Sterling Silver Dachshunds

Sterling Silver Dachshunds Small ethical breeder/show enthusiast of standard dachshunds in middle Tennessee

It's a little late, but happy 2nd birthday to the "Destinations of the Baltic Sea" litter! (March 21st)This litter was m...

It's a little late, but happy 2nd birthday to the "Destinations of the Baltic Sea" litter! (March 21st)

This litter was my first standard litter and as such, held a lot of weight on it for me personally.

I was prepared to keep every puppy of this litter, but in the end I just couldn't. And thankfully they each found the best homes I could ask for. πŸ₯°

Warsaw, now Lucas, lives up the sweet life in Florida. I'm still so honored that Orlando and his wife, both veterinarians, wanted one of my puppies. ☺️

Stockholm, or Homie is living his pampered life with Vicki and my you can see the happiness on his face. I still love the Christmas picture. How precious. πŸ₯° He apparently now has a wire haired playmate as well! How fun!

Helsinki, now Slinky, lives the spoiled life with my mom. Being retired she and my step dad have plenty of time for him. Being first time dog owners, they have done a great job in learning and taking my advice. Good job mom and John!

Oslo, also known as Ozzy, lives with my sister. And I believe he has helped her just as much as she has helped him. While he was a top pick of the litter, he mentally just was slower to come around. Taking his sweet time to come out of his shell. Now she regularly sends me videos of him spinning in happy circles or running around her yard.

Copenhagen and Riga, who we often call "the twins" still remain the smallest of the litter, but do they both stand big in personality.

Copenhagen is so sporty and LOVES his one on one attention and to please you. As long as you please him on his terms sometimes. Like when he wants to play fetch. 🀣 I am seriously looking into doing rally and agility with him, he loves to be a good boy and work with you.

And Riga has been special to me from day one. My first serious bred by, who just needs a few more points to finish and I'll have my first champion. She probably would already be one if I could more regularly attend shows. (Her and Fivel just need a few more points to finish) We are so close. 🀞

This litter still means a lot to me to this day. And it still makes my heart happy to get updates on how they are doing. πŸ₯° I'm so glad that my puppies can bring wholeness and happiness to families. They sure do have the best homes. ❀️

TW: deceased puppy.Today is one of the more painful lessons a breeder can endure. It also is a humbling reminder that ev...

TW: deceased puppy.

Today is one of the more painful lessons a breeder can endure. It also is a humbling reminder that even with the best intentions, sometimes nature has another plan.

Even though I know I can't change the outcome, my mind can't help but race with the "what if" thoughts. There are so many that plague my conscious and weigh it down.

I have scrutinized over every little detail in my head, all the way back to last Friday when all this stress had started. Never did a dog fake me out on labor like Beauty had. It made me question and doubt everything I knew. I also have never dealt with a singleton before. And that came with extra risks as it was. It was a learning curve, but I thought I was on top of things.

The guilt that I'm trying to not let build within my heart still screams at me in blame. If you know me, you know how hard I am on myself, even when I try not to be. Even when I know I shouldn't be, I can't help it.

To the other breeders, whom I consider more like mentors, who gave me their own stories of their experiences and advice on similar situations, thank you so much. Thank you for lending and ear and offering your thoughts. I tried to make the best judgement I could weighing your stories and what my vet was telling me.

I will forever believe I could have made a better choice...

But maybe eventually, I can forgive myself..

The picture is of Beauty having time to mourn her baby. She was not doing well or settling, wondering where her baby went. So I gave her a moment to see him and realize that he was lifeless and gone. Even after she tried to stir him to no success, she huddled and tried to warm his cold body. After awhile she seemed to realize that her baby wasn't responding and indeed gone. She seems a little better now about it, though I imagine she will be a bit depressed for the next couple of days. I know I will be.

It is with the greatest sadness that I have to announce that Beauty's baby did not make it through delivery. She started...

It is with the greatest sadness that I have to announce that Beauty's baby did not make it through delivery.

She started exhibiting labor behaviors this morning. She was shaking and panting heavily. And i saw her start to push around 10:30am. About 2 and a half hours later, I saw little feet dangling from Beauty.

