New Orleans Fairy-Tails

New Orleans Fairy-Tails New Orleans Fairy-Tails is dedicated to helping lost
dogs find the homes they deserve.

There HAS to be a way for me to explain the VERY serious issue with rescue dogs in Louisiana, so that I can get a moveme...

There HAS to be a way for me to explain the VERY serious issue with rescue dogs in Louisiana, so that I can get a movement that will actually make a difference.

The attitude that so many wonderful, caring people have ...

" I will always say rescue dogs are best because I want to promote adoption to save these discarded animals."

Until we can turn that attitude upside down to....

"How dare you breed your dog and bring the puppies to a shelter for others to deal with, or worse, to be euthanized"

We will NEVER make a dent.

I am absolutely NOT saying don't rescue dogs. That's ridiculous. There will always be issues that occur that have dogs going into a shelter, or breed rescue. Those dogs should be caught by rescues and treated like gold and be put into fairytale forever homes. There should be plenty of room for these dogs, and ample available homes, that are seriously screened, to assure the forever home is a home those dogs would choose for themselves. There should be a waiting list for rescue dogs.

But in Louisiana rescue is an epidemic. Even with hundreds of rescue organizations, we put down 90,000 dogs EVERY year. We can't work fast enough to catch all the lovely souls brought into this world - just to be put down.

We have to talk about it to everyone , every person, teaching them to understand that they can make a difference by not backyard breeding, , or their daughter, or their neighbor, so that rescues can stop spinning plates, letting many fall to the ground.

One of my very dedicated fosters JUST said to me, regarding his new adopted dog, who had yet to be neutered..."well, I decided I'm going to breed him one time before I neuter him, so he can feel what it's like". WHAT!!!!! I was able to explain all the reason that was the wrong thing to do, and he changed his mind. But that is just one example.

An elementary school teacher, who is an acquaintance of ours bought a poodle as a pet and said "oh, I can't neuter him. It's not my place to take his manhood away". I couldn't change her mind until many months later she called me to see if I could help her. Her dog got out, was missing for several hours. Finally found him in the neighbors yard. He had broken into the yard and r***d her neighbors young dog who was in heat. She wanted to know if I could take the puppies to help her neighbor out Not until it happened a second time - YUP- different neighbor, was I able to get her to neuter the dog. This is coming from a teacher. Meanwhile 10 puppies were given to shelters.

My good friend Karen had a husky, beautiful dog, she told me she wanted to breed and keep a puppy. While her dog is a purebred, Karen is not a breeder, and didn't even know where to begin to do the research to find a suitable mate that would perpetuate the breed in a positive, healthy way. I happen to have a husky adolescent, a gorgeous boy. I introduced her, and told her she could adopt him if she spayed her dog. It was a match made in heaven and a huge rescue success story. No puppies were created to scramble for homes later.

Those are just 3 examples of how I was able to explain why not to backyard breed. One example resulted in 10 puppies being discarded, before I could make a difference. Thank God the teacher finally was guilted into neutering, mostly by her neighbors - the two dogs her poodle impregnated. My begging her didn't work.

But until I can get people on board about having these discussions with their friends and families and neighbors, and actually convincing them to spay and neuter,, we can't make a dent.

People have the wrong idea about rescue..."oh, I'll just bring him to a shelter, it's warm and fuzzy and they will find them a home" not so for 90,000 of those dogs.

I talk about it every day, and very passionately, and I have had success on the front end. THATS my point, and my movement. Stop it on the front end so we can stop this epidemic. Stop it, so there are 90,000 less dogs born a year in Louisiana, and every rescue dog can find a forever home.

(Pictued, my friend's pup, and Atlas my dog having a discussion) FYI, I have not been successful in getting my friend to neuter his dog. Eventhough this beautiful pup has serious genetic issues. His back legs have a characteristic that has them deformed, yet he insists on breeding him. My only hope is that he won't be able to find a breeder who would perpetuate the genetic issue. OY!"

Wow!  I haven't posted here in quite some time.  Been laying low on the rescue front.  I was really burning out.  Only r...

