Baby Groot swims!
Scarlett and Cider were able to get Baby Groot into the dock diving pool for a swim. Baby Groot normally stays away from swimming but the rest of my pack was able to teach him to go in. He is Baby Groot 😉
This is the pool at our Nazareth location A Furry Tail Come True Too, Nazareth
Bruce loose leash walk session
Bruce session
This was a big deal to have Masen walk Bruce. He had struggled with issues like that before. Both did a fantastic job. I give some pointers on how the walk should flow.
Masen on hand position on the walk.
Masen on the hand position on the walk. Where the leash is held can change a lot.
Frankie Live Session
Come command auto sit, Let's Go, Touch command, proofing with distractions
Frankie live video #ecollar #aftdogtraining and dog talk
Feeding exercises
Feeding exercise with Varys.
Let's Go and Come command w/ Auto Sit.
Don't miss out on the biggest treat if their day. Every moment can be a teachable moment. This is just one exercise of many to help train your household dog.
If you are interested in having your dog properly trained then please go to
#lehighvalleypa #dogs #DogTraining
Severe Leash Reactivity.
Nearly all of our Board and Train dogs come to us for leash reactivity, among other training and behavior modification needs.
Many owners that come to us tell us that they have tried seeking help at positive training facilities, and unfortunately, the behavior became worse.
Darla has severe Leash Reactivity on the sight of a dog. The household pet harness she had worn had contributed to the behavior.
Within the 3 sessions we have had already, we have seen a drastically happier and better behaved dog.
How? #science backed #balancedtraining paired with the safest, most modern, and least aversive #DogTraining tool: #Ecollar
Helping resolve the leash reactivity begins with these exercises and changes in the structure of the
owner/dog relationship and leadership. Stay tuned.
If you are interested in having your dog properly trained, then please go to and complete the inquiry form.
#lehighvalleypa #aftdogtraining
Chip "Touch" command
Chip is here for our AFT Private Sessions Program. Prior to coming to AFT, Chip was lacking confidence and was pretty rough on the leash. His owners are dedicated, and at this point, are great dog trainers themselves. Chip has done a complete turnaround. We have shown Chip's owners how to use the safest, most modern, and least aversive #dogtraining tools such as #Ecollar and #ProngCollar
In this segment, Chip watched 1 of my 7 adopted dogs, Scarlett, perform a Touch command. Within minutes, Chip learned this new command that will help him build the confidence and trust he needs.
We also worked on 200ft distance Ecollar Place, Down, Here aka Come w/ Auto Sit, and Break Commands. This is all due to our science backed #balancedtraining methods and safest dog training tools paired with owner dedication.
If you are interested in having your dog properly trained then please go to and complete the inquiry form.
#cockerspaniel #lehighvalleypa #aftdogtraining
Otis stare down with Apple
Otis vs Apple. Who wins?
Otis is here for our AFT Board and Train Program. This is a short snippet of his social with my pack. He learned how to properly socialize, as my dogs play a massive role in our training programs.
If you are interested in having your dog properly trained then please go to and complete the inquiry form.
Macy Update
Macy Update.
Macy is working on a Touch command for the first time in this session. Look how Macy is engaged with her owner and motivated to work. We are a little over halfway through with this AFT Private Sessions Program. Prior to coming to us Macy was positive trained and she wore a pet household harness. Both contributed to fears, anxiety, stress, frustrations, and horrible leash manners. The constant negative reinforcement and positive punishment from the very aversive pet household harness caused her to make poor decisions. Macy's owners were recommended to come to us for help and the transformation has been amazing, which is the typical result, but it never gets old. It's such an amazing feeling to do what we do and see happier dogs and happier families. We want you to have similar relationships with your dog that we have with our own dogs, and that's happening with Macy.
As many of you know already, we like to have the entire family household involved with raising and training the dog. As you may know already, I love working with children. I have 3 children and our staff can relate as well as @camille_aft_headtrainer
has a child too and she loves when we have our AFT Kids Camp and your kids can come and learn about dogs, puppies, and actually train our own dogs. It's a real fun event and usually sells out immediately, with money raised typically being donated to a shelter or rescue. Anyway, with Macy, he is doing amazing training her and being more involved in her life. The transformation from his dog handling skills alone from the 1st session to now makes me so happy. I also coach Little League, lots of fun, and the key is patience and clear communication. He picked that up and applied it all into the training. Everyone in the household knows how to use the safest and least aversive dog training tools: #Ecollar and #Prong and Laura tells us every session how impressed she is on how much happier Macy is & responsive to the dog training commands. In this vid