The Complete K9

The Complete K9 Dog Training and Grooming in the Yakima Valley. Services for dogs. Solutions for owners.

Look at all these beautiful colors!!! Now we just need white for us resin artists. 😉E-Collar Technologies please bring u...

Look at all these beautiful colors!!! Now we just need white for us resin artists. 😉

E-Collar Technologies please bring us WHITE! 🤞🤞🤞

Did you know reading can make you a better trainer? If your not expanding your knowledge by reading about topics related...

Did you know reading can make you a better trainer?

If your not expanding your knowledge by reading about topics related to dog training, your missing out. Some of the most substantial things we have learned about dogs and how they learn, has been from books.

Here is a small list of our favorites, more will be added but for now, we don't want to overwhelm. 😅

PS: The best way to retain and learn from what you have read is to summerize each page or significant paragraph in your own words. Write that down on a note card, in the margin of a physical copy, or in a notebook JUST for the notes from that piece.

It's amazing how much growth you can experience just from reading. It's been HUGE for us.
Reading about a topic always helps us stay motivated to get out there and learn about our dogs and what we can do with/for them!!

Lunch today provided by one of our favorite clients!! Thank you Debbie for the Smoked Salmon!!! 🤩🤩

Lunch today provided by one of our favorite clients!! Thank you Debbie for the Smoked Salmon!!! 🤩🤩

In Drive vs Out of Drive Sometimes you will hear trainers speak about "in drive" training and "out of drive" training.Wh...

In Drive vs Out of Drive

Sometimes you will hear trainers speak about "in drive" training and "out of drive" training.

What does that mean?

There are some behaviors that we would like to add enthusiasm too.
Or areas of training where we need more encouragement to get a behavior off the ground.
In drive is when you build your dog's WANT to do something.
Out of drive, is when you teach the dog to comply even if they don't want to.

There is a place for BOTH in our training methods.

Avoiding a consequence doesn't make you like something you hate. It just makes the discomfort a little easier to swallow.

Wanting to do something, and doing something because you are avoiding a consequence bring very different emotions to the table. Hence, the need to be well versed in both aspects and to know when to use what method.

If you have a very crappy boss but you get 100$ when they come around, it doesn't make you like that boss, you just like the 100$ that boss is associated with.

This is why hiring a trainer can offer you so much more than firing blindly in the dark.

Of you spend to much time encouraging certain behaviors when you really need to be discouraging another, won't help you move closer to your goal.

If you have a stubborn dog and it isn't responding to the consequences in a manner that lessons the undesirable behavior, you need to try something else. If you don't, your only creating more of a gap between your dog's understanding of what is expected.

The best time to start training is YESTERDAY, but the second best time is NOW.

Our boys, rolling around in the grass on a cool summer night. ❤️

Here is a GREAT example of one of the many dangerous things that kenneling your dog can prevent. If you need assistance ...

Here is a GREAT example of one of the many dangerous things that kenneling your dog can prevent.

If you need assistance with kennel training, we can gladly provide assistance. 😊

WATCH: Oklahoma dog ignites house fire after chewing on lithium-ion battery | Story:

Here is a GREAT list of resources about HEAT and DOGS.

Here is a GREAT list of resources about HEAT and DOGS.

FREE Resources:

Posts from this page:

> Understanding Heat

> Differences in Heat Tolerance between dogs and factors to consider

> How do you really prevent Heat Injury/Heatstroke?

> Emergency Cooling of Canine Heat Casualties: critical thinking

> Canine Heat Injury Incident

> First Aid Training

> Be Respectful

> Education & Knowledge Sharing

> Hydration

> Hydration: part 2

> Conditioning

> Acclimation (and how I apply it with my own dog)

> Walking dogs when it's hot

> Lay-offs and Heat Injury

> Previous Heat Injury?

> Hiking in the Hills

> Portable Cooling Option

> How much of an effect does active cooling of the paws really have on core body temp?

> Canine Heat Tolerance & Heat Injury

> Event Plan

> Blunt Monday

Dr. Janice Baker and Veterinary Tactical Group:


FB Page:

> Heat Injury in Working Dogs Webinar

> Rethinking Heat Injury in the SOF Multipurpose Canine:
A Critical Review.
Janice L. Baker, DVM; Paul J. Hollier, DVM; Laura Miller; Ward A. Lacy

> Canine Heat Injury Fast Facts

> Why do we overcomplicate treatment of canine heat injury?

> K9 Conservationists: Heat Safety & Working Dogs with Dr. Janice Baker

> Be brave. Know your dogs. Speak truth to power. Save lives.