Wow! I haven't posted here in quite some time. Been laying low on the rescue front. I was really burning out. Only rescued three dogs last year.

I think the most difficult thing for me is that somehow rescue has turned into a "warm and fuzzy" thing. Which it is not. When people say "rescue dogs are the best dogs" I want to cringe. That is like saying "abused children are the best children" And they are not. Personalities and temperaments are formed at early age, make it very challenging for those who rescue to rehabilitate dogs who have been mishandled.

The goal should not be that everyone rescues dogs. The ultimate goal should be that there is a shortage - a huge shortage - of abused, abandoned, neglected rescue dogs, so that everyone can acquire a puppy, their companion, and nurture the little being as the angels they are from the moment they are born.

The over population of rescue dogs is not a dog problem - it is ignorance on the behalf of a huge portion of human beings who find it more important to breed their dogs, keep one puppy and discard the rest for others to rescue. Individuals who don't neuter or spay their dogs and allow them to get out and bred, and then discard the puppies.

Backyard breeding is a very dangerous thing for the dog population. There is a reason for professional breeders - so that families, individuals, can match dogs to their lifestyles. So many people get a dog because of the way it looks, only to return it when it doesn't suit their lifestyle.

We have GOT to start guilting our family, friends, neighbors into spaying and neutering their dogs so we can get a handle on this over population of pups. Even with the hundreds of rescue organizations, and the efforts of our shelters - we still put down 90,000 - 90,000!!!!! dogs a year here in Louisiana. That is beyond insane. Dogs are being bred to be put down.

People often tell me they wish there was more they could do. Well there is - without having to really do anything. Spread this word. Talk to your family members - explain what's going on. Not everyone has to have their own dog's puppy, just to help overpopulate the system. What happens to the rest of the pups? We have to make a dent in this. I have rescued over 650 dogs in the last 20 years. And while that sounds like a huge amount for any one person - it's not even a tiny dent. That's why I got frustrated.

We just lost Atlas, the hardest rescue case I ever had. We ended up keeping him, thank God. He was a lovely soul, but even with all the rehabilitation, we were unable to bring him around the Quarter, without really watching him. He would bite. He was okay with dogs, but it took a couple of days of introduction before he would trust another dog. Making it impossible for him to have quick fun outings to a park. While we showed him a wonderful life, and he enriched our lives tremendously - I was not able to show him a well socialized life. That made me sad. He wasn't able to come to work with me, as I wish he could have. He would have had more fun being with me on more outings. I was often sad to have to leave him at home.

I haven't had a puppy in a long time. But we are getting a German Shepherd puppy in four weeks, from a very responsible breeder. I am looking forward to molding this little soul into a well adjusted working dog. Zulu will come to work with me daily. He will have little jobs, and loads of fun time. I truly can't wait. He will fill the deep void I have at the sudden loss of Atlas, who died suddenly of a ruptured Spleen. All my other dogs have died of old age. This was the hardest loss I've ever had in my life with dogs. Atlas was a true angle, who had been violently abused as a pup. I wish to God I had been able to have him from day one.

Please join me in the mission to the ultimate goal - every dog treasured from their first day on earth to the day they die. Let's make a huge dent in rescues, by not breeding haphazardly. By researching before acquiring a pup that will fit your lifestyle, so you never return one. By being responsible human beings. Talk about it!!!!! No more "warm and fuzzy" rescue. Rescue should be the exception. Not the overwhelming norm that it has become.

(pictured is my puppies father, Titan, SchattenHaus Shepherds)


Our Thanksgiving and Christmas meal!

This is what happens when you invite 13 dogs and a cat to the dinner table for a hilarious Holiday feast.

Learn more about the here:


Boutique du Vampyre

This is Betsy.
She is currently at our SPCA and I need a foster home for her. She is very timid. We are currently waiting to see if she is heartworm positive, but I'd like to get her out of the shelter asap. If anyone would like to have a friend for a few weeks, please let me know.

