Serpent Merchants

Serpent Merchants We specialize in snake and reptile breeding. Our main focuses here at Serpent Merchants are our husb


The literal last green anaconda ever to be imported over 8 years ago, into the US, hours away from the federal ban for international imports into the USA. We imported it from Suriname, and it landed and was cleared by USFWS around 459pm and they close at 5pm. The ban went to effect at midnight. This is NOT the one that Ben Rennick had.


UPDATE 3/1: HB3695 has been placed on the hearing agendas on both March 7 and March 9. Now is the time to voice your opposition by submitting a “Witness Slip.” Do so at both links below (slip for March 7 and slip for March 9).

1. Click here:
2. Fill out Section I.
3. Section II can be skipped unless representing a group or organization.
4. In Section III, select “Opponent.”
5. In Section IV select either “Written Statement Filed” (if you 6. sent a letter or email) or “Record of Appearance Only.”
6. Click the “I Agree” box and then click “Create(Slip)” in the lower right.
7. Repeat this process at

ALERT: Illinois Animal Program Ban

Read below or click here for easier reading:
NOTE: Some text/formatting will not display properly on Facebook.

Very basic summary:

1. Ban on any animal species non-native to the U.S. being transported and then viewed by any audience;
2. the only exemption applies to programs in which the animal is not transported at a “non-mobile, permanent institution, or other facility;”
3. violation penalty is up to a year in jail and $2,500 fine (Class A misdemeanor);
4. This bill amends the current law (720 ILCS 5/48-11) which only applies to elephants but would include ALL non-native species and those of a “foreign character” if it passes.

Illinois House Bill 3695 (HB3695) is a broad-sweeping ban on educational animal outreach and other programs with any animal species not native to the United States. This bill amends the current law that forbids using elephants in such acts. Any program with these animals that "amuses, entertains, or benefits an audience" will be banned. Animal rights and pseudo-animal welfare groups will again feed the legislators false propaganda and misinformation, so we must do our job to educate legislators properly.

This bill bans much more than lions jumping through rings of fire. It is a ban on taking a Greek tortoise into a classroom for an educational program about reptiles. It is a ban on taking a ball python, a red-eyed tree frog, a parakeet, and a hedgehog into a library for an educational show discussing the differences between reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. It is a ban on llamas and any other non-traditional livestock at the State Fair or county 4-H fairs. Basically, if an animal non-native to Illinois is placed into a vehicle and taken to any location where someone will see it, other than a veterinarian in a private room, then it would become an illegal activity, and you are a criminal. You could receive a year in jail and a $2,500 fine for taking a leopard gecko into your child’s classroom for a presentation.

Similar animal performance and traveling animal act bans are being proposed across the country at both the local and state levels. Full disclosure is never provided by proponents as to the consequences. Typically these are pitched to legislators as a way to end any animal abuse that may be occurring at small circuses and roadside animal shows. Animal welfare laws already exist to address any issues of cruelty or neglect, and these superfluous animal rights bills are pointless acts and schemes so that animal rights groups can continue to feed their industry, and incrementally remove animals from our lives. Current laws should be enforced without the continued unnecessary and repetitive legislation proposals which do nothing more than waste taxpayer money and legislator time.

While some legislators and supporters will claim that the examples we provide are not the intent of the law, legislative intent does not matter after a bill passes into law. When it is law, law enforcement officers must enforce the law and not the "intent."Additionally, in this bill "performance" is so broadly and vaguely defined that it can include any type of program.

In this bill, "exotic animal" means: any animal that is native to a foreign country or of foreign origin or character, is not native to the United States, or was introduced from abroad.

HB3695 was introduced again by Representative Camille Y. Lilly and was assigned to the Judiciary - Criminal Committee on February 28. It has been introduced in previous sessions.

Full bill details at

Sample Messaging
(Three sample letters and also Talking Points)

Voice your opposition and educate legislators now!
TAKE ACTION by doing one or, preferably, all of the below.
Remember to be civil and professional at all times.