> Myth Busting Working Dog Health (Podcast)

> K9 MindFreak Podcast

> Effects of Environmental Extremes

> Thermal Stress

> Here is an example of a high-drive dog showing signs of increased thermal (heat) stress...

> Body Temp Monitoring

> Dangerous days/Acclimation

> Demo Recap

> The Dangerous Days!

> Canine Muzzle Facts

> Muzzle Awareness

> Police K9 Magazine Article

> Know Your Dog

Hot Dogs UK - Canine Heatstroke Education for Dog Owners:


FB Page:


> Cooling methods used in dogs with heat-related illness under UK primary veterinary care 2016-2018

> MYTH BUSTING – COOLING HOT DOGS with the UK Veterinary research team


> Heat Related Illness
Veterinary Clinical Podcasts, Nov 2022
Dr. Emily Hall

> Talk Canicross
Too hot to trot? Can you Canicross in warm weather?

> K9 Conservationists: Heat Injuries in Dogs with Emily Hall & Anne Carter

> Cooling Infographic


> PennVet Working Dog Center's Presentation on Canine Heat Injury

K9 Medic:


FB Page:

> When I pant

> Podcast

> Beating the Heat

> Baseline Trending Vitals Card



> Q&A

> Monitoring, Prevention, Cooling

> Ice Sheets

Dustoff K9:


> How to keep your dog cool

> The Big Three

> Talk with K9s United

Dr. Arleigh Reynolds:

> Purina Masterclass
"Incredible Athletic Dogs"

> Heat Tolerance

> VO₂max

> Conditioning

> Heat Tolerance & Hydration

> Summer Training

> Houndsman XP Podcast

> Exercise & Growing Dogs

> Ducks Unlimited

Dr. Rob Gillette
(The Sportsvet):

> Heat

> Interview

> Cooling

> Excitement

> Biochemistry

> Newsletter

Dr. Joe Spoo
(The Gun Dog Doc):

> Podcast

> Dog dependant

> Monitoring

> Cooling

> Cooling: standing water

> Cooling: essential steps

> Environment


> Royal Veterinary College:

> Veterinary Voices UK

> Dr. Lisa Peters
What you do in the field, will make or break the life of your Canine

> Canine Heat Injury
Dr. Libbie Fort, DVM and Dr. Lisa Peters, DVM, DACVECC, from Fox Valley Animal Referral Center in Wisconsin, USA. 2019

> Video Case Study

> DHS Handler Medical Care Manual

> Heat Related Emergencies

The last 3 are paid presentations but worth a look:

> K9 Trail Time
Heat Related Illness

> Rethinking Heat Injury in The Working Dogs: A New Look at The Evidence

> Heat Injury in Working Dogs: Practical Prevention and Treatment Recommendations

Oh man! This a good one. A tired dog is just that, a tired dog. Your anxiety, depression, and angst, doesn't go away jus...

Oh man! This a good one. A tired dog is just that, a tired dog. Your anxiety, depression, and angst, doesn't go away just because you are tired.

Being tired doesn't change perspectives. Being tired doesn't turn old habits into new ones. Being tired doesn't imply that you can make responsible choices. Being tired doesn't mean you hate your neighbor any less. Being tired doesn't make it possible to neglect other needs.

A tired dog, is only a tired dog.


I heard the phrase yet again today: “A tired dog is a good dog!” This week’s TTT begs to differ.

Here’s an action pic of my best boy, Fox, working out on his treadmill. I am decidedly NOT trying to “tire him out”.

I’ve met with so many dog owners who are advised by family, friends and other dog professionals that their dog’s issues could be resolved simply by giving the dog more “exercise”. These issues might be destructive behavior, dog selectiveness, even aggression towards humans, but whatever the sin, “exercise” seems to always be the all-purpose penance. I’m pretty sure that this belief system became prevalent when a famous TV trainer promoted the mantra of “Exercise, Discipline, Affection” and everyone just heard the first and last words while ignoring the second one: like eating a sandwich made of just bread after removing the meat in the middle. It echoed through the Dogosphere, with daycares everywhere proclaiming that “a tired dog is a good dog!”.

A more accurate statement might be that “a tired dog is a -tired- dog, and that means he might be slightly less of a pain in the ass when you pick him up after your day job” but that doesn’t fit well on a business logo.

