🎆 Fourth of July is just around the corner! 🎆 Firework anxiety is common in pets! There are some things you can do to try and help them feel more comfortable during the fireworks:
🎇 Reassure your pet it's okay with a normal amount of petting and talking in a calm voice. Too much coddling will actually make your pet feel more anxious.
🎇 Safe space: If your pet wants to hide under the bed, in a closet, bedroom or dog crate then let them. If they feel safe in that spot than that is okay. Keeping the area they are in dark so they cannot see flashes of light helps.
🎇 Thundershirt: You can purchase a Thundershirt from pet stores or online. If you do not have access to a Thundershirt, you can mimic one with a T-shirt or ace bandage wrap (https://www.k9ofmine.com/diy-thundershirt/). Other anxiety reducing products include the Storm Defender Cape, Happy Hoodie and Mutt Muffs.
🎇 Calming music can help drown out the sounds of the fireworks and help calm your pet (https://www.amazon.com/Through-Dogs-Ear-Canine-Companion/dp/1591796423).
🎇 Pheromones like Adaptil collar or spray can help relax dogs in anxiety inducing situations.
🎇 Prescription medications: Give us a call for recommendations for prescription medications your pet can be given for firework anxiety.