Catpresso Cat

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Our "Ultimate First-Time Cat Owner Checklist" is your go-to guide for ensuring a smooth transition into feline companion...

Our "Ultimate First-Time Cat Owner Checklist" is your go-to guide for ensuring a smooth transition into feline companionship. We've paw-sitively packed this checklist with essential tips and tricks to help you create a loving and safe home for your new whiskered friend.

[FREE] Download our checklist today and be the ultimate cat whisperer in no time

Meowdy there, future cat owner! 🐾 Congrats on embarking on this purrfect journey of feline companionship. Our "Ultimate First-Time Cat Owner Checklist" is your go-to guide for ensuring a ...

🎉 Hold onto your whiskers, furriends! The moment we've all been waiting for is finally here: our cat-tastic merchandise ...

🎉 Hold onto your whiskers, furriends! The moment we've all been waiting for is finally here: our cat-tastic merchandise store is LIVE and purr-fectly ready for you to explore! 🐱🛍️

Get ready to pounce into a world of feline delights. From adorable mugs that'll make your morning meowvelous to t-shirts that express your cat obsession in style, we've got it all. 🐾✨

And guess what? You're in for a treat! Use coupon code "CATPRESSO10" to grab a whisker-twitching 10% off on orders above $20. Now that's a steal that even a cat burglar would be jealous of! 😺💰

So, don't let this opportunity slide through your paws. Click the link below and treat yourself to some serious cat-infused retail therapy! 🛒🎁

Cats dominated the front page of the Internet. So why not our heart? Indulge in rib-tickling funny cat videos and satisfy your cat cravings with our pawsome cat merchandise collection.

So you are about to go on a vacation that you and your family look forward to. At the same time, you are worried about y...

So you are about to go on a vacation that you and your family look forward to. At the same time, you are worried about your cats. You wish not to send them to a cat hotel. The cost of a cat hotel is not cheap. Furthermore, you have 3-5 cats! That would definitely cost you a lot.

And to think of the hassle to transport your cat to the cat hotels by carrying 5 cat carriers (plus their own food containers, their favorite toys, their favorite bed, etc) is a challenging task. Your cat will get stressed too for staying in the carrier for a long period of time due to the bad traffic!

But, those things are really in the past! Now, with the help of an automatic feeder, you can easily set their foods and drinks on an app even while you are away on vacation! Isn't that a blessing?

So you may just leave your beloved furballs at home and let them stay in an environment where they feel the most comfortable. This food feeder comes with a smart water fountain combo.

Tips: Avoid using a manual water bowl. Because their fur, dust, or insects might make the water unfit for drinking. And since nobody is at home, who's going to change the water bowl into fresh clean water? Right? This is why you need an automatic water feeder too. :)

Thus, getting the food and water combo is a good bargain! Go check out this automatic feeder via the link below:

🏠All items with Ready Stock in PJ Showroom located in PJ Sekyen near by Jaya Shopping Centre 🏠100% Genuine Product from Manufacturer 🏠Enquiries/Customer service/After-sales contact information 📞WhatsApp:60146333070 ❓Warranty -Cover Manufacturing Defect Only ✅7 Days DOA: 1-1 Replaceme...


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🎥: Mochi✨ (TikTok) 😊

Funny Cats 😺 Cute Cat Moments  #2 | Try Not To Laugh 😂

Funny Cats 😺 Cute Cat Moments #2 | Try Not To Laugh 😂

Hope you enjoy watching! May this video made your day! Keep on smiling, don't be sad! "Time spent with cats is never wasted".All the videos belong to the res...

My dear US followers, if you are struggling to choose the right cat litter for your lovely feline, you have to check thi...

My dear US followers, if you are struggling to choose the right cat litter for your lovely feline, you have to check this out.

Cats dominated the front page of the Internet. So why not our heart? Find out our latest collections of T-Shirt, Coffee Mug and eBooks.

