"Mercy" Oct 2, 2009-June 6, 2022 a Memorial to one AMAZING dog..... RBIS MBISS(6) BOSS MBISSw BVISSw GCHS / BIS Can CH / BIS Int’l CH / BIS UKC CH Shainakees Abundant Asset is Mercy, HOF
Mercy did provide a “few” firsts at Shainakees... first pup to be bred and whelped at Shainakeees, first dog to receive the Shainakees Keeshonden Kennel Name, first BISS, first BISSW, first BVISSW, first ribbon won at a national show, first ribbon won at a regional show held during the national show week, first homebred to get a ribbon and a point, first homebred to get CH, first homebred to get GCH, first to get Group 1, first to get MBISS, first to get MBISSW, first to win BOB at Westminster, first to win AOM at the regional held during a national show week, and first to win AOM at a national show, First to receive an AOE at Eukanuba National Championship Show, first to win BOB at the Purina National Dog Show, first to be invited to participate in the KCA TKE, i think first to win a BIS 2015, first to win any HOF points, first to be on national television......
1 AKC RBIS Valley Forge, PA
6 BISS (3 KCDV, 1 EKC, 1 HTKC, 1 CKC)
7 AKC Group 1s (3 PA, 2 VA, 1 NJ, 1 ME)
1 Can CKC BIS Halifax, Nova Scotia
1 Int’l BIS MD
BOB Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2013
3 BOB Purina National Dog Show 2012, 2013, 2015
AOM KCA National Show 2014
AOE Eukanuba National Championship Dog Show 2013
AOM Regional Show held during National week 2012
5th Consecutive Generation HOF
4 Time KCA TKE Invitee 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017
8 consecutive years placed in the top 30 AKC Keeshonden in All Breed Points and all but 1 of those years was also in top 30 in Breed Points per AKC Rankings List
Sire of 46 Get to date. Even split on sexes of the Get, with 23 male and 23 female
11 Get whelped in Europe, 35 Get whelped in USA
Sire of 12 AKC Champions to date, the 13th only needs 1 point to finish
Sire of 1 KCA HOF* Recipient (*pending KCA Confirmation)
Sire of 4 All Breed BIS Get
Grandsire of BOB Crufts Dog Show
Sire of Champions on 3 continents: North America, Europe, and Asia
Bred by a wonderful pair: “Christy” x “Gabriel”
GCH Darkenwald Chase Away th’Blues x MBISS GCH Windrifts Non-Negotiable Asset, HOF
Mercy's Littermate is “Grace” BOSS BVISSw GCH Absolute Asset is Grace
Owned by: April Guentensperger, Rev. Ruthann Seibert, Lynne Hewitt, and Suzette Lefebrve over his lifetime. Lived with Ruthann for first 2.5 years and the last 3 years of his life. Lived with April the 7 years in between.
Bred By: Rev. Ruthann Seibert and Suzette Lefebvre with a special shout out to the late Ronald Spaulding and Liz McKnight for allowing Gabriel to be used at stud.
a separate photo album of his get and his ongoing legacy will be shared under a separate posting..... These are some of my favorite pictures, but will probably be adding to them.....