Upward Hound

Upward Hound Force-free behavior consulting and dog training for all breeds in Star Prairie, New Richmond, Amery, Somerset, Osceola and Stillwater.


Graduate of the Academy for Dog Trainers with a Certificate in Training and Counseling
Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed
Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer

Counter-surfing can be VERY frustrating, especially when you forget and leave a slice of your favorite pizza too close t...

Counter-surfing can be VERY frustrating, especially when you forget and leave a slice of your favorite pizza too close to the edge... Turns out that punishing the behavior isn't going to help, and your frustration will only grow. Read on for peace of mind!

Do you have a dog who waits until you’re gone and then raids your kitchen, immediately and systematically, in a series of counter-top skirmishes? Nothing on the counter is safe: utensils, dirty dishes, whole loaves of bread, that cheese platter Aunt Tara brought to your birthday, a dish of gummy b...

Your fearful or reactive dog doesn't have to mingle with guests! If they're ensconced somewhere else comfortably a while...

Your fearful or reactive dog doesn't have to mingle with guests! If they're ensconced somewhere else comfortably a while, it could reduce everyone's stress level.



Daily Funny 😂🤣

In dog training, as in life: first, do no harm.

In dog training, as in life: first, do no harm.

Fear is easy to come by and difficult, if not impossible, to undo in many cases. Below are several ways dogs become fearful:

👉 Genetics
👉 A stressed mother during pregnancy (affects offspring)
👉 Maternal behavior
👉 Early environment (missed socialization)
👉 Bad experiences

We can help dogs by going at their pace and never being the source of their fear. ❤️

Alt text: A black and white dog on a yellow patterned background. Speech bubble says, “Fear is easy to come by and difficult, if not impossible, to undo.”

Methodology matters. "We can get that job done, bud. We can get it done, and in the end, have a joyful dog who is comfor...

Methodology matters.

"We can get that job done, bud. We can get it done, and in the end, have a joyful dog who is comfortable with crowds.

You will, at best, have a dog who used to be happy but unruly, and is now shut-down and scared, and at worst, have a dog who used to be scared and communicating clearly now be a dog who is scared, then more scared due to your training, but also unable to tell anyone how he feels until he tips into “time to bite” territory because of your training."

A few minutes ago, I read a comment written by a trainer who calls themselves “balanced” — by that, they mean they use both reinforcement (like moi!), and also stimuli that harm and scare dogs, such as shock collars, prong collars, and similar (so… not like me). This trainer was angry, like,...

What a separation anxiety training protocol feels like, from the inside out.

What a separation anxiety training protocol feels like, from the inside out.

🌟 NEW BLOG - Regaining Your Life!: From Seconds to Freedom 🌟
By: Malena DeMartini

Starting a separation anxiety protocol with mere seconds (or less) of alone time exposure can be daunting. While this is the ideal way to start training for most dogs suffering from this issue, it can be overwhelming to think that those initial moments could eventually lead to hours of comfortable alone time for your dog. The journey will be full of ups and downs and twists and turns, but the end will be so worth it. Separation anxiety is treatable, and there is indeed hope you, too, will be able to soon just walk out the door and live your life.

Reaching the Goal: What Happens Next?

As a guardian, you might find it hard to fathom that a few seconds can turn into minutes, and minutes can ultimately turn into hours. But take heart — I’ve been fortunate to work with many hundreds of dogs over the years, helping their guardians achieve their goals. This experience has given me immense faith in dogs’ ability to overcome separation anxiety with proper training. (I encourage you to borrow my conviction!) So, what happens when you do achieve those multiple hours?

Read the full blog here ⬇️



One of my special projects is catching uncatchable dogs! These are dogs that have been lost after a car accident, on a mountain hike, or as a new adoptee that did not know the adopter intended to provide them a forever home. After such dogs...


