⭐️⭐️⭐️Council licenced breeder Defra approved ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Kc registered pug puppies
ready to leave 19th May at 8 weeks old
Fawn boys and girls still available
Five generation pedigree from champion lines.
Mum, my fawn girl and dad, my black boy in the photos, lots of champion lines, Health tested both PDE N/N
My dogs are my family pets kept in the house, no kennels here. I am in contact with a lot of my previous puppies owners, most of whom have come back to me for a second or even third puppy. I am always available for help and advice to anyone who buys one of my furbabies even when they are a lot older.
Puppies will be used to household noise, kids, and other dogs, they will be toilet pad trained. Only the best homes for these beautiful furbabies no expenses spared.
I will also send regular updates, photos, and videos up until they are ready to leave. Each baby will come with a complete pack, including
⭐️kc registration paperwork
⭐️Vet health
checked .
⭐️1st Vaccination
⭐️ 5 weeks of free insurance with the Kennel Club
⭐️information on the breed
⭐️Advocate flea
treatment from the vets
⭐️Wormed every two weeks with panacur
⭐️Bag of royal canin food
⭐️Puppy kit to get you started including blanket, bowl, toys, collar, p**p bags, training pads and wet wipes
⭐️lifetime of support and advice from myself.
2 fawn boys are still available to reserve
1 Black boy RESERVED
2 fawn girls are still available to reserve
I am a licensed breeder which means I have been inspected and approved by a vet and my local council, they have strict procedures which I put in place every day for my dogs and their puppies to make sure they have the best care and up bringing possible.
anyone breeding without a licence and selling puppies is actually breaking the law.