Cat by Cat Rescue

Cat by Cat Rescue Cat by Cat Rescue, Inc. is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) animal rescue organization. We support TNR program We help animals in need in NY, NJ and PA.

We are a 501c3 nonprofit, all volunteer, animal rescue organization based in NYC. We dedicate all our resources and efforts to rescue all types of pet animals that need love, help and/or forever homes. We support community cats' colonies in NYC and in NJ towns and their caretakers; we raise money to provide food and vet help. We support and implement TNR (trap, neuter, return) program to reduce th

e population of community cats on the streets of NYC and in the towns of NJ. We are NOT an animal shelter; we rely on a network of volunteers who help and foster animals in need. We rescue animals that are sick and/or for various reason cannot stay outdoors. All money raised goes towards the food and vet care for animals in our care. All donations (monetary or in-kind) to our organization are tax deductible.

Dear, I am looking for the owner of this cat, the tests came out very good, He has bad eyes He is given eye medications,...

Dear, I am looking for the owner of this cat, the tests came out very good, He has bad eyes He is given eye medications, The cat had been wandering for a long time, The cat is starving, That's why he's so skinny, He was given deworming medication. Now we are looking for the owner, chip – none. The cat could have come from far away -If this is your cat, please contact me

I am looking for a nursing cat , Two little ones, Found in the bushes, Mom died , Under the wheels of the car, Kittens h...

I am looking for a nursing cat , Two little ones, Found in the bushes, Mom died , Under the wheels of the car, Kittens have open eyes, (Garfield NJ )

Dear Friends, I have a bad news now. the cat I found in Passaic, who is temporarily staying with me friend Sylwia, needs...

Dear Friends, I have a bad news now. the cat I found in Passaic, who is temporarily staying with me friend Sylwia, needs to go to the vet. He started to get bold spots on his head and ears. I will take him to doctor Holly Hansen who operated on the three cats with hernia. I cannot afford to pay for the vet visits and medication myself for the 4th cat, so I’m asking for your help again . Please help me to help this poor cat, any donation is greatly appreciated❤️ Pay pal Małgosia Janecki@mal120167

Nakarmione jak co dzień ,2 nowe koty były ale wyczyszczone

Nakarmione jak co dzień ,2 nowe koty były ale wyczyszczone


Co niektórzy piszą do mnie z pytaniem jak kotki czują się po operacji ,kotki mają się dobrze są zaopiekowane ,ładnie zaczęły jeść ,z kuwetki każdy korzysta ,załatwiają się też normalnie nie tak jak to było przed operacjia ,mało jadły i mało się załatwiały -ponieważ jelita nie pracowały tak jak należy ,teraz wszystko jest tak jak powinno być 23 sierpnia mamy wizytę u pani doktor ❤️❤️❤️

Witam was kochani ,,potrzebuje piasek dla kotów ale tylko ten ponieważ są 3 kotki w domu i nie mogę dopuścić aby śmierdz...

Witam was kochani ,,potrzebuje piasek dla kotów ale tylko ten ponieważ są 3 kotki w domu i nie mogę dopuścić aby śmierdziało ,inny piach się nie nadaje by koty były w domu są też 2 maluchy i jeden 3 miesięczny maluch w bejsment wczoraj znaleziony na Garfield NJ , to kotek ,nie mogę zabrać ich do doktor Holly Hansen na szczepienia itp ponieważ nie mam funduszy a mam dosyć robienia ciągłych zbiurek -jeśli chciałby ktoś wesprzeć maluchy link do wpłat pay pal Małgosia [email protected] Venmo adres jeśli ktoś chciałby podarować piasek podam na mesedzer (dziękuję za serce do zwierzant ❤️)

Dear Friends, I would like to thank Dr Holly Hansen for her hard work, she truly loves animals, we need more vets like h...

Dear Friends, I would like to thank Dr Holly Hansen for her hard work, she truly loves animals, we need more vets like her!! She saved many sick animals. She saved my dog Daizy when another vet from Petco wanted to euthanize her. I would like to thank friends of Dr. Hansen who also donated to the fundraiser. I’m very grateful for all the animal lovers and thank you for your support.

Kochani koteczkę odebrałam po operacji -wszystko dobrze poszło , napiszę też podziękowania po angielsku by podziękować p...

Kochani koteczkę odebrałam po operacji -wszystko dobrze poszło , napiszę też podziękowania po angielsku by podziękować pani doktor Holly Hansen i jej znajomym ktorzy tez przekazali datki na zbiurke . bym mogła uratować te 3 kotki -koteczki są bardzo młode 4 miesiące -ruda koteczka jest najstarsza 4-5 lat -jeśli kotki pozostałyby na ulicy dzień dwa dużej -umarłyby -chodząc po ulicach ocierały i raniły się ,doszłoby do tego że przepuklina pękłaby i wszystkie jelita byłby na wieszku .dziekuje wszystkim którzy przekazali datki na uratowanie im życia ❤️❤️❤️❤️dziękuję ❤️❤️❤️❤️tak to wyglondalo 😥😥😥


Nowe znalezione kociaki ,nie osfojone 🥲🥲🥲 klatka mojej konstrukcji-oswoimy -3 kotki w bejsment , klatki Zajenta -musiałam coś wymyślić znalezione na Garfield -mama dzika złapana -zostanie wyczyszczona i wruci w miejsce bytowania ,śliczne maluszki dzikuski ale poradzimy sobie -syczały jak kompalam ale dałam radę -może będzie ktoś chentny na adopcjie -kotki zostaną dobrze osfojone !! Jeszcze nie wiem ile chłopców ile dziewczynek

Parking kot osfojony -rozdarta rana na szyji -i jak zostawić ?! Muszę zabrać by mu pomóc to osfojony kot jakieś zwierzę ...

