It appears we once again have two girls and four boys (don’t bet on that, my eyes are old and tired!) just like we did with Cayenne’s litter. Cannot determine coat types yet. Also, coat colors can change quite a bit, so we’ll see what all of the colors do in the next few weeks!
Black and tan girl- 6.38 oz
Shaded red male 6.17 oz
Choc red male - 6.95 oz
Shaded red male -6.30 oz
Tiny red male - 3.39 oz
Choc & tan girl - 5.29 oz
I’m going to put a temporary reservation on chocolate and tan girl at this time … may have to DNA test her so I can paper her! We’ll see how she grows and develops! Also, please keep sending positive thoughts and prayers up for tiny guy! Sweet baby is nursing, so maybe, maybe, maybe he’ll get strong and grow, grow, grow!