Want to release stress? Watch this.. 😻

Want to release stress? Watch this.. 😻

Hope you enjoy watching! May this video made your day! Keep on smiling, don't be sad! "Time spent with cats is never wasted".Note: I don't own the videos. I ...

⭐️ 7 Keperluan Asas Untuk Memelihara Kucing Di Rumah ⭐️Rasa excited nak bela kucing dkat rumah tu hanya pencinta kucing ...

⭐️ 7 Keperluan Asas Untuk Memelihara Kucing Di Rumah ⭐️

Rasa excited nak bela kucing dkat rumah tu hanya pencinta kucing je yg akan faham. Lagi2 bila first time baru nak bela..rasa excited dia macam dah xpayah makan seminggu! haha.. 😺

Cuma apa yg saya nk share dekat sini ialah persediaan yg kita buat untuk mula bela kucing dkat rumah.

Bukan blh main bawak je kucing masuk, tapi semua accessories yg kena ada semua kita tak sediakan. Bila kucing dah nak terberak, baru laa kalut nak cari tempat.

So, sebelum kita nak bela kucing, kena make sure kita dah sediakan semua keperluan asas kucing tu nanti.

1. Makanan Kucing

Yang ni plg wajib sekali. Yela, kita bela kucing hidup kot, bkn nye bela kucing robot. Dalam bab nk plh makanan, kita kena make sure makanan tu sesuai utk kucing tuh. If kucing tu msh kecik lg (bwh 1 tahun), carila makanan untuk kitten. Tapi kalau umur dia dh setahun ke atas, bagila dia makanan adults.

Wajib utk korang bg kucing makan ikut umur. Bnyk yg saya jumpa, kucing tu msh kitten lg, tp dah bg makanan adult. Gigi diorg pn msh kecik lg, celah mana laa diorg nk kunyah makanan adult tuh. Nak kunyah satu hal, lepas tu nk digest plak satu hal.

Kalau korang beli dr breeder or pet shop, tny laa diorg bg kucing tu makan apa. At least kita blh maintain kan jenis makanan takdela kucing tu terkejut tgk makanan dia bertukar.

Based on my personal experience, saya prefer bg Royal Canin. Sebab brand ni mmg berkualiti tinggi and mmg dah proven. Ye, saya faham, mmg brand ni agak mahal. Ni bergantung laa pada kewangan masing2. Ade je lg brand2 lain yg OK. Mcm Blackwood, IAMS, Maxi, etc.

Blh usha Royal Canin sini:

2. Bekas Makanan & Minuman

Bila kita dah sediakan makanan, kena la sediakan bekas dia pulak. Dlm nk plh bekas ni, kita as cat parent kena pandai. Jgn laa kucing ada 10 ekor, tp bekas makanan dgn minum tu korang beli 2 je. Mmg berebut2 laa diorg.

Senang cerita, kalau kucing ada 2, beli la 2 bekas tu. Jd diorg xberebut dan kita blh make sure that diorg masing2 dapat makan dan minum.

Tips nak pilih bekas makanan & minuman:

* Pilih bekas yg senang di cuci. Sebab bakteria blh tersebar di surface bekas tu.
* Make sure bekas makanan tu tak mudah bergerak dan terbalik. Kiranya stable laa. Kalau tak habis la beterabur makanan dia.
* Kalau blh, cari bekas yg tak mudah pecah. Bimbang laa takut kucing termakan sisa2 yg pecah tu
* Jgn beli yg mudah berkarat.

Blh usha bekas makanan & minum sini:

3. Litter Box & Pasir Kucing

Ni antara accessories wajib yg kena ada. Kita tak nak la nanti kucing2 tu terberak atas carpet, atas tilam, atas sofa..haa..

Tips: Kalau kucing ada 2 ekor, tlg make sure korang sediakan lbh dari 2 litter box. Ni penting. Cuba imagine, kucing ade 2 ekor, tp litter box ade satu je. Bla dua2 nk membuang di waktu yg sama, tak ke berebut jd nye? End up, yg sekor lg pi berak dekat atas carpet.