Parking kot osfojony -rozdarta rana na szyji -i jak zostawić ?! Muszę zabrać by mu pomóc to osfojony kot jakieś zwierzę za atakowało -boże. Pomóż 🙏🙏🙏💔potrzebuje funduszy na weterynarza kto może pomóc 🙏🙏🙏 Pai pal

the cat has found a good home!!

the cat has found a good home!!

cat found on the road♥️kot znaleziony na jezdni

cat found on the road♥️kot znaleziony na jezdni

Just a reminder. Seeing too many of those scam posts daily

Just a reminder. Seeing too many of those scam posts daily

A heart wrenching scam is targeting animal lovers on Facebook.

Dziś swiento ,a ja się martfie o tą biedulkę -zostały jeszcze dwa antybiotyki a ona dalej charczy i słychać że nos ma za...

Dziś swiento ,a ja się martfie o tą biedulkę -zostały jeszcze dwa antybiotyki a ona dalej charczy i słychać że nos ma zapchany ,nie wiem jak jej pomóc -jeśli po podaniu tych 2 ostatnich tabletek antybiotykow nie przejdzie -będzie trzeba zrobić dalsze badania -nie mogę jej chorej wypuścić -bo umze gdzieś w krzakach ,dziś wszyscy się cieszą swientuja a ja się martfie co dalej jak pomoc ???nagram ją dziś to sami zobaczycie -może to jakiś cholerny wirus ??? Nie wiem 🥲🥲

We have been finding many friendly cats while doing our tnr work and would like to get good microchip scannerWe are look...

We have been finding many friendly cats while doing our tnr work and would like to get good microchip scanner
We are looking at this one. Could anyone donate towards purchasing one? I can provide PayPal/zelle/venmo info.

Hero� Advanced Microchip Reader A great new scanner that is fast and easy to use. With Instant Bluetooth® technology, the Hero reader has the power to scan a chip and instantly send it to your waiting Bluetooth device. No more typing or entering microchip numbers into your computer. Product hi...


It's ! 🏆😍💕😻🥇 Are you a shy kitty when it comes to talking to strangers about feral and stray community cats and Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)? It may be the last thing you want to do when you're out feeding or trapping, but random questions from passersby offer valuable opportunities to explain TNR and garner goodwill toward your colony cats.

Talking TNR doesn't have to leave you tongue-tied. The trick is to memorize a brief, professional "elevator speech" about win-win TNR benefits that appeals to both cat haters and cat lovers. We've been using this one for years: "TNR is the only humane and effective way to decrease the free-roaming cat population, and it helps everyone. TNR means less noise, less smell, fewer cats — and the cats still provide free, natural rodent control."

If you're talking to a cat lover, you can add, "Cats are healthier after TNR — no more fighting or having litter after litter of kittens — and it prevents kitten suffering."

Practice your TNR elevator speech until it feels natural. It could come in handy with anyone, anytime, anywhere. And besides helping your colony and the cause of TNR, it'll identify you as an authority on community cats who's doing a humane public service.

We came across big colony of cats that we trying to fix. There are few pregnant ones and kittens we are trying to get al...

We came across big colony of cats that we trying to fix. There are few pregnant ones and kittens we are trying to get also.
But we can’t finish colony without your help. Could anyone donate few bucks for spay/neuter and medical bills so we can help them all.
Kittens are getting socialized and will be looking for rescue and new homes shortly.

I have zelle PayPal and Venmo but Zelle preferred.

Email [email protected]

We are trying to continue to help homeless animals as much as we can. Here is our updated wish list. Amazon ships direct...

We are trying to continue to help homeless animals as much as we can. Here is our updated wish list. Amazon ships directly to us.
Any help greatly appreciated.

Just spay the cat. Don’t let them give birth in the first place. It’s cruel. And rescues are overwhelmed. And there is a...

Just spay the cat. Don’t let them give birth in the first place. It’s cruel. And rescues are overwhelmed. And there is always something going wrong when you allow them give birth or kittens doing. Most humane thing to do is to spay them. And don’t let more kittens to be born.

Pregnant cats – does her life matter?

There seems to be nothing in cat rescue so charged with emotion and potentially upsetting interactions with other rescuers as the discussion of pregnant cats, and how to handle them. The CCC totally agrees that it is up to the individual to make their own choices, and detailed that in a post done and repeated several times - and we definitely encourage everyone to really think it over. But today, we would like to take a look at the side no one wants to think about, but something you NEED to think about when deciding how you will handle this issue. (and yes, this mom cat did survive).