Dog rescuer believes overpopulation of dogs is a people problem

This is a little news segment we were just on for dog rescue here in New Orleans. While I think the reported did an excellent job with this, I wonder what impact it will have. It is so important that we all as human beings get together an take control of this dog overpopulation problem. If every person thinks, well I agree with this, but my dog is different - I really do want one of my dogs puppies - then we will never resolve this problem we are creating.

Also, something very important to consider, especially during the holiday season, is to do a great amount of research of which type of dog will suit your lifestyle. So many dogs end up in shelters because they were not the right fit for the household. Many dogs are given as gifts as Christmas presents, and then end up in shelters in January.

Lets all talk about this with our friends and family - and in 2015, let really make a difference. Spay and neuter. Let the responsible breeders do the breeding. We need to make a serious dent in amount of dogs that are put down. If anyone has suggestions of how to get through to the masses, please let me know your thoughts.

I think educating children is one of the most important things we can do. Lets lead by example and not breed our family pets! Please spread the word.

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)- A local business woman, Marita Crandle, owner of Boutique du Vampyre is a dog rescuer who has taken up the cause to raise awareness on the importance of adopting pets and makin...


Photos with Santa, at the Boutique du Vampyre, schedule below....


This is a sweet little Beagle boy, about a year old, we just found tied up with a makeshift rope harness. He was most likely stolen by a street person, because he has been neutered and is very good condition. He is very sad however. He is really looking for his family. I have tried everything, but no one in New Orleans is looking for him. I would love to reunite him with his family.

He is currently in a very fun foster home. I am currently still looking for his family, but will have him up for adoption if my efforts fail. Wish us luck!


Just a reminder that the 2015 Canine Calendar is here.
Get your copy at
Every penny goes to directly to the dogs. This years Calendar is a spoof on the Dos Equis Commercials about the most Interesting Man in the World. Lots of fun!


This is a Charlie update. I rescued Charlie a few months ago, when he was only 12 weeks old. A street person was mistreating him and pouring beer down this mouth. Now he lives in Dallas in a VERY loving home with Kris, Jeff, Stanley, another Fairy-Tails rescue dog, and Blossom and Wheezer, the little dogs.

You can see here what a beautiful dog he is growing up to be. Seems like little by little I squeeze some type of German Shepherd into everyone's lives. That's not true though. I rescue all kinds of dogs, Shepherds just happen to be my specialty. :-)

Its getting photos like this and little stories from the pups forever homes that helps so much when I'm up to my ears in dogs that have been tossed aside and have no one else to help them. There are times when it is truly overwhelming. But looking at this beautiful dog, and seeing how happy he is and well taken care of and loved, and knowing that if I hadn't of intervened he would be living on the street, and most likely not living long.

I rescued 87 dogs this year, which sounds like a lot. However, even with all the rescue groups and shelters, we still put down 90,000 dogs a year in Louisiana alone. That is just horrifically unexceptionable. And it can really make you sick to your stomach when you realize that this is not a dog problem. It is a problem caused by people. People actually choose to breed dogs and then throw them away. This problem is a result of people not taking responsibility for spaying or neutering their pets. That's it.

This is a problem we can all fix together very easily. If you have a pet and are not a professional breeder, with a breeder's license - spay or neuter your dog. If you are a breeder, make sure you know where your puppies are going, and stay in touch with those pups throughout their lives. We have a huge problem to tackle, but with everyone's help, we can put a stop to the senseless death of all these wonderful souls that our being put down because of simple irresponsibility. Please help, so that sweet dogs like Charlie will never end up homeless, or worse!


This is Buster, our newest little rescue dog. He was thrown out of a car in Dallas on the highway, two cars away from a friend of mine. Thank Goodness for Gypsy!!

He is now safe and sound in New Orleans at the Boutique du Vampyre, until he heads for his forever home in Tampa Florida to his new wonderful family - Scott, Sheri and JoAnna, and of course Beaux Beaux, another one of our wonderful rescues, whom they adopted about 5 years ago.


Dillenger Needs a Loving Home!

I am desperate for help with this beautiful dog.