Rule of thumb: Satu kucing, 2 litter box. 2 kucing, 3 litter box. Always lbh kan satu.

Kenapa? Meh saya explain. Kita as cat parent, ada commitment masing2. Ada yg pegi keja awal Subuh, Isyak br blk rumah. Time tu litter box dah penuh dgn “Emas” diorg. Haa..bla ade litter box spare yg lain, kucing kita blh pegi dkt litter box spare yg msh kosong lg.

Blh usha litter box sini:

Bab pasir pulak, ada mcm2 jenis. Ikut laa pd kesesuaian kucing. Kita blh trial & error. Yg penting, kena beli yg clumping, absorbent tinggi.

Tips: Kalau blh, jgn beli yg ade bau wangi2 semua tu. Bau lemon la, lavender laa. Bukan tak blh. Cuma kucing lbh prefer dgn yg unscented. Yg bau sedap2 semua tuh cat parent yg s**a, bkn kucing.

Blh usha pasir kucing sini:

4. Scoop

OK, litter box dah. Pasir pun dah. Next yg korang kena ada is scoop. Yela, takkan nak kaut pakai tangan kot? Haha.. 😹

Nak plh scoop ni, tgk laa pada kucing. Kalau kucing umur dah adult, kena laa beli scoop size yg bsar skit. Sebab najis diorg pn size besar. Kalau msh kitten lg, blh laa beli yg size kecik.

Tips: Kalau nak jimat, beli size besar trus, blh pakai until when-when (sampai bila-bila). Takde laa korang membazir beli berkali2. Nak lg bagus, beli jenis yg besi. Sebab kalau plastik, lama2 dia akan reput dan senang patah.

Blh usha scoop sini:

5. Sangkar Kucing

Ni saya nk share tips penting. Kalau kita br first time nak bwk kucing msk rumah, WAJIB kita msk kan diorg dlm cage dulu. Saya tau, mst korang akan kata “alaa..saya tak sampai hati nak kurung dia..kesiannnn” betul tak? 😭

So..kenapa kita kena masukkan kucing dlm cage dulu?
* Kucing tu br pindah rumah korang. So diorg msh x familiar lg dgn suasana rumah, bau dalam rumah. So bg dia msk dlm cage, blh cool down kan dia dulu. Dia blh scan dlm rumah korang dr tempat yg dia rasa selesa and selamat.

* Kita nak bg tau dia mana tempat berak, tempat kencing, mana tempat makan dan minum. Cuba imagine, kucing tu br msk rumah korang, and korang trus lepaskan mcm tu je. Dah la dia xtau mana korang simpan litter box, mana tempat air & makan. Kang nanti habis dia berak and kencing merata2.

* Let say korang dh ada existing kucing dlm rumah, lagi laa penting utk cage kan dulu kucing baru tuh. Ni salah satu cara kita nk introduce kan diorg masing2. So kucing2 yg dh sedia ada dlm rumah blh scan dr luar cage. takde laa kucing baru korang rasa takut sgt.

* Sekiranya kucing tu pregnant and dh sarat2 nak beranak, penting utk kita msk kan dlm cage sbg tempat dia nk beranak. takde la nanti teberanak dlm enjin kereta, dlm almari laa..kalau kita sedar takpe, imagine kalau kita tak sedar? Kan ke mati dia dlm enjin kreta tuh.

* Bla kita takde dkat rumah, seelok nye msk kan diorg dlm cage (kalau ade blk khas, then xpyh laa cage). Sebab? Kucing ni jenis yg curious. Bila dia jmp wire, dia akan nak gigit2. Kang kejong kucing tu kena letrik.

* Bila kucing korang sakit or br lepas operate. So mmg wajib di cage kan. Senang utk kita monitor diorg, and senang utk diorg rehat dlm keadaan selesa dan selamat dr kucing2 lain.

