I would like to publicly apologize if my page has been misleading that I would have any chickens available at this time.
We are currently not actively breeding/hatching. Starting a family can shift gears a bit, especially when your 10 months old had to have skull reconstruction surgery last October 2023. Which I have made posts about on here and how we are pausing on breeding/hatching because of that.
But to have someone message me asking if I had any hens available and then having the audacity to say I need to update my profile because I said I don't have any at this moment and then proceed to block my page? I'm sorry sir, but if you behave this way over my response I wish you all the luck with any other chicken farmer during this time of year because not many are selling for other reasons of their own.
I don't like to call people out, but this person acted very petty and I will never sell a chicken to you.