These days, puppy parents understand the importance of introducing their pup to other dogs in a positive way. This is especially important if the puppy is an only dog, or if his older sibling has -ahem- limited patience for the puppy's antics. But it's also key for puppies who do have playful siblings - can you imagine not befriending people outside your family until you reached adulthood?

During play, puppies develop lifelong social skills, including learning to gracefully take "no" for an answer, and acquiring bite inhibition. This is on TOP of burning off steam, which is key to a puppy family's sanity.

It can be hard to find safe venues for puppy playdates, so look for a class that includes supervised play sessions with a credentialed trainer.

Mr Gauge joined us in Super Puppy this week. Gause is a field line lab and loves that all his energy helps him keep up w...

Mr Gauge joined us in Super Puppy this week. Gause is a field line lab and loves that all his energy helps him keep up with his boys. He is a fast learner and is quickly learning new skills and games to share with his family. Welcome Gauge!

OK, normal, and... just like us.

OK, normal, and... just like us.

Mr Bodie joined us in Super Puppy today. This sweet, energetic little guy is hungry to learn and excited to meet new fri...

Mr Bodie joined us in Super Puppy today. This sweet, energetic little guy is hungry to learn and excited to meet new friends. Please join us in welcoming Bodie!

Please join us in welcoming this week's new Super Puppies! Miss Febe (Phoebe) is a Mini Australian Shepherd. Initially s...

Please join us in welcoming this week's new Super Puppies! Miss Febe (Phoebe) is a Mini Australian Shepherd. Initially shy, she very quickly got comfortable training, playing, and socializing. Mr Paddington (Paddy) in a Mini Bernedoodle. He comes in excited to meet everyone and learn new things each day.

How to determine whether your dog’s behavior medication is pulling its weight.

How to determine whether your dog’s behavior medication is pulling its weight.

As a pet guardian or professional, it can be difficult to measure improvement once the pet starts medication.

Medications, both daily and fast acting, can help improve behaviors. Here’s what you should watch for:

It's the time of year for outdoor parties, thunderstorms and fireworks, family group vacations, and walks in the park. I...

It's the time of year for outdoor parties, thunderstorms and fireworks, family group vacations, and walks in the park. If your dog finds some of these things stressful, it pays to be careful about much he's exposed to at once.

Trigger stacking - or exposure to more than one stressor at a time - can exaggerate your dog's normal reactions. A human example is: I can handle a headache, and I can handle my brother-in-law, but I can't handle them AT THE SAME TIME. (jk, Rick!! Love ya.)

Transitions are hard for some dogs. We've made really good progress helping Bruce be less afraid of unfamiliar men, and these days you'd never know he used to have raging separation anxiety. But we're in the middle of a move and have been packing for weeks, and it's showing in our sensitive boy.

Dogs can be severely allergic to bee stings as well!

Dogs can be severely allergic to bee stings as well!

During a recent training session at a grassy local park, my client’s dog suddenly started raising and shaking her paw. She didn’t yelp (one tipoff that a bee sting occurred), and we couldn’t find a stinger, but Willow did not want to put weight on one of her front paws.

We promptly ended the session and walked back to our cars. On the way home, my client noticed that Willow was experiencing swelling. She went straight to nearby VEG (Veterinary Emergency Group) for treatment. Willow received treatment and recovered fully within 24 hours. (Thank goodness!)

If you suspect your dog was stung by a bee or other insect, watch for symptoms such as a swollen face, hives, excessive drooling, vomiting, trouble breathing, dizziness and disorientation, agitation, and collapsing.

What should you do next? Seek emergency treatment or contact your veterinarian if it’s during regular business hours.

Trust your instincts even if those around are telling you not to worry. You know your dog and their body language best!

For more detailed information and guidance, you can refer to this post from Angell Memorial Hospital in Jamaica Plain/Boston: https://www.mspca.org/angell_services/what-should-i-do-if-my-pet-has-an-allergic-reaction/.

Alt text: A bee and the text “DOGS AND BEE STINGS” on a white circle background with a plaid border.

