Life is about change and adventure, so it is with this lead in that I have decided to retire from the wildlife removal business. I want to thank all of my customers and partner businesses that helped me grow and become so succesful in the panhandle. I have met so many wonderful people, and critters, and helping both has been and honor and a privilege. In staying in line with my high ethics I did not want to leave everyone without a reliable wildlife removal company, one that shares my high standards and strict ethics.
So, I am pleased to let everyone know I have found just such a company and have now passed the torch to Charles Hobbs at Coastal Wildlife. Coastal Wildlife is a full service removal and exclusion company. They also belong to the National Wildlife Control Operators Association. Charles can be reached at 850-326-6207. The company website is coastalanimalremoval.com. As you know I never recommend anyone lightly, but I have known Charles over this past year, sending him many jobs when I have been busy or away. I have always been able to count on him. With this I bid everone farewell and best wishes for you and yours. BAYOU also sends his best!