On The Stork Tower
By Wang Zhi-huan
“The sun beyond the mountains glows;
The Yellow River seawards flows.
You can enjoy a grander sight,
By climbing to a greater height.”
Our journey does not end in college or vet school. We keep growing. Keep adding to the goodness in the world. Keep learning and developing. Keep climbing to a higher place to explore more truth of the healing art.
Dr. Michelle Bammel received her Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (MSTCVM) on December 15, 2024 from Chi University. She shared, “It has always been my mission to help my clients understand how to keep their pets well. However, should illness arise, help and teach them to manage the situation with a combination of the best that western medicine has to offer combined with the power of herbals, acupuncture, and nutrition. God gave us so many tools to help us recover and to be well.”
Photo of Dr. Huisheng Xie and Dr. Michelle Bammel