What is it that you really really want when it comes to your horses? Why were you drawn to them in the first place? Why would you do just about anything to make sure they are safe, happy, and healthy?
For me, all I want is for them to know how much I love them. I want them to know that no matter what they do, no matter what the circumstances are, no matter how long or short it takes, I love them now, and I will love them ALWAYS. I want them to love spending time with me. My approval of them has nothing to do with what they can do and how well they can do it. It has nothing to do with how obedient they are or how many maneuvers they have been trained to do perfectly or if they respond to my cues instantly.
They are my horses, and because of that, I love them unconditionally. Because they are mine and I am the only one that can change that, not them. They can do nothing to make me love them less.
And what I want for them is for them to know that they are loved unconditionally, accepted completely, and valued beyond measure. I love them for who they are, and I am here to create a space for them to heal any wounds in their body, spirit, mind, and emotions.
And from that place, we can find what they love to do, and we can have so much fun playing and working together♡
But first and most importantly, I want them to know and feel how much I love them and that nothing they can ever do will change that.
#neverjustahorse #connectioniskey #morethanliberty #spiritledhorsemanship
So many hearts are hurting
So many people in need
So many lost and lonely
Lord, give us eyes to see
We've got a message of healing
For those who've given up
We're taking hope to the hopeless
Cause we're an army of love
We are a world changing, difference making
Kingdom building, soul shaking people of God
We are a light shining, death defying
Gospel taking, testifying army of love
We've been given a mission
Called to be the light
We're standing up to the darkness
And pushing back on the night
Rise up rise up
Everybody go and tell someone
Rise up rise up
Tell them all about what love has done
Rise up rise up
Everybody go and tell someone
Rise up rise up
Tell them all about what love has done
Army of Love-True Song
🗺📍🍁In the woods somewhere
#autumntrails #sunwaterandleaves #goodforthespirit
I don't have a huge contrast video to show you all because we didn't video the first 3 times she loaded in the trailer. But I do know that I learned something I will never forget.
Sneakers has been in a trailer 3 times before this video was taken. Once, as a yearling, when she moved from the barn where she was born to a nearby boarding barn. Second time was this past spring as a 2 year old when she moved to the home barn here. Third was yesterday afternoon when she went along to the event we were going to. This video is the 4th time, to head back home from the event.
The first time, she fought hard, and was finally shoved in with a rope behind her. The second time, it took at least an hour of using pressure and release along with grain, and we ended up helping her by lifting her feet in one at a time. Third time, yesterday, took 10 seconds of letting her investigate the trailer, and then she walked right on. The fourth time, she loaded like she's been doing it a hundred times.
The difference was not in that we practiced over and over until she got comfortable. We didn't have her in consistent work this summer, so her understanding of the questions we asked hasn't necessarily improved that much.
What did change is the level of her relationship with us. She has been interacting with us daily for the whole summer. Being fed, groomed, handled, and cared for. Where she trusted us at 10% this spring, she trusts us at 75% now. She knows that we have her best interests in our hearts and minds, and because of this, she can relax and trust us to make the best decision for her.
Another equally big thing that changed was the environment and the atmosphere of the place where she was asked to load into the trailer. The first 2 places were full of spectators who only wanted to help but who had no idea that she was feeding off of their nervous energy. All she really needed was a place of total peace and quiet and one or two confident people who listened to what she was sayin
Violet Skye 💜
Some days, I do actually realize that we are living the dream. These are the "good old days"
#connectioniskey #neverjustahorse #violetskye💜🐎
Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom🤍
Jesus is Life Bible Camp 2024
#connectioniskey #neverjustahorse #biblecamp #morethanliberty #spiritledhorsemanship
Marla and Flicka
2024 Franklin County Fair Horse Show
Liberty Performance
#connectioniskey #neverjustahorse #flicka #fcfhs2024
Rocky and Rosena
2024 Franklin County Fair Horse Show
3rd place In- hand Division
#rockytop #connectioniskey #neverjustahorse #obstaclecourse
"It's a partnership, not a dictatorship" ~ Kevin Horst
#connectioniskey #neverjustahorse #twtc2020 #dreamingofvictory🤞 #hoofbeatsofhope #spiritledhorsemanship
Did you know that a horse is worth more than the ride they can give you, the miles they can run, or the speed they can canter? They are more than the job they can do, the checks they can win, and the maneuvers they get fluent in.
When we let ourselves look past all of our pride and ego, past the people we are trying to impress, and the image we are trying to create, we start to see what our horses are really created for.
We allow ourselves to be still and quiet, and we start listening instead of talking all of the time. We stop running everywhere we go, looking for the next fun thing before the current thing is barely past, and we just be. Be quiet, be still, be real, and learn to be soft. So soft that we feel our horses' thoughts while they are yet thinking them. So soft that they feel our thoughts before we even ask the question.
And we begin to feel why we loved horses in the first place. Why we were drawn towards their fiery gentleness. Why we saw the light in them when we were losing sight of it in ourselves. Why we would be willing to give everything to keep that relationship with our horse safe.
Because that space where your horse meets you is holy ground. It's safe and shielded from the fiery darts of unrighteous judgments. It's a place of perfect unconditional love. Where you are fully accepted exactly where you are and as you are.
If you allow yourself to go to this place, your heart begins to open. The perfect love that exists in that space starts melting the walls you had placed to protect you from more hurt and pain. And as your heart heals, the walls disappear, and the real you begins to be found.
Being found is what we truly want, and when we allow ourselves to be found in this powerful way, we begin to move towards the light that is on the other side.
Not every horse is created to carry a rider. Not every horse is called to be a safe space for every person he meets. Not every horse is here to make someone a paycheck.
The heart that y
First trail ride of the year🌱☀️🌻
#connectioniskey #neverjustahorse
When a mini is your best friend -a series
Episode 2- No work, just play! with Violet Skye
#violetskye💜🐎 #miniaturehorsesofinstagram #connectioniskey #neverjustahorse