🔈SOUND ON🔈 We found a mysterious creature in the kennel room last night. Seems to be a hybrid Ewok/Mogwai - not sure. It’s speaking in some sort of secret language that hypnotizes us into giving it treats. Pretty gentle. Low to the ground. Very soft. Almost zero profile. If anyone has any information - please comment below. Thanks! ✨#mysteryanimal #ewok #mogwai #lowrider #handsome #whatareyou #dogdaycare
“Ma’am, we are here to talk to you about our treats extended warranty.” 🦴🍪🌭Lucy and Roo😍 #theyarebogo #treats #allsmiles #dontberood #giveusthetreats #thankyou #extendedwarranty
Mesmerized by this ear and tail loop. 😍😍😍 #cantstopwatching #fabulous #theears #thetail #wagloop #frenchies
“Tommy is thankful for Wag Club and chimken- Happy Thanksgiving!! 🦃 ❤️”
Getting ready for the Holidays with everyone’s favorite GIFt!!🎄🎁@gifselfie #santashelper #theGIFtthatkeepsongiving #floof
#snugglesack #besties #crazydogladies
Happy Tongue out Tuesday! 😛 #tot #littlelady #throwback #friend #buddies #attheclerb #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel
Little Ears Lexi does the best excited to see you/play bow/long legged dance combo move ever! Here’s a little peek at it. 😂❤️😆 #dontworry #thedoorwaslocked #lexi #littleearslonglegs #sometimesmylipsgetstuckonmyteefs
Yesterday was a lovely and fully vaccinated celebration in the park! Victor is headed out on a great new adventure to the West Coast!! We are going to miss you, but can’t wait to see what this next chapter brings! The pups loved having your calm energy in the daycare, and all the smoosh faces and frenchies will definitely miss your butt scratches and extra love. Thanks for 5 wonderful years here at Wag! ❤️❤️ #wagclubforever #adventureawaits
Here’s what’s cookin today.
It’s that time of the week again - Theme Song Thursday!!! ❤️Go Go🐶 #littleprincess #chihuahua #rescue #gogo #prettygirl #fawn #goldiefawn #getitgirl #wag #wagclubbrooklyn #themesong #themesongthursday #wakemeupbeforeyougogo #brooklyndog #brooklynheights #dogdaycare
Max!! 🎶🐶🎶 Theme Song Thursday - can’t stop, won’t stop! #itsthelastone #fornow #staytuned #haveagreatday #max #sohandsome #blackandwhite #wag #wagclub #wagclubbrooklyn #brooklyndogs #tbt #themesong #themesongthursday #inwestphiladelphia #freshprince #unclephilforever
Ringo says « Peace and Love » ✌🏼❤️🐶 #themesongthursday #ringo #thebeatles #drummer #hairpeace #cavaliers #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #wagclub #wag #wagclubbrooklyn #dogdaycare #buddies #longhairdontcare #yellowsubmarine