #exciting #happy #cautious #alltheemotions #letswalk #letspoop #happytogether #thedogcatlady #datladydogwalking
We thought this was a fitting song since most of us are home.
If you have a request for a familiar face, or a favorite song, just let me know!
Hope everyone is home and happy.
#home #shelterinplace #wishwewerewalking #seeyousoon #lola #dogoftheday #staysafe #greatdanesofinstagram #daneoftheday #dogmodel #instamodels #doginfluencer #checkmeout #dogsofbrier #brierdogwalker #brierdoglady #myfriends #howyoudoin #hernamewaslola #sing #singingdog #thedogcatlady #datladydogwalking
Next up is this beauty, by request! I’m always amazed by her beautiful eyes and so I thought this might be a good song for her.
Just remember that you can make a request to see your favorite pup, singing a song, so that we can keep things as lighthearted as possible during these difficult times. Don’t feel bad to request your own pup either! You know I would!
👀 Miss Murphy
#beauty #goldengirl #modeldog #thoseeyes #stunning #stunner #silky #goldensofinstagram #dogoftheday #bestvoiceever #yousoundlikeacrossbetweenfergieandjesus #dogsofbothell #babe #singyourheartout #dogssinging #skills #thedogcatlady #datladydogwalking
Here is my little baby alien singing about her spaceship. I hope it brings a smile to your face. I’d love to try and lighten the mood, so if you have a favorite pup that you miss seeing here on social media, just let me know. You can suggest the song too, or I’ll try and find one to match their personality! Leave a comment below, or send me a message!
🚀 Susie Q
#singing #singingdog #spaceship #alien #ilovemyalien #pommom #littlecutie #pomeraniansofinstagram #pommodel #pomvibes #instamodel #furonfleek #susieq #thedogcatlady #datladydogwalking
Saying goodbye to Simon 🤍