Current situation….. last night I thought I saw a dead bird. Not uncommon in the city with so many window crashes. I knew better but for some reason didn’t check to see if he was alive. He just looked completely dead and not moving. In the morning I saw him again, but I was startled that he was in the same spot, and was now looking back at me trying to move… and then I realized what happens. The lil’ bird was trapped/ glued to a concrete’s surface. We were able to release him from the grip but the glue did some damage. For now we are holding him. The good news is he is eating. The bad news is, some of his feathers are damaged. He is quite FEISTY and we are happy to see him that way as to me it means he has not given up. He is now resting with food he nibbles on… and we will assess what the next step will be. We tried to clean off some of the gunk but the little guy is not making it easy. To be continued.