There is so much emphasis on physical exercise for dogs that it sometimes sounds as though owners are conditioning Olympic athletes rather than trying to give their dogs a little fun. I see potential clients who routinely run, swim and hike with dogs who drag them when on leash and run off on them when off leash. Dogs who spend every weekday going crazy at a daycare and every weekend running themselves silly on a beach. They’ve consulted wishful-thinking trainers who try to solve issues of overarousal by creating a -different- type of overarousal (no, Mrs. Smith, simply whipping a flirt pole around in the living room is -not- going to teach your out of control Patterdale Terrier to stop jumping on guests). The dogs are constantly in motion, always being stimulated until they finally collapse at the end of the day and the owner sighs in relief that he has successfully "tired his dog out".
I have two problems with this:
1. Is energy such an enemy that we have to squeeze every last little bit out of the dog as though he's a tube of toothpaste? Shouldn't a dog's level of energy act more analog (a dial) and less digital (a switch)?
2. -Did- the owner actually succeed in "tiring his dog out"?

The first issue is easy to understand: dogs, especially big powerful dogs like the Dobes, GSDs and Corsos we see so frequently here, can be rather a "lot" when they are revving high. Trainers often encourage lots of exercise to help curtail behavior problems like anxiety and destructiveness in the house. And some of that may even help a tiny bit. But expecting your dog to be a slightly more interesting houseplant indoors while encouraging him to go full tilt wildman outdoors can be counterproductive. After all, if you teach him that everywhere outside of your house is his world in which to run, play, and chase constantly, without a corresponding level of actual training you are setting him up to ignore you in that environment. How many of you have a dog whose recall command is OK in the living room but virtually nonexistent when he's cut loose in the woods? No surprise there, after all: outdoors is HIS world, remember? You and he are operating on the “ON/OFF switch” model but I bet he doesn’t even have that great of an “OFF” switch when you really need it. Sure, he's getting “exercise” but he’s also learning that the expression of his energy is completely independent of you and that the faster and crazier he goes, the less influence you actually have over him.

But at least you “tired him out”, right?

I’ve got bad news for you, kid.

Why does someone go to the gym?
To get fit.
To build stamina.
To become stronger.

Wait a minute: you mean you don't go to the gym to -get tired-?

Think about how you feel after a jog or a workout, rather than exhausted, you may feel energized. You may want to cool off and rest briefly, but the big picture will show that you will have a higher threshold for the exertion each time you do it. This is what we do with our dogs when their main source of exertion is physical. They may be tired in the immediate aftermath of the exercise, but they usually keep requiring more of it to get less tired. Meanwhile, they become physiologically addicted to mindless play, independent of their humans.

Now think about how you feel after completing a more "mental" task: studying for an exam, doing your taxes, taking a piano lesson. It can even be something more recreational: doing a crossword puzzle, creating a piece of art, building a model. You don't feel "exhausted", but you probably feel -sated-. As a musician, after I work on learning a new piece of music I tend to want some downtime. Maybe TV, maybe listening to a podcast, maybe even just doing a low-key chore.

Most humans consider it a healthy lifestyle if there is a nice balance of both physical exercise and mental exercise. A day in which I go for a long, brisk walk -and- finish up a behavior consult report -and- pick up my bass guitar is a very satisfying one indeed. Our dogs need that same balance.

In addition to the playdates and freeform running around that he gets, what sort of tasks are you giving your dog’s brain to tackle? Asking for "micro obedience" around the house, teaching him a trick that morphs into a useful behavior, turning your long walks into intermittent periods of heel and sit and down, all of these are things that will help your dog "tire out" in a healthy way. Rather than flattened out from physical exhaustion, he can be settled and calm while still being present as a family member.

None if this is advice to stop exercising your dog, but it is a chance for you to think about ways to get that mind of his just as conditioned as his body.

So why is Fox on a treadmill? Like his owner, Fox is getting older. My own restricted mobility makes jogging with him impossible. But he is still very fit as a six year old Doberman and I want to keep him that way. Because I expect him to perform athletically in the training we do, he needs to have very good stamina. I am not exercising him to make him tired, I’m literally doing the opposite! Earlier in the day Fox and I were working on some obedience stuff: not only the usual brief positional drills but also some “extracurricular” retrieves and directionals. That was his “brain workout”. I can attest that when Fox steps off of his treadmill after twenty minutes or so, he is decidedly -not- tired and will often jump back on and wait for me to start it up again. But after our training sessions, he is usually much more laid back and content to just chill out in the office. I try not to anthropomorphize but he definitely seems like he feels accomplished after we spend time working on skills.