He was a beautiful big solid chocolate boy. Breeched but not for long as I got him out just fine with some lubracant. But there were no signs of life from the start. I tried again and again to bring him back. I dried and stimulated him. Sucked the juices out of his throat and lungs, did that swing thing for graveity to help expell any fluids, even gave him CPR. no avail.

I know sometimes it just doesn't work out, no matter what you do..but I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't crushed by this.

I checked on that baby so many times. Everything was fine. He was big, yeah, but they reassured me she would be able to pass him. No one seemed worried. And there was still no concerning discharges.

Beauty is distraught. She saw her baby so she knows he is somewhere, but can't find him.

I don't know what happened. I thought I did everything right. I'm so sorry Beauty....

Not asking myself "what did I do wrong" or thinking about every other way this could have maybe gone to get a different outcome is a hard thing to ignore. I want to blame myself for this tragedy. Beauty and my small program are my responsibility after all. My dream...And I can't help but feel I let that baby die.

Rest in Peace little man.
I'm sorry I couldn't have given you the life you deserved.

Also, if anyone knows of a litter needing a nurse momma, Beauty is a great one.

I think we are finally close with Beauty!Her resting temp this morning was 99.8. At the vet, they checked on the puppy, ...

I think we are finally close with Beauty!

Her resting temp this morning was 99.8. At the vet, they checked on the puppy, still doing great, but now lower in her gut. Did another progesterone test, and it was at 2.1!

Beauty has refused her food today, even after seeming interested, as soon as she got a smell, she turned away from it. She has dug the crap out of her whelping pen and when out and about, tries to either get behind the couch, under the shed, or crams herself into one of the smaller, dark kennels.

I saw the signs, so I had to think of something to oblige to her needs for wanting a small dark space. Oh look, a big cardboard box! 🀣

She is a lot happier in her box and digs away to her heart's content inside of it and will hardly leave it.

Though it is only temporary. Sorry Beauty.

She is showing signs that we are close! And I don't think she is faking me out this time. 😁


Beauty update:

Nothing happened except one more stressful episode of her panting and being extremely restless. She even was nipping at her sides and back end when it seemed to get bad for her. But then, nothing. For hours and hours.

I didn't get it. Why was it not progressing?? As soon as my vet was open today I called and was on my way to once again check on this baby. The baby is fine, thankfully. And still looooong AF the vet says. (And if that large baby was the same lump I felt protruding out of her side one day, that sucker is longer than my hand.) Oh and also, still way up in her gut!! 😑

That's right. Beauty essentially has been having Braxton hicks and faking us out all weekend!!! 🀬

I am both so relieved and so incredibly frustrated. I could have enjoyed my Christmas weekend and holiday, not spend it in a whelping pen. 😫😭

Please excuse me while I go scream, cry, and then take the FATTEST nap because I have not slept well at all, for days. πŸ« πŸ™ƒ

Oh, also doing a progesterone test to check her levels. Really gonna look into getting one of those machines. It would eliminate so much worry. πŸ˜“

Beauty update:I think because of the stress of the holiday, and me learning she only has one puppy, I was paranoid and o...

Beauty update:

I think because of the stress of the holiday, and me learning she only has one puppy, I was paranoid and overly aware of any symptom she could have. Her temp technically dropped late on Friday.

But I think I caught it when it -started- dropping. Not really having "dropped fully". Other than her back end having very slight trembles, there were no other signs of stage 1 labor.

At around 3 or 4 in the morning on Sunday, Christmas eve, I clocked her temp at 97.1. It has been at 98.6 and 98.1 prior. The rest of Sunday she started showing stage 1 labor signs. Extreme nesting/clingy behavior, panting, and she threw up several times throughout the day. It seems to get quite intense at around 9/10pm. Her panting was excessive and she was up and down, up and down. I thought we were getting somewhere.

At midnight she went to sleep and that was that. Nothing further. I let her rest even though I thought it was time. It is only one puppy, it should be over and done with quickly, right?

When nothing further happened for 5 hours, I took her in to the emergency vet at 5 am this morning. I was worried about the baby's health and if it was distressed or not. To my relief, doing an ultrasound the baby is fine. Heart beat is normal and not in distress. Did a blood work panal on Beauty and her levels are normal. Calcium was on the low end of normal so I was instructed to give her a couple tums and wait. Her temp was back at 101 and normalizing, which is generally the sign that the second stage of labor will start soon.