Dillenger is a beautiful five year old male German Shepherd who was completely neglected his entire life, and then almost starved to death. I pulled him from the SPCA and realized he had never been pet before - and that he was never spoken to, so he didn't even know his name, let alone any other English, like come, sit, etc.

I was able to bond with him in two days, and my foster mother was able to bond with him in three days. It takes him a little while to trust people, but once he does, he is a huge love bug!

I was able to teach him his name, come, sit, down, take it, get it, show me your tummy, and more in just four weeks. He is extremely intelligent and loving.

I am looking for a loving home for him with someone who understands the German Shepherd breed. Dillenger is very protective and will bite someone if he is not introduced correctly, or he is put in a situation where he feels threatened, or that his owner is threatened.

He is currently with a trainer in Mississippi, and I would like to bring him back and put him in a loving home, because he deserves it. I am in New Orleans, but will deliver him anywhere, if the home is right.

Please help.


I just received the most incredible letter from JoAna Mucklow. JoAna is the Daugher of Sheri and Scott Mucklow, who adopted a wonderful Party Poodle from me several years ago.

I often wonder why there are so many people in the world that are uneducated to the facts of dog overpopulation. It is not a dog problem, but rather a people problem. I have been trying to figure out a way to stop the one off rescues and do something on a broader scale so that ultimately there are significantly less dogs euthanized, and rescued from being in horrible situations.

I believe the only way to do this is to start in schools, educating children how important it is to neuter and spay animals. So many people are raised to believe their dog should have one litter, or that neutering their male dog will take away his "manhood". It just has to stop.

The letter I got today from JoAna was so refreshing, because she is I believe only 10 years old now. The letter reads as follows:
Dear Mrs. Marita,
Beaux Beaux is doing fine and we have found a dog (Suzy) and might get her. Anyway, Linzie Alred (my dearest friend) and I have started a kid bakery and we are raising money for animal shelters. So here is $10.00. Thank you again for finding the Mucklow's Beaux Beaux - he is a sweetie pie.
Mud Pie's Bakery,
JoAna Mucklow.

Enclosed was a $10 bill and a little flier which read:
Dear Friends and family,
Linzie Alred and JoAna Muckow have started a kid bakery called Mud Pie's Bakery. We are having a fund raiser to save homeless animals. We will be giving the money to the ASPCA and Mrs. Marita's rescue business in New Orleans. donate or buy a cake to help save poor innocent animals today.
Mud Pies Bakery

I attached a couple of pictures, the first is of Sheri with JoAna, and the second pictures is of the one and only Beaux Beaux! I'm sorry I don't have a picture of Linzie yet. :-)

If you have children in your lives, please educate them about the responsibilities of dog and cat ownership, and the importance of spaying and neutering, so that we can truly make a difference.

Thank you so much JoAna and Linzie for your wonderful efforts. Your $10.- will go to neutering a beautiful two year old German Shepherd, Wolfgang, whom we just placed in a very loving home.


A New Orleans Fairy-Tails happy ending!
Louie, our little Dachshund/Yorkie mix was adopted today by, Tracey and John Byrde from Atlanta. He is starting a wonderful adventure. Their plane leaves at 4 p.m., and he will be in a carrier under their seats.

Waiting for him in Atlanta will be the Byrde children. Louie is a surprise for them. Louie will have a wonderful yard to play in, and more company than he can handle. He will also get to spend vacations at their beach house in Florida.

We love you Louie!!!
We hope to see you for a visit in New Orleans as well.


This is Henderson. You can read his story on our website. He is one lucky guy. Found by friends of ours tied to a stop sign on top of a red ant post - he now likes to play in the snow, hike, kayak, dig for clams on the beach, etc. He even has his own page: Henderson Jose' James. We love you Henny!!


Next year's Canine Calendar Christmas photo. Last year was Remus' first Christmas in his new home. This year he runs it. He is pictured right. Cali, is his lovely partner in crime. We're happy for you Remus!


