Welcome home!
We are happy to announce the arrival of our female ringtailed lemur! She’s a very sweet 2 year old girl who has adjusted beautifully to our family!
A lot going on at the farm in the next 6 months! We have kinkajous, a mini mule, baby goats, a pregnant mini donkey and at least 1 maybe 2 lemurs!!!!
Enclosures are getting closer to being finished and just in time for this (exciting) chaos to begin!
We are expecting yet again!!!!!
Not a baby but a new animal!
Meet Pooka the disabled Kooka!
Our new Kookaburra should be here New Year’s Eve! Kookaburras are a carnivorous bird native to Australia. We found out about Pooka while researching breeders and building relationships for the future plans and goals of what we are creating! I told Ricki, all I want for Christmas is to give this special bird an amazing life!
Pooka has special needs due to his inability to perch. His feet are curled but it doesn’t make him any less amazing. We are so excited to get our new boy acclimated and what a great start this will be to 2024!
Oh man have we been busy!!!
Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile but here’s the last 6 months since we started our dream of a farm!
Shout out to our friends that have made this possible:
Warbirds Farm- uncle Chris, emus!
Moore Exotic Animal Ranch awesome exotics and they do tours!
SWFL Farm Life-best farm sitter!
Double Barrel Photography - transport and photos and best friends!
P&J's Looney Bin Farm-the goat guru!
Sutherland General Store- local feed
Golden Gate Nursery-local feed
and many others!
Happy Mothers Day from our farm!
We appreciate all you moms do for your babies and the farm wouldn’t work without you!
Big news coming less than a week!

As we have been suffering from this human virus here at the farm, I have been working on a nice surprise for Mother’s Day and our wedding anniversary.
With all the work on the farm, this all wouldn’t be possible without my amazing wife’s help. I asked each of our sons what they think their mom would appreciate and respectfully they both said something similar! That’s where the plans started and grew into something epic!!! I’m so excited and it’s so difficult to keep this a surprise but there NO WAY she’s going to expect what we’re doing next Wednesday!
Good morning all! We have been busy with babies hatching, cleaning/organizing, and planning like crazy!
Here at the farm, we tend to do our projects in phases due to everything being so expensive, not wanting to get overwhelmed making quality to suffer, and so it’s all done correctly!
Sometimes you have to pause and appreciate all you have!
Just wanted to pop in and touch on why you “pay more” vs “this person only charges this much!”
Recently visiting P&J's Looney Bin Farm we were reminded physically about reputable breeding. When you walk up to their enclosures every single goat comes up to see who you are, if you have treats or will let them out, want scratches or just want to nibble lightly on your finger. Now, in regards to prices, you may not be getting a goat for $100 or $250 like you can off some FB groups or craigslist but you are spending a little more to make owning that animal actually enjoyable and therefore could set you up to embrace your passion vs get discouraged and walk away from something that could have been great.
This is a reminder to invest in your passion, don’t just get it done the cheapest or easiest way possible! You will always pay for it in the end either physically, mentally or financially. ”Crash courses” can be a very quick way to learn but the path is taxing mentally and financially with a lot of wasted money, time and heartbreak.
Thank you again Pete and your responsible breeding program! It’s always reassuring and overlooked, purchasing an animal from someone who takes the extra time and effort into making sure that it will be the best experience for you as an owner and the animals even if it’s not obligatory! ✊