That was nearly 12 hours ago now. Beauty for the most part has been sleeping since we got home. At around noon I noticed mucus discharge from her and general wetness around her s*x. I am assuming that was her mucus plug/water breaking? If so, the signs of progress are moving along, just at a painstakingly slow pace. She is not showing any other signs as of yet. No shaking/shivering. No contractions or pushing/straining. No concerning discharges either.

If nothing improves within a couple hours I will more than likely take her back to the emergency vet to check on the baby again. This is a waiting game after all. Until there are negative signs, you typically just gotta wait it out. It can be just so stressful sometimes. 😩

Come on Beauty, gimme this Christmas Wish a little faster please. 😣😫

If I was to have one Christmas wish, it is that she delivers without any complications. πŸ™πŸ₯°We have been on official watch...

If I was to have one Christmas wish, it is that she delivers without any complications. πŸ™πŸ₯°

We have been on official watch since last night.

I may have been holding on to a little secret...Preparations have begun for possible Christmas surprise. 😁πŸ₯°

I may have been holding on to a little secret...

Preparations have begun for possible Christmas surprise. 😁πŸ₯°


A friend was able to get the bred by bitch class on video. πŸ₯°

I'm so grateful. I often wish I had someone else with me to video myself to see how I am doing and what I can improve on. This helps a ton. Thank you Lori, even though you said I show really well as it is. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Fooling around with stacking practice and posing in the hotel room.

Fooling around with stacking practice and posing in the hotel room.

I'm at the Cleveland TN dog show with Fivel and Riga. Can you tell who is excited to be here and who wants to go home? 🀣

I'm at the Cleveland TN dog show with Fivel and Riga. Can you tell who is excited to be here and who wants to go home? 🀣

Had a great day riding accompied by a Brick and Riga along with a good friend the other day. πŸ₯°

Had a great day riding accompied by a Brick and Riga along with a good friend the other day. πŸ₯°

Factory reset needed. 🀣

Factory reset needed. 🀣

Just some photos of the pride event we went to. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Just some photos of the pride event we went to. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


More Bromance. πŸ₯°

Just some bromance between Leo and Fivel. πŸ₯°

Just some bromance between Leo and Fivel. πŸ₯°

Say "Cheeese"! 🀣

Say "Cheeese"! 🀣


One of our adventures to the barn. Brick loves to share the pond water with me. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£


Just a video of Riga and Brick. πŸ₯°


Here is the video I promised about meal time. I felt like showing this just because. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

The only one who didn't listen is the senial old girl. But she's 14 so I cut her some slack. I left to refill my water jug because I add some water to their food. Not only does it help them not guzzle a bunch of water afterwards, but it softens the kibble up a little for the older dogs.

Don't mind the two different shoes. One is more worn and I use it to kick Brick's gross ball. Also I look like a mess. πŸ˜…


Here is the video I promised about how we deal with meal time. I felt like showing this just because. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

The only one who didn't listen is the senial old girl. But she's 14 so I cut her some slack. I left because I add a little bit of water to their food. It helps them not guzzle water afterwards and makes it a lottle softer for the older ones.

Also don't mind the two different shoes. One is more worn and I use that one to kick Bricks gross ball around outside. πŸ˜… Also I look like a mess.


Unfortunately not all the updates are positive and Beauty here got injured several months back now. In essence she threw her neck out roughly playing.

Fearing the worst, as she was showing extreme weakness in the rear and semi paralysis, I immediately went to get her checked out for IVDD or any other problems. Thankfully, she is in the clear, no calcifications seen and the vet said it wasn't neurological. She just tweaked her back like any of us can do. You ever pinch a nerve in your lower back or hip and a shooting sensation goes down your leg and it suddenly is painfully weak? Yeah, it's about the same thing. And now, just like me, she goes to the chiropractor and has recovered immensely thus far. πŸ₯°

I took this video when I first started taking her to the chiropractor. This was her treat for dealing with the then scary new people semi manhandling her. Now, she loves her Chiro. Sushi always wins. πŸ¦πŸ¦€πŸŸπŸ’œ

The next update I want to make is that I apparently can't control myself when it comes to dogs (go figure) and got this ...

