This dog loves everyone animal and human wise. THIS is the kind of dog I pull all the time because damnit they deserve it. So PLEASE someone ANYONE please please please get him
HANK ***I have an ACS RESCUE hold!***
(M) Estimated Age 7 YEARS 1 MONTH , BLACK / BROWN DOBERMANN/ BLEND: Weight 74.5 lbs β€οΈ
Heartworm- NEG Smear -NEG
San Antonio, TX
Evaluation Notes:
Dog greets me at kennel door with soft paws, loose body and wagging tail. Dog comes to me pets and was easy to leash and walk
Vet Exam (12/20/2022): recheck- ok for sx
Vet Exam (01/21/2023): patient is adoption return, exhibiting mild grade 1/4 RF lameness and diffuse muscle atrophy along
scapula/shoulder region, palpable callous formation along RF proximal radius/elbow region
advise RADS
What the foster has to say about Hank ....
He is a rockstar! One of the easiest fosters I have had in quite a while. No issues with other dogs; male, female, small, large, or giant. AND no issues with cats. He has been very respectful of everyone and hasn't even so much as growled over food. I can't test him with kids since I don't have any, but with how big he is I might suggest older kids just so he doesn't knock them over while begging for pets. He is incredibly sweet, he definitely gets the occasional zoomie and full butt wiggles of excitement, but with a little adjustment period and some confidence building I think he'd make an awesome dog for just about anyone. Think he has a few good years left in him with some joint supplements. I would adopt him myself if I didn't already have four!
Due to kennel capacity this pet will be killed without confirmed placement.
The pets on this list are at immediate risk of being killed and this serves as the final notice for them. It is updated daily before 5 pm for the next capacity kill day. Humane euthanasia (Kill) begins at 12:30 pm Monday thru Friday and 11am on Saturday. Although general euthanasia (kill) may take place on any of these days, pets with grave medical concerns may be killed at any time.
To allow the staff adequate processing and reply time, ALL placement intention emails from ACS-approved fosters and rescues MUST be received via:
[email protected] at least 30 mins before euthanasia (killing) begins.
Placement requests submitted after these times, to different emails or by rescues, and fosters not currently approved to work with ACS provide no guarantee a pet will not be euthanized (killed).
π Location: Animal Care Services (ACS), 4710 TX-151, San Antonio, TX 78227 βοΈ (210) 207-4738
* ACS will only place holds on animals for approved rescues and fosters that have emailed the request to the monitored email for ACS Rescue/Foster ([email protected]) (no third parties).
* Anyone interested in pulling urgent animals needs to register as a Rescue or Foster ahead of time.
* ACS is not monitoring this page