Send emails to Representatives’ offices
Be sure to fill out the witness slip and choose “Opponent” (the link will be posted IF this bill gets a hearing);
Fax letters to Representatives’ offices;
Mail letters to Representatives’ offices;
Make phone calls to Representatives’ offices.
Email Subject Line: NO to HB3695

Sample Letters/Emails
Please edit and personalize the sample letters

Email list: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Committee website with full contact details for members:

Sample Letter 1

Dear Judiciary – Criminal Committee Members,

You must stop House Bill 3695, an act to ban all exotic animals in “traveling animal acts.” As an Illinois resident and dedicated advocate for animal welfare, I am informing you that this bill is bad government policy and it is bad for the people and animals in Illinois. While similar legislation is being introduced across the U.S., this bill is not the same. It goes far beyond others and demonizes legitimate animal educators whose programs could easily be seen as a “traveling animal act.”

I am a fierce advocate of responsible animal ownership. It is unreasonable to punish those engaging in conscientious animal husbandry and outreach with such a misguided attempt to crack down upon those who are negligent. This bill is redundant, and a waste of Illinois taxpayers’ money.

Allow me to emphasize three of the major problems with HB3695:

1. The overreach and unintended consequences are immense! The definition of “performance” would ban educational talks with a Greek tortoise at a school or library, for example.
2. This would be just another unnecessary and superfluous law! Illinois already has animal welfare laws, including the expansive Humane Care for Animals Act (510 ILCS 70).
3. Regarding reptiles and amphibians, the Illinois Herptiles-Herps Act (510 ILCS 68) specifically regulates the transportation and public display of herptiles (reptiles and amphibians).

Please take heed and be cognizant of the unintended consequences of this bill. HB3695 infringes on the rights and freedoms of responsible animal owners who provide education regarding their animals to thousands of Illinois residents annually. Now those citizens could face up to one year in prison and a $2,500 fine for activities that educate and enhance their communities.

Such educational animal outreach events allow children to actually see animals in person. There are many ways to learn about animals, but seeing them in person leads to much greater appreciation, and fuels the desire to learn and conserve animals and their habitats. This is an important benefit that is not cruel to the animals involved.

Do not lump the credible services provided by educators into the same category as acts of animal cruelty. The flagrance of this bill is staggering. Who would imagine that taking a tortoise, parrot, ferret, or any other non-native animal to a school for an educational seminar would be a crime? You will be making criminals out of people who just want to share their understanding of, and joy in their animals.

Please contact stakeholders and actual experts (not the phonies working for those who support this bill) for any factual information regarding reptiles and amphibians, as well as other exotic animals.

Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. Hopefully, you will do what is right for Illinois, the animals, and responsible animal owners and educators by stopping HB3695 before it gets going. NO to HB3695! Have a good day.



Sample Letter 2

Dear Judiciary – Criminal Committee Members,

As a dedicated advocate for animal welfare, I implore you to stop House Bill 3695. Illinois already has extensive animal welfare and anti-cruelty laws. Enforce those current laws! Please realize that this bill is redundant, and a waste of Illinois taxpayers’ money.

Among other overreaching measures, this bill bans many educational outreach programs before students and Scout troops. Those who would travel with their animals to teach school children about tortoises and exotic birds will be made into criminals!

The fact is that this legislation is unnecessary. HB3695 would be just another unnecessary law! Punish the “bad actors” and the criminals. No new law is needed to protect animals, nor does the current Traveling Animal Act need to be amended.

Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. Hopefully, you will do what is right for Illinois, the animals, and responsible animal educators by stopping HB3889! Have a good day.



