Looking for ways to work with dogs even though your stuffy landlord won't let you have one?
Wanting to learn skills that you can apply to your own dogs but finances for you down?
Heart bursting at the seams to train your own dog, but they hate car rides/other dogs/completely introverted pup?
Check out this amazing opportunity offering ways to learn dog training skills with free* classes, dog provided to you so you don't have worry about transporting your own dog from home.
What’s this?? Something new?! Something Exciting?!? 👀
An opportunity to learn the information in the Basic Manners class for free AND help shelter dogs!?!
✨How does this work?✨
Once a week for 8 weeks we will meet at the Homeward Bound Waggin, Inc Training Center at the Quincy Mall, just like my main classses, except instead of bringing your own dog, you will be working a dog from the shelter that is assigned to you!
1- because the shelter dogs need time out of the shelter and training is proven to increase their chances of adoption!
2- it’s a great volunteer opportunity!
3- it’s a great way to meet and get to know a dog you may have had your eye on at the shelter!
4- you can get the exact same information from my paid class, you just will have to take that information home and work your dog by yourself (I believe in you!). Whether you are on a budget or just can’t wait until the next round of classes this is a great way to get a jumpstart on your own dogs’ training!
✨What we need!✨
We need 4 more people interested and able to commit to at least 6 of the 8 classes, we are also highly encouraging people to come to the shelter outside of class to work with their assigned dog, but that’s not required. We also have options for people that do not want to work dog during the class (or if we get more than 4 people interested, which would be amazing!!) where you can observe/audit the class in exchange for volunteering at the shelter or a $50 donation to HBW! ❤️
Sign up below and we will get back to you as soon as possible with additional details!