Hello everyone, one of our clients was very happy with what I did with handscaling their dogs teeth and brushing and decided to promote how happy they were online, I truly thank them for that. Sadly, one person took things too far so I wanted to let you know that what I do for a dental hand scale is not even close to routine regular dental (dental prophylaxis) under anesthesia with a trachea tube in place with suction that is performed by a veterinarian/vet tech or vet assistant with an ultrasonic scaler, powerful medical the tools and radiology performed for extractions/roots/deformaties). This is the “Scaling” they are talking about in the NH law regarding small animal dental care. I use are tools that anybody can use, ones you can use on yourself but unless you truly know what you’re doing, you could do more damage than good. I’ve even seen some ones that claim ultrasonic that i tell my clients to never buy, it will damage teeth.
The other difference with me is that the animals are awake and if I notice any really loose teeth or bad teeth or tartar on the inside or any staining/enamel abnormalities or cavities, I always let owners know, and communicate with the vet sometimes before and not just after if a problem. If the teeth or gums are too infected I will not touch them unless I know that they have gingivitis and I was given the OK by their vet.
I also let owners know when teeth brushing or scaling won’t do anything because the tartar is too hard on the teeth, or if they have tartar on the inside of their teeth and they need to go under or I feel like they have a molar or a tooth that needs to be extracted. Most times in a lot of little dogs I find a lot of hair trapped around the teeth that are easily to get to and some have soft cake like build up around the teeth with some tweezers, and hanscalers or brushes, and some patience its gone. A lot of times dogs do not want their owners to pick around their teeth or brush them.
I did not want some of you to worry about getting it done or if you got it done or about me so I just wanted to make this post and clear things up. Any person at home or at a pet care place can lightly hand scale a dog‘s teeth and brush and recommend they be seen for dental care by a professional.
I am good at what I’m doing because of how long I’ve been doing it, doing it professionally giving me more experience, which is why I’m able to do it with ease most of the time. Even with these skills, I am still unable to get all surfaces of the teeth or the insides and owners are aware I’m second best, which is why a dental under anesthesia is much more beneficial, and you can see the molars in the back clearly. Our clients know that I give a full report and recommendations. Most importantly after cleaning they properly taking care of to prevent any damage to the tooth surface.
If you happen to see that post or saw that post and you have any questions, please feel free to email me : [email protected]