Talking Points

1. Illinois already has animal welfare laws, including the expansive Humane Care for Animals Act (510 ILCS 70). Enforce those laws!
2. If someone is irresponsible with an animal in Illinois, he can be punished under existing laws.
3. Regarding reptiles and amphibians, the Illinois Herptiles-Herps Act (510 ILCS 68) specifically regulates the transportation and public display of these animals.
4. This bill would make illegal the hundreds of beneficial, educational outreach programs performed each year by responsible animal keepers.
5. The definitions used in this bill turn upstanding citizens into criminals.
6. The very programs that set forth the paths for tomorrow’s conservationists, veterinarians, and biologists will be banned!
7. It is unreasonable to punish those conducting responsible education programs as a misguided attempt to crack down upon those performing animal cruelty.
8. Books and videos are great, but actually seeing animals leads to much greater appreciation and fuels the desire to learn, and to conserve animals and their habitats.
9. Prohibitions such as this proposed ban demonstrate an irrational approach over common sense.
10. Collective punishment (punishment of everyone due to the actions of one or a few) is never a good government practice.
11. This bill is yet another solution in search of a problem.
12. This will be nothing but another superfluous and selectively enforced law that will punish responsible citizens while criminals will go unpunished.
13. The bill will yield scores of unintended consequences.
14. Why would someone who educates a classroom about reptiles or brings a hedgehog to a Scout troop meeting be expected to know about this law? Even worse, such a person will be a criminal!

House Bill 3695 Text (NOTE: This will not display properly on Facebook.)

Read below or at

Introduced by Rep. Camille Y. Lilly

Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person commits unlawful use of an exotic animal in a traveling animal act when he or she knowingly allows for the participation of an exotic animal (rather than an elephant) in a traveling animal act. Provides that the offense is a Class A misdemeanor. Defines "exotic animal".

1 AN ACT concerning criminal law.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:

4 Section 5. The Criminal Code of 2012 is amended by
5 changing Section 48-11 as follows:

6 (720 ILCS 5/48-11)
7 Sec. 48-11. Unlawful use of an exotic animal elephant in a
8 traveling animal act.

9 (a) Definitions. As used in this Section:
10 “Exotic animal” means any animal that is native to a
11 foreign country or of foreign origin or character, is not
12 native to the United States, or was introduced from abroad
13 including, but not limited to, lions, tigers, leopards,
14 elephants, camels, antelope, anteaters, kangaroos, and water
15 buffalo and species of foreign domestic cattle, such as
16 Ankole, Gayal, and Yak or a wild animal.

17 “Mobile or traveling animal housing facility” means a
18 transporting vehicle such as a truck, trailer, or railway car
19 used to transport or house animals while traveling to an
20 exhibition or other performance.

21 “Performance” means an exhibition, public showing,
22 presentation, display, exposition, fair, animal act, circus,
23 ride, trade show, petting zoo, carnival, parade, race, or
1 other similar undertaking in which animals are required to
2 perform tricks, give rides, or participate as accompaniments
3 for entertainment, amusement, or benefit of a live audience.

4 “Traveling animal act” means any performance of animals
5 where animals are transported to, from, or between locations
6 for the purpose of a performance in a mobile or traveling
7 animal housing facility.





Tara Biron captured the dark beauty of this anery IMG boa. 🖤 TRR is made possible by


𝗗𝗶𝗲 𝘃𝗶𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗲 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗮

Die Entdeckung und Beschreibung von 𝘌𝘶𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘴, deren Name sich auf die Verbreitung im bolivianischen Beni-Tiefland bezieht, ist einem ehemaligen Doktoranden von Wᴏʟғɢᴀɴɢ Bᴏ̈ʜᴍᴇ am Bonner Museum Koenig - Offizielle Seite zu verdanken: Lᴜᴛᴢ Dɪʀᴋsᴇɴ. Der damals von ihm gesammelte Holotypus wurde zunächst für einen Mischling zwischen Großer und Gelber Anakonda gehalten, doch legte die morphologische Analyse bald nahe, dass es sich bei der Beni-Anakonda um eine eigenständige Art handeln dürfte.

Diesen Artstatus der bis zu 4 m langen Riesenschlange konnte eine molekulargenetische Studie von Tᴀʀᴋʜɴɪsʜᴠɪʟɪ 𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘭. (2022) nun anhand von bislang nicht ausgewerteten, noch in der Sammlung befindlichen DNA-Proben bestätigen. Veröffentlicht sind die aktuellen Befunde in der Zeitschrift „Amphibia-Reptilia“, die – passenderweise – samt der sie tragenden europäischen Fachgesellschaft SEH: Societas Europaea Herpetologica 1979 auch im Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn gegründet wurde.