Photos like this strike fear into the hearts of dog trainers everywhere. Be safe out there, folks, and protect your kids...

Photos like this strike fear into the hearts of dog trainers everywhere. Be safe out there, folks, and protect your kids by making sure your dogs feel OK. 🧡💛💚

Let's talk about this photo. It's cute, except it's not. I see a dog who cannot get up without telling the child to get off. How do you think a dog is going to do that?

The 7 Golden Toddler Dog Rules:
#1: If a dog walks away from you, you DO NOT FOLLOW.
#2: Always leave room for the dog to walk away from you.
---that right there is 90+% of dog bites eliminated---
#3: We do not climb on the dog.
#4: We do not grab or pull on the dog.
#5: We do not hit or throw anything at the dog.
#6: We do not touch the dog's food.
#7: We do not go into the dog's kennel.

I promise these are not overly difficult concepts for littles, nor will they rob a kid of their bond with the family dog. It will deepen that bond, while keeping everyone safe.

"Oh, it looks like Moose is walking away from you. She is saying she wants a break. Let's play with this instead!"

"It's Moose's dinner time! Let's give her space to enjoy her yummies."

"That is Moose's room(kennel) and only she is allowed to go in there."

"If Moose wanted a break, could she walk away from you right now? No she really couldn't. Let's move away from the play house. You can keep playing but now she can leave when she wants a break."

In conclusion, ***parent your child or your dog will do it for you, and you will not like how they do it.***

Please help me congratulate Lavender and her amazing family for seeing her through separation anxiety training! She rece...

Please help me congratulate Lavender and her amazing family for seeing her through separation anxiety training! She recently slept through a 6.5-hour absence, which is rockstar status all day long in my book.

There are a few last-minute spots left in this Wednesday's daytime Life Skills and Agility classes!

There are a few last-minute spots left in this Wednesday's daytime Life Skills and Agility classes!

Help your dog become a family member with excellent manners! This 6-week class covers impulse control and foundational behaviors like Leave It, Sit, Down, Rocket Recall, and Stay. When will classes be held? There are multiple sessions available. See the dropbox below - you will indicate your choic


READY? or, NOT? Firework and thunderstorm season can be an especially scary time for our furry friends. Animal Behavior Wellness Center specializes in the treatment of behavioral disorders like noise phobia. DON'T DELAY! Request prescription refills, or schedule a new patient behavior consultation on our website TODAY!

Animal Behavior Wellness Center
Treatment. Training. Compassion.

The decision about when to spay or neuter your dog is complicated. One consideration is how it will affect your dog’s he...

The decision about when to spay or neuter your dog is complicated. One consideration is how it will affect your dog’s health.

New post! New research adds more dog breeds to the list of those for which there are guidelines on when to spay or neuter them based on the health risks, bringing the list up to 40 (and there are guidelines on mixed breeds by weight, too). Read more in this week's post https://www.companionanimalpsychology.com/2024/05/what-age-should-dogs-be-spayedneutered.html

DIARY OF A FEAR-FREE GROOMERI went in to get my nails done. I tried to tell the nail tech that I’ve had some bad experie...


I went in to get my nails done.

I tried to tell the nail tech that I’ve had some bad experiences in the past, where I’ve suffered painful cuts, but there was a language barrier that prevented me from communicating my fears effectively. I just wished she could read the look on my face or my body language!

When I sat down and she took my hand, when I saw the same tool that cut me before, naturally, I pulled my hand away as a fear reflex. My choice of words changed, my tone grew louder.

Imagine my surprise, when she grabbed my hand, held it down, and grabbed the tool again. I fought and fought to get my hand away, but she was stronger and faster than me. I yelled and asked her to stop, but she didn’t understand me. I tried to bite her because my hands were restrained, and I had no other choice! Then, a second tech came over and held me down tight to the chair, while I was forced to have my nails done. Quite painfully, because again, I had no way to make myself clear.

