We have been hearing this noise for week now ... almost the only id like to put them outside in the shed with the chickens.
Growing guineas for my brother in law. They already make a different sounds then a chick.
Sometimes you have to do chores in the rain.... sometimes it's satisfying. Kyla Wulf Kyla's Rusty Acres: Chicken and Poultry Farm #muscovy #ducklings
I will admit .... I went a little crazy ðĪŠ. And I bought silkie chicks to re home or grow. These are not "show quality" but I have sorted through and will discount the 4 toes babies. I haven't decided which colors I'm going to focus on yet. So I'm not listing them for sale just yet. But I wanted to share their cuteness ð. If interested in beautiful imperfect silkie chicks there are 6 available as well as a bantam cochin mixed chick that hatched from a "guinea hen's egg". (Pure chicken) $3 each.
Available for local sale Muscovy ducklings!
Picked up some Grey call ducks for my brother in law.
Splash Ameraucana
Blue Ameraucana
Blue Easter Eggers
Blue Ameraucana
Splash Ameraucana
Lavender Orpington
Satin Silkie Cuckoo Marans
Blue Easter Eggers
They have been inside their whole life and now they get to have their own run. Currently set in 2 pens ones I think are girls and ones I think are boys. Kyla's Rusty Acres: Chicken and Poultry Farm
Taylor County swap meet April 27th 8am to 12pm. Kyla Wulf Kyla's Rusty Acres: Chicken and Poultry Farm
Splash and Blue Ameraucana
Still some work to do finishing out the pens and the chicken runs but got a lot finished out today. Kyla Wulf Kyla's Rusty Acres: Chicken and Poultry Farm
Had them sitting on 3 eggs 2 went bad early on but the hatch out an Ameraucana / cuckoo maran all by themselves.
Best hatch ever for Black copper marans! Bielefelder hatched amazing only Roos available though. One splash 2 blue Ameraucana. 1 blue Easter Egger. And one cream legbar rooster. Kyla Wulf Kyla's Rusty Acres: Chicken and Poultry Farm
2 13 week old splash Ameraucana available. Will make blue offspring if bred to black or blue hens.
Kyla's Rusty Acres: Chicken and Poultry Farm
Three mauve ameraucana rooster available. 17 weeks old. Kyla's Rusty Acres: Chicken and Poultry Farm