Lesen Sie mehr in unserer Mitgliederzeitschrift „elaphe“

Jetzt Mitglied werden:

Nun auch genetisch verifiziert: 𝘌𝘶𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘴, die vierte Anakonda-Art.
Foto: © Vincent A. Vos, Bildausschnitt,


1983 with first albino Burmese python, nearly all albino Burmese are descended from this animal. 40 years ago!




The Leucistic Tegu. This Tegu along with its other lucy sibling was produced in South America on the same farm as the very first Albino reds.

Just like the original Pure Red albinos, these were pure Argentine red Tegus.

Both of these Lucy’s died as babys, so we didn’t get to see their full potential as adults, or how the gene would affect other genes. But we sure hope to stumble upon it again in the future.


UPDATE: This bill is dead. It did not pass before the session ended. Thank you to everyone who worked to stop it!

ALERT: Connecticut
Sample messaging, email list, and more details at

UPDATE 3/28: The bill just passed Committee but it was amended. The list of species in the bill text was edited BUT it removed the "including, but not limited to" text. This means that now the bill is limited to the list of species listed in the text. It no longer includes ALL non-domesticated animals. Here is the relevant new definition:

"exotic or wild animal" means any Canidae other than a domestic dog, cetartiodactyla, crocodilian, elasmobranchii, Felidae other than a domestic cat, marsupialia, nonhuman primates, perissodactyla other than a domestic horse, pony, donkey or mule, pinnipedia, probocidea, ratites, spheniscidae or Ursidae

Here is the complete new text:

UPDATE (3/8): A hearing was just scheduled for March 14 at 10:00 AM. You can register to testify (choice of Zoom or by phone) by clicking this link. Scroll down halfway and click On-line Testimony Registration Form. You must register by March 13 at 3:00 PM EST. LINK (scroll down to ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE, MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2022):

Email your written opposition to: [email protected]

The agenda is posted at

Connecticut House Bill 5293 (HB5293) is another “traveling animal act” ban with broad-sweeping implications. HB5293 prohibits using most animals (see below) in mobile educational programs, which will include the outreach programs provided by many animal keepers. The stated purpose, “To prohibit the use of wild and exotic animals in traveling circuses.” is hogwash and misleading as the consequences go well beyond circuses and the radical animal rights groups that write these bills know it.

This is a ban on educational programs in classrooms, public libraries, at Scout Troop meetings, and more. This is essentially a ban on taking non-domesticated animals anywhere besides the veterinarian.

BE AWARE: The stated list of animals does not matter! This program ban would cover ALL non-domesticated animals. Per the bill: “exotic or wild animal” includes any animal that is not domesticated, including, but not limited to… The animal act ban would cover not only the listed species but also ALL OTHER non-domesticated species because the phrase “but not limited to” is inserted.

Other definitions allow for broad interpretation (this is intentional). “Traveling animal act” covers any transportation of animals for a “performance.” Performance is defined to cover any exhibition, fair, display, etc. where an audience will be amused or entertained. People are entertained simply by seeing animals in person. “Mobile or traveling housing facility” is any form of transport vehicle, even cars. It does not matter if the programs are provided for free or charge a fee.

This bill is unnecessary, redundant, and a waste of Connecticut tax dollars. Animal welfare laws are already in place and measures like this bill only punish responsible citizens instead of actually penalizing criminals.

NOTE: It does not matter what legislators state as the purpose of the bill. They have been misinformed by the animal rights groups and that is why you must voice your opposition and educate them. Laws are not enforced by legislators and the enforcement officers must enforce the law as written.


UPDATE 2/4: This bill passed in the House and will go to the Senate. We will adjust our alert to contact Senators at the appropriate time. It was a slim margin with the final vote at 222-210.


As this situation continues to develop the pet industry will continue to take action. This bill has been passed into the house and gained traction. For a full update, click on the link below on how this affects you and your hobby, and how to take action at the bottom of the article. Let your senator know your views on the last-minute amendment to the COMPETES Act, H.R. 4521.the House. .wphTvXMe.dpbs

Click the link below to take action


I think this one stayed in the oven a little too long! 🔥 Bearded dragon at A Tree Frog Collective. TRR is made possible by


They are all worth it thu!! At least thats what I tell the wife!! 🤣


Route 59
Naperville, IL

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm





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