The cat pictured below is a tame cat. She is young – only about a year old. Her owners did not have her spayed, and when she became pregnant, did not want her to be spayed. They let her have the kittens but – they didn’t want them. And had nowhere for the mom and babies to stay while they grew. They released her to a rescue group, planning to take mama back when the kittens were weaned and she was spayed.

Mom went into rescue and had her kittens – and when they were a few days old, mom vomited and had some diarrhea. Then seemed fine… but became somewhat lethargic. She had a mild fever and was drooling… a trip to the emergency vet showed the fever was no longer mild (106) and she was in fact very sick. This cat had pyometra – an infection of the uterus. gives an overview to explain pyometra, but for anyone unfamiliar with it, this is an extremely serious and deadly condition, caused by hormonal changes associated with the cat going into heat. A cat with pyometra will become severely ill very quickly, and without fast intervention – an emergency spay – the cat will usually die. While pyometra is most common in older unspayed cats, it CAN occur in any age. The only prevention is have the cat spayed.

Pregnancy - for humans, the death rate due to pregnancy in the early 1900’s was 1 out of 100 (or 1,000 out of 100,000) – today, due to medical care, it is 24 out of 100,000. Most cats don’t have medical care – even owned cats often have no medical care regarding pregnancy, because it’s natural – right? Cats who develop pyometra can – and do – die a terrible death. Yet spaying a pregnant cat is avoided so many times because of the thought of the kittens. NO ONE (no one we know) likes the thought of spaying a pregnant cat – but what about the mom? Does her life matter? And what about those kittens? If mom has pyometra, many times the kittens die in utero; if born, and mom doesn’t survive, many kittens do not, either. While those doing rescue usually commit to having kittens spay/neutered before adoption, there are still those who “leave it up to the adopters” to do; lay people rarely do. And so the cycle continues. Those who leave a pregnant cat out in the wild to have her kittens need to recognize – if she has pyometra, and is left outside, she is likely to die a very miserable death.

Harsh facts, unpleasant thoughts – it’s not what we like to talk about, but time and time again we are seeing the tendency in rescue to avoid pregnant spays. IF you are going to allow a pregnant cat to deliver, it is totally irresponsible to leave her outside – if you are making the choice to not have her spayed, then bring her inside. Be prepared for holding this cat for the rest of the pregnancy, her labor and delivery, the 2-3 months of raising/weaning her babies, the time needed to have her spayed/recovered and either placed in a home or returned to site – and be prepared for the medical costs. It can be several hundred to well over a thousand dollars to treat a cat with pyometra – if you cannot pay the costs, you need to plan ahead for what kind of credit you will need to cover it. And remember you need to commit to spay/neuter of all the kittens before adopting out; food/litter/vaccinations/worm and flea treatments, plus incidental costs that will all be a part of seeing a cat through pregnancy and raising kittens.

Here’s another harsh thought - doing rescue should not be based on emotional decisions. Rescue IS emotional – we are all in it because we care. But to be able to continue helping as many as possible, making your decisions with the heart alone is likely to lead you into trouble. This mom cat was allowed to deliver – and less than a week later, she was struggling for life. 4 of the 5 kittens died. Mom did survive, but this story is NOT uncommon, and so many do not survive. If you are not prepared to cover all aspects of the care, please – have her spayed. When you see pregnant feral cats, understand that pregnancy is not a simple, uncomplicated and pretty time for the cats in the wild. Sometimes you have to make the heart step back and let the head rule – knowing that in the end, the heart is winning. That mom’s life matters.

Couple days ago I came across kitty that was clearly injured. He kept his leg up. I was able to find his feeders and the...

Couple days ago I came across kitty that was clearly injured. He kept his leg up. I was able to find his feeders and they helped me trap him.

As I was trying to catch Oscar I also came across whole family of kittens. I was able to find and get him and he is going to the vet. Looks like he has big bite on his paw. Probably from fighting with another kitty over girls. We were able to get mom 4 kittens and another male and they all going to be fixed this week and the wound is going to be taken care of.
Please spay and neuter and keep your pets inside to prevent their unnecessary pain and suffering.
Those kittens didn’t need to be born outside. There are no socializers to take them and they will have to live outside are there are thousands of kittens being born and no homes.

We have been getting a lot of requests for help but unfortunately we can’t help everyone. We don’t have intake so we can...

We have been getting a lot of requests for help but unfortunately we can’t help everyone. We don’t have intake so we can’t take any animals into our group.
We also have no funds to continue our work. Our volunteers been spending their own money to help animals in need.
If you found colony of cats or feesing any cats please go to alley cats website to learn next important steps and get help.
If you’d like to help our volunteers with with food supplies or vet bills for kitties posted on this page feel free to reach out directly.

Alley Cat Allies is the nation's leading cat advocacy organization. Improving the lives of all cats and kittens. Learn how to help stray and feral cats.


New York, NY





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