We have such a special group of riders at our barn! They volunteer so much of their time every week to help us. I mean hours a week! We honestly couldn't do it without them!
From feeding the horses, cleaning water buckets, watering the horses, grooming horses, farrier, vet, and anything else that's needed. They all do it with a smile!
Do you sometimes see kids hanging out at the barn? These are some of our show team kids! If you are double digits (10+ yrs old), & on our show team, responsible where we can trust you without having eyes on you at all times, love to help with chores, and enjoy the best friendships on the planet, then this describes our group!!
Yesterday we took them all out to lunch, dessert, and a whole lot of fun horseback riding together!
We have many up-and-coming riders that will get to enjoy being part of this in the near future as well!
Sometimes I have to pinch myself that this is a life I get to live! These kids motivate me to be the best I can be every single day!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! To each and every one of you that love the horses as much as I do!
#legacyrosefarm #showteam #funday #lunch #farmgirls #horsegirls
Harper and Yogi! He really helped Harper find her seat to sit and balance correctly.
She's working really hard to join the show team and was recently moved up to group lessons with Miss Carley!!
We couldn't be more proud of you Harper! Keep working hard!
#legacyrosefarm #ponylove #horsebackridinglessons #lessonhorse #horsegirl
3 best friends!
#legacyrosefarm #gypsyvanner #donkeylove #donkeys #bestfriends
Addy and Branson rocked their fun class, "Bribe your horse"!!!
It definitely helps that he has loads of professional liberty training! They also have a big connection with each other!
At the end, Addy showed the entire audience how Branson can lay down on command. I failed to get that on video! Bummer!
What a super fun day!
#legacyrosefarm #horseshow #bribeyourhorse #libertyhorse #gypsyvanner #showday
Blake's the "King of the World!" on Ellis's back!!
There's something extra special about the pure innocence of our young students! They bring so much happiness and joy to each lesson, and watching their confidence grow more and more is very rewarding! They also have the best imaginations!
I'm pretty sure I have the best job ever!!
#legacyrosefarm #imagination #horses #horsebackridinglessons #happiness #horselife #horselove #bestcareerever
We are OPEN today!
A big thank you to Riley for clearing our entire driveway, parking area, and between all the paddocks! We have a big day of lessons and a Girl Scout Troop coming! We're trying to fit everybody in before the cold comes..... again!
Please be safe out there and enjoy the beautiful snow day!
Cold Weather Update!
We will be closed until noon tomorrow and are watching the temps for this week.
Of course a little Trigger update too! Who can spot his Cataract?
Stay warm! ๐ฅถ
Yes! Lessons are definitely still on tonight, even with this crazy wind! We know a couple of you have reached out to double-check.
This is Miss Carley's current lesson situation at the moment!
All is good, we'll see everyone soon!
#besthorsesever #beststudentsever
Both of these girls couldn't take the smiles off their faces!
This was Thea's first lesson back since having her baby! She was a dream for Evie! I know we have a lot of lesson students who are very excited she's back to work!
Then Charlotte took our new boy Yogi out for his first lesson with us! He's been a lesson horse his whole life, and was a true treasure to find! Charlotte said he's definitely in her top two favorite horses we have!
Thank you girls for jumping in the saddle when we didn't know how either ride was going to go :-)
#legacyrosefarm #horsebackriding #horsebackridinglessons #gypsyvanner #newhorse #lessonhorses #horsegirls
There's not a soul that doesn't love our Bentley boy! He's such a gentle giant!
Thank you for the sweet video, Fynley!!!
Our Brushing Routine!
Every lesson gets to experience what it's like to brush, pick hooves, saddle their horses, and even learn how to bridle their horses! This is our way to make sure our horses are happy and comfortable before we get on and ride!
It is extremely important to make sure your horse is clean and no mud is pinching them underneath the saddle. Picking their hooves is just as important to get the stuck rocks, mud, and poop out. It could create abscesses and sore feet if we don't take care of it before every ride! If you would like to book a lesson and learn how, use this link!
When it's so cold, mom lets them break the rules! The kitties are thankful for our heated observation room on days like this!