This is going to be a long, emotional post. I am sorry in advance.
To my wonderful clients,
As some of you may know, I have been looking in to going back to school and eventually changing career paths. Well, things are happening a lot sooner than I expected and I am going to be officially closing my business within the next month or so.
I initially wanted to reach out to everyone personally, but the list is so long that I figured I would announce here and then touch base individually as I am able.
I accepted a full time position at Penn State Women's Health starting in March.
Not everyone knows my history, but I got a "late start" in life. I became a dog groomer when I got my s! #@ together and needed a fresh start. I didn't grow up wanting to do this, it just fell into my lap at the right time and I was good at it. I have had a successful 8+ years in this industry, but sadly, it is time for me to move on. I LOVE the dogs, but I no longer love the job. Im physically exhausted and mentally bored.
After having Archer, something changed. They say your brain is most placid and able to form new connections when you are 0-3 yrs, during puberty, and again when you become a parent. I believe my brain is making new connections and pushing me to be better. I want more for my family and I want more for myself. I want my weekends back, I want a regular schedule, I want benefits and a retirement, I want to be stimulated mentally and I want to be around like minded people.
I decided to casually start applying for positions. I figured it would take months for me to find the right fit but wanted practice going on interviews so when the time came, I was ready. Well...it just so happens that an opportunity presented itself for me to start this journey in the same field that I want to be in long term. I went on one interview and was called back right away. I believe these things happen for a reason. At the same time they were calling for an interview, the person who I want to watch Archer had a spot open in her daycare, which is right around the corner from the office. I could not pass up either opportunity.
My start date is March 11. Way sooner than I anticipated, but I need to do what is best for me and my family. So, as of March 11, ALL appointments are canceled. If you are scheduled with me before March 11, your appointment still stands. I am toying with the idea of eventually doing some grooming on the side, but I can not commit to anything right now. I AM going to be offering nail trims (maybe once a month). Keep an eye out for a post with dates.
On a brighter note, you are all familiar with Juliet Goyert and she is on stand by waiting to schedule! She is set up and ready to go in Shermans Dale at Quality Over Quantity Pet Care. She is hopeful that she will be able to keep everyone on schedule, but please be patient with her as she does her best to accommodate. The lady who lives where I groom and her daughter are also willing to take on some dogs. I can connect you to either! If you are wanted other recommendations, please feel free to reach out to me.
If you have any questions...please feel free to message me. If you have something negative to say, please keep scrolling. This has been a very hard decision for me to make, and I hope you all understand why I am making it. I am very sorry for the last minute notice, but I really was not expecting it to happen this fast.
I am sad, excited, scared, happy, anxious....all the emotions. I am going to miss everyone and especially your pups. You guys LITERALLY helped save me from myself for many years, and I will be FOREVER be grateful. Please continue to stay friends with me. Please post photos of your dogs.
Thank you for all of your business and support over the last decade. I hope to stay connected with everyone.
With love,