* Bila lepas letak ubat kutu, msk kan diorg dlm cage. Sebab? Kita taknak nanti ade kucing2 lain yg jilat tengkuk kucing tuh. Lagi satu, bla kutu2 tu dah mati, at least kutu tu jatoh dlm cage je. Imagine kalau korg lepaskan, tak ke kutu2 tu jatuh atas lanti, atas carpet atas tilam. Pastu korang plak baring dkat kutu2 tuh. Tak pasal2 korang plak kena kutu. Naya beb..

* Lastly, supaya kucing tak merayau2 ke rumah jiran. Di buat nye jiran tak s**a kucing. Haa..bla kucing tu berak kencing rumah jiran hari2, dia pun naik fedup, trus di RACUN nye..pastu korang mula laa salahkan jiran and tanya kenapa kejam sgt jiran tu. Pd saya, bla kita dah decide nak bela kucing, tu dh jd tanggungjawab kita nak jaga diorg btol2. Jgn sampai kita sakitkan hati jiran2.

So long story short, penting utk kita cage kan dulu kucing2 baru tuh. Kalau kucing baru, sekurang2 nye seminggu laa.

Blh usha cage kucing sini:

6. Scratching Post & Cat Toys

Kita semua tau, kucing mmg s**a mencakar. Sebab tu penting kena ada scratching post. Korang nak ke dia cakar sofa, almari, carpet semua? Lagi2 kalau sofa baru beli..naya pak karimmmmm...hahaha 😅

Nak senang, beli je cat tree. kira nya mcm 2 in 1 mainan dia pun blh, as tempat dia nak mencakar pn blh. Ikut la kemampuan masing2. Ade bajet lg, blh la beli toys2 yg blh buat diorg release stress konon nye.

Blh usha Cat Tree sini:

7. Pet Carrier

OK, ni last. Pada saya, ni plg penting bla nak bawak kucing keluar dr rumah. Kalau blh, jgn laa bwk kucing mcm tu je. If kucing tu mmg jenis tak takut, OK. Tapiiiii..kalau kucing korang jenis yg cepat takut, haa..jgn laa nk bwk mcm tu je without carrier.

Ni saya nk share. Saya pernah jumpa cat parent yg kata “Ah, tak payah laa pet carrier bagai..bwk je laa guna tgn..senang”. One day, dia nk hantar kucing dia pegi grooming. So dia bwk laa guna tgn mcm tu je. The moment dia pijak kaki keluar rumah, ngam2 ade lori lalu..bunyi lori kan bising? So kucing dia jd takut.

Kucing bla dah takut, dia akan try lari. Bla lari, mmg keluar laa semua kuku2 tajam dia. Jd yg owner ni tadi dah rasa badan and tgn dia sakit kena kuku kucing tu, automatically lepas kan kucing dia. Bila lepas apa jadi? Kucing tu blh plk p lari dekat jalan. End up, kucing dia kena langgar dgn kreta sebab kreta tu xsempat nak elak bila kucing tu tiba2 mengejut lari ke tgh jalan.

Haa..elok nak pegi grooming, dah kena bwk kucing yg dh nyawa2 ikan pegi jmp Vet 😭. So salah siapa? Owner yg salah ke kucing yg salah?

Maaf cakap eh, yg ada otak, yg pandai berfikir is kita manusia. So? Nak salahkan kucing jgk ke? 🤔

My last piece of advice, invest laa skit demi keselamatan kucing. Tu dh jd tanggungjawab kita as cat parent.

Blh usha carrier sini:

Tu je la sharing saya hari nih. Harap2 sharing ni blh korang jd kan as rujukan sebelum nak bela kucing. Silakan laa share dgn member2 korang yg ade kucing jgk. Semoga bermanfaat.

Note: Maaf, saya guna bahasa rojak. Yela, nk share psl kucing kan, bukan nak jawab exam. 🙇‍♂️

Funny Cat TikTok Compilation  #1 😻

Funny Cat TikTok Compilation #1 😻

Hope you enjoy watching! May this video made your day! Keep on smiling, don't be sad! "Time spent with cats is never wasted". Credit goes out to their respec...


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