Provide that mix of both physical and mental exercise for your dog and watch him become something way better than “tired”, watch him become -balanced-. And a balanced dog really IS a good dog.

See you next week, and Happy Training!

Toby is one of our favorites!!

Toby is one of our favorites!!

Is your dog bored and would greatly benefit from having a job? We will be offering a Mantrailing group here soon (in abo...

Is your dog bored and would greatly benefit from having a job?

We will be offering a Mantrailing group here soon (in about a month.)

It will be a drop in type group, geared towards fun and enriching tracking activities.

This is not for sport. It will be for fun and for giving busy dogs a beneficial outlet. Stay tuned!!

Mantrailing has traditionally been an activity used to assist in the hunt for missing persons. However, it is growing in popularity as a dog sport.


SOME anthropomorphism is healthy.
Emotions are made in dogs the same way they are made in humans. Our biological needs ARE different but our social needs are quite similar. Sometimes it's beneficial to think about what YOU would do in a situation in order to better understand where your dog is coming from.


And you can use those hormones/good feelings to speed up training. We mean more to dogs than most realize. They where CREATED to love us.


This is why you should boundary train! 😬


There is alot of CONTEXT to body language. And alot of "adaptation."

It's not always as it seems.


It's so fascinating how dogs have learned how to "talk" to us.

Casually putting feelers out. Have you ever wanted to learn how to train Personal Protection Dogs?This world isn't getti...

Casually putting feelers out.

Have you ever wanted to learn how to train Personal Protection Dogs?

This world isn't getting any safer and we want to see more responsible training of Protection Dogs.

We are looking for someone who:

✅️ Is very self motivated and capable of continuing learning on their own.

✅️ Knows dog very well or at least wants to know dogs very well.

✅️ Isn't afraid of real bites, protection work is risky, there will be accidents. This isn't for those who are afraid of dogs.

✅️ Is very reliable, sometimes we train durring the week, sometimes we train durring the weekend. If you cannot make it, say you cannot make it, if you can, I expect you to.

✅️ Is okay with being yelled at by a girl. I try to be as respectful as I can but with high stakes, can come high nerves and there is no room for mindless foolishness.

✅️ Is hoping to become a professional decoy, we can help you get started on your journey.

✅️ Gender doesn't matter but be prepared to bring the pressure. Men usually are better at challenging stress threshholds.

✅️ Is open to paying for continued education (if it's something you enjoy and want to persue.)

I have experienced dogs and green dogs that I offer for practice. I have all the beginning gear that is needed.

If this sounds like something that interests you, feel free to reach out.


What a beautiful groom!!!

Mr Guapo!! He is such a sweet man, I love his zest for life. Such a bulldog. 🥰

Mr Guapo!! He is such a sweet man, I love his zest for life. Such a bulldog. 🥰



Summertime Bandana fabrics. It's always so hard to choose!! We love the oddball ones so much!!

Summertime Bandana fabrics. It's always so hard to choose!! We love the oddball ones so much!!


Dogs LOVE flirt poles. When playing with them think PREY. Act like it's a prey item. Prey doesn't jump into mouths. It RUNS and jumps AWAY.

We make our own out of a Lunge whip, paracord, and a piece of fabric. recommend the DIY Lunge whip version if you have a supper fast or supper strong dog. Ours is going on 7 years old now. 😊

If you would rather buy your own, you can purchase one using our affiliate link and help support our small business at the same time!

Here's our link:

Do you ever wonder what our favorite products are?We have compiled a list of affiliate links for all of our daily "go to...

Do you ever wonder what our favorite products are?

We have compiled a list of affiliate links for all of our daily "go tos." From kibble and grooming tools to fitness and exercise!

Check out the Cani-Sports gear, we plan on having an introduction workshop (of some sort) covering Cani-Sports sometime this summer, keep an eye out for that. If you've always been intrigued by mushing, you'll love Cani-Sports!

Dog Training and Grooming Products recommended by The Complete K9.

Huskys are underrated. We absolutely love them. They just have high physical needs. Get the bikejoring, urban mushing, o...

Huskys are underrated. We absolutely love them. They just have high physical needs. Get the bikejoring, urban mushing, or canicrossing, they will be your best friend for life!!

Check out the untapped potential in our local shelters! These guys need jobs!!

We know training is an investment. We are now accepting Afterpay as a payment option!!Train more, smile more! 🌞

We know training is an investment.
We are now accepting Afterpay as a payment option!!

Train more, smile more! 🌞


108 Moxee Avenue Unit 2
Moxee City, WA


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