The next update I want to make is that I apparently can't control myself when it comes to dogs (go figure) and got this guy in another great opportunity. This is Brick. And his head is as dense as one. Man this guy is stubborn. But also smart as all get out. He's taught himself his own commands like "get it" and "catch". I never taught him those only said it during the action a couple times in general speech to him (yes, I talk to my dogs like people, surprise surprise) and he picked up the command on his own.

He is constantly on my nerves because I can't seem to keep up with his energy level despite being more on schedule with my dogs than I have been in awhile. We play catch everyday, several times a day. We practice our commands everyday. Especially at meal time which I will demonstrate in a video later. I want to put him in herding trials and perhaps even protection work as I don't have cows and he needs a better outlet for his biting instincts. You won't train a heeler out of biting. Forget about that myth. 🫠 But you can control it to a manageable degree.

Why did I want a Cattle Dog do you ask? Did I want to be driven insane by his constant and annoying high pitched demands?, but I did want a reliable and smart witted dog to keep up with me on the trails when I ride my horses. I wanted a breed that could take the TN heat and humidity. Which he can't by the way, at least not yet. But honestly it was expected since he was raised far up north and has never experienced this level of baking, muggy heat before. He'll get used to the thick air sticking to you in no time. 😁

I know the past couple of posts I said there were updates...Well here they are! F***in' finally right? πŸ˜… My bad. The fir...

I know the past couple of posts I said there were updates...

Well here they are! F***in' finally right? πŸ˜… My bad.

The first announcement I want to make is this guy right here. Leo. I came upon a wonderful opportunity to add this guy to my program.

Doesn't he look like Archer?!

My dreams of chocolate standards are once again happening. ☺️

He came from Sharon Stringer Christiansen and is such a love. No, seriously. He will give you his love whether you like it or not. 🀣

I plan to pair him with Beauty when the time comes which should be around late fall/early winter. But Beauty is also known to be late. πŸ™ƒ I will post about her shortly.

I am super excited to have this boy in my program and very thankful for the opportunity from Sharon. As soon as he got here he's acted like he has always belonged. πŸ€—


So I tried making a post for "The Baltic Sea" litter and Facebook decided it didn't need to be uploaded. So we'll see if this works..

I am late in announcing it I know, but;


Their big day technically was on the late 21st. So before the month is over I wanted to make an announcement to acknowlede my very first standard litter that I am so very proud of. 😁

While I didn't post anything to media at the time, we did celebrate in our own way with a special sushi roll dinner and pupcake/ice cream dessert. They seemed to love everything except the pupcake. Maybe I should have gotten peanut butter flavor instead of pumpkin. πŸ€”πŸ˜…

Anyway enjoy the videos of the "twins" as we call them with their birthday meal and the throwback videos of the whole litter. 😊 (to which will be in the comments i guess cause FB is stupid πŸ™„πŸ˜’) I would love to see pictures in the comments of them now to see how they've grown! πŸ₯°πŸ˜

The order they were born and their collar colors are as follows; Sun Yellow (Oslo), Neon Yellow (Helsinki), Pink (Holmes), Blue (Warsaw), Rainbow (Riga) and Green (Copenhagen)

Also as a note I am sorry I haven't been keeping up with posts like I should. It's been a rough time for me lately. I have many, many announcements to make, some better news than others.


Brothers reunited after 6+ months apart. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

"Sterling Silver's Let's Go A-Viking" AKA Oslo (or Ozzy) is finally up with my sister and his long lost brother; "Sterling Silver's Finnish Above The Rest" AKA Helsinki (or Slinky).

They instantly remembered eachother. It was so heartwarming. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Well nothing like coming back home to your youngest female hitting her womanhood. πŸ˜…Luckily none of the boys really seem ...

Well nothing like coming back home to your youngest female hitting her womanhood. πŸ˜…

Luckily none of the boys really seem interested other than light smelling thankfully. Seems I got home literally in the nick of time.


Slinky enjoying the snow. πŸ₯°


Nashville, TN

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 8pm



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