This is Gus! Broke him out of the SPCA today. He was tied to a dog Igloo his entire young life, and starved. He has heartworm, but he was luckily not mistreated other than ignored. He has an adorable disposition. Found him a wonderful home on four acres of land with two other dogs. He has a three hour drive, so should be home soon. Gus makes 58 dogs for our New Orleans Fairy-Tails rescue this year. If you'd like to help support, get our dog calendar at


The new dog calendars are here!!!
Get your copy at

Every penny goes to dog rescue in the French Quarter and surrounding neighborhoods.


Hey Fairy-Tail friends - I need a foster for a BEAUTIFUL male about 3 year old German Shepherd. Very sweet, loving dog. Just a foster - two - three weeks. Please let me know.

Adorable Friendship Between Elephant and Dog Who Love Playing in the Water

This made my day!{%2210201067709792139%22%3A578813575515789}&action_type_map={%2210201067709792139%22%3A%22og.likes%22}&action_ref_map=[]

This is one of the most adorable animal friendships that we've seen in a long time. Bubbles the African elephant and Bella the black Labrador, both residents at the Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina, have become the best of friends, and can often be seen playing in the water together. ...


Just got a call from French Quarter Pet Shop. There is a golden retriever/German Shepherd mix who seems to be lost. He is neutered and very friendly. Believe he is just lost. I know where he is, but need someone to watch him until we can find the owner. Any takers?


This is our awesome foster father Ken, with our recent rescue Chef. Chef was found in the bushes by the railroad tracks. He is a hand full in that he wants to get outside. He ate Ken's air conditioner to get out the window, his front door, and his back door. But Ken finally figured out a way for him to enjoy his kennel. He has come leaps and bounds in Ken's care. He will be ready for adoption in about three weeks time.


Working on the 2014 Canine Calendar.
Next years theme is:
"We Know What It Means"
to miss New Orleans - that is. Working hard to make it the cutest calendar so far.
Thanks so much for everyone's support. Calendars will be out late September!


New Orleans Fairy-Tails's cover photo


This is Chef. Our newest rescue. He is a beautiful boy. He will be neutered in the near future and will be in a wonderful foster home, until we find him the right match. He was found hiding in bushes by the railroad tracks. Poor guy.


we got Lizzy back yesterday morning. She was well taken care of in the New Orleans projects. She had nice warm meals, slept inside and was very happy to see me when I got there regardless. what an adventure for our little girl. Thanks for your support.


My friend Sean who works at Quarter Master is in the hospital and the lady who is watching his dogs accidentally let one out. I adopted this dog to Sean.

Lizzy is a husky mix. She has short floppy ears but otherwise looks very much like a husky. She is friendly and had a collar on when she got out. She is also chipped.

Last seen Burgundy and Conti. Reward if found.
I've been all along the river and lower Decatur. I've called the SPCA, but she is not there. Please keep an eye out for her.


Better late then never:

The 2013 Canine Calendars are Here!
Check out our website to place your order.

Theme this year: Lucky Dogs

Best of the Big Easy Writer's Picks

Look what Marita got!!! BEST DOG RESCUE IN NOLA from Where Y'at
She saves one little life at a time. Marita is a one-woman animal rescue organization. Oh, she is quick to credit the volunteers who foster and make possible the rescue and ultimate placement of a dog into a loving family and the donations that enable the process. But this rescue service truly steps up to the plate when other larger and better-financed groups cannot. With due respect for all the other rescue organizations out there—as they are all guardian angels to desperate and needy animals-- I never cease to be amazed by the can-do spirit of this one woman and her volunteer foster parents. She catches the ones that fall between the cracks.

Rescue, health evaluations, spay, neuter, heartworm tests, shots, foster placement, rehabilitation (if needed), and placement in a loving and lasting home are made possible through the sales of the New Orleans Fairy Tails Canine Calendar Marita creates annually. Every dollar from these sales (as well as any donation) will go directly to the dogs. These calendars are a must for any dog lover, and they make great keepsakes for our visitors. Take home a souvenir that will give a home to a dog in need.

Calendars available at 633 Toulouse in the French Quarter, and for more info go to—Debbie Lindsey
Here is the article



633 Toulouse Street
New Orleans, LA


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