Putting a dog down and condemning them to death because you refuse to use any method that isn't "positive only" isn't very positive...
Sedating a dog into a zombie because you don't like other training tools isn't very positive...
Restricting a dog to a confined life without the chance to thrive isn't very positive...
Telling someone to put down their 8 month old working line dog for having lots of energy and acting like an 8-month-old working dog isn't very positive...
Guilting a young family that lives in an apartment into adopting a large dog with behavior issues isn't very positive...
Telling an older lady their dog would be better off dead then using a prong collar that helps her walk and control her dog isn't very positive....
Bashing other trainers because they don't train dogs using only one method isn't very positive...
Having an owner put a 5 month old puppy on 400mg of trazadone isn't very positive...
Harming dogs because of your own ego isn't very positive...
All of the things I just listed are REAL things that owners have dealt with by "certified positive only trainers and behaviorists."
Anyone can be certified online for $50. It means nothing.
Dogs and their humans deserve real trainers who care and emphasize for both ends of the leash. Trainers who will tailor training to each dog in front of them. Don't be fooled by the "positive" sounding approach. That's just fancy marketing from people who care more about their ego and lining their pockets rather than helping the dog community.
I've chosen to speak out on this because I care and hate seeing dogs harmed. The positive only cult is doing more harm than good to dogs. Dogs and owners that are already having a difficult time. Enough is enough.