The next time I see them, I’m definitely gonna bite them both. Matter of fact, I’m gonna bite anyone who has one of those tools.

Of course, none of this is true. But I’d like you to put your dog into this scene.

This is why I don’t just “trim dogs nails.” Not all dogs are afraid of grooming procedures, but quite a few are.

My grooming is training based. I teach dogs to trust me, and their owners, to handle their grooming needs.

I won’t just “get the job done.” I will however, help recover your dog from any previous experiences, and absolutely guarantee they will never have an experience like this again, while in my care.

I hope this helps people understand what I do. My dog is a beloved member of my family, and I will never allow anyone to force her to do anything that scares her.

Consent is the name of the game. Human or animal, shouldn’t it always be?

Force free, fear free, LASTING results. 💙

Schedule a complimentary meet & treat here: https://www.upwardhound.com/grooming

If you have elementary school kids, check out our new specialty class Dog Tricks: Kids Edition! There are just two spots...

If you have elementary school kids, check out our new specialty class Dog Tricks: Kids Edition! There are just two spots left so grab your registration soon if you're interested.

Get your kids and dog learning and playing together with our new summer tricks class! Emphasis on having fun! Tricks may include Touch, Shake, Sit Pretty, Take a Bow, Commando Crawl, Spin, and Roll Over. When will classes be held? Four weekly sessions will be held on Tuesdays at 1 pm starting Jun

If you want to improve your dog's skills at coming when called, this is the class for you!

If you want to improve your dog's skills at coming when called, this is the class for you!

Imagine your dog EXCITED to come when you call them! I've got you covered. 🙌 My highly-rated class Recall for a Meatball starts again on Wednesday, June 19, at 7 pm EST. Registration is open! https://www.thegooddogpeople.com/classes

Recall (coming when called) is an essential life skill that can give you and your dog greater freedom while you explore and enjoy the world together!

* This supportive class fits dogs of all ages and breeds/breed mixes.
* You don't need any prior training experience!
* Classes typically meet for 45-60 minutes.
* Recordings of each session are available in our online class space if you need to miss a week or prefer a self-guided experience.
* We meet for five fun weeks via Zoom.
* We won't train during our sessions, so you don't need to bring your dog to class. (Unless you want to! Dogs are always welcome!!)

Play biting in puppies and adolescents can turn into real biting if we respond harshly. What to do instead?

Play biting in puppies and adolescents can turn into real biting if we respond harshly. What to do instead?

Did you know that puppy biting and mouthing is completely normal dog behavior? Puppies explore their worlds with their mouths. Read more about what to do and what not to do.

The goal of dress-up night in puppy kindergarten is to help them feel good about having things put on their bodies. Whet...

The goal of dress-up night in puppy kindergarten is to help them feel good about having things put on their bodies. Whether or not they'll be trick-or-treating this year, they might eventually want to wear life jackets or booties in the snow! Plus, the cute factor is on overload.

I'm beyond excited to introduce the latest Canine Good Citizens! This sweet group has been hardworking AND very supporti...

I'm beyond excited to introduce the latest Canine Good Citizens! This sweet group has been hardworking AND very supportive of each other. Good feelz all around.


I love love love this video showing what socialization looks like if your puppy is worried or fearful. Some of the best learning is done from a distance. :)

Are your kids aspiring dog trainers? Is your dog looking for something to do this summer? Come check out our new Dog Tri...

Are your kids aspiring dog trainers? Is your dog looking for something to do this summer? Come check out our new Dog Tricks: Kids Edition class!

Get your kids and dog learning and playing together with our new summer tricks class! Emphasis on having fun! Tricks may include Touch, Shake, Sit Pretty, Take a Bow, Commando Crawl, Spin, and Roll Over. When will classes be held? Four weekly sessions will be held on Tuesdays at 1 pm starting Jun


2134 Highway 64
New Richmond, WI


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