Based in Astoria, NYC we specialize in clicker training - a rewards based method of dog training that does not use force, corrections, or intimidation. We work with all breeds, ages, temperaments, and sizes of dogs, as well as many types of behavior problems ranging from housebreaking, barking, and leash walking, to some more serious issues like aggression, separation anxiety, and fear-based behav
iors. We also treat our human clients with the same compassion and patience that our canine friends receive. Ours is a mission and vision of positive reinforcement, acceptance, and empathy. Force-free training goes beyond getting dog behaviors and extends to the way we associate with everyone. Clicker training has been used with Orcas, dolphins, all matter of zoo animals, horses, cats, dogs, fish, and even people! It's being used in every dog sport, and is changing perceptions on horse and cat training as well. From
"Clicker training" is an animal training method based on behavioral psychology that relies on marking desirable behavior and rewarding it. Desirable behavior is usually marked by using a "clicker," a mechanical device that makes a short, distinct "click" sound which tells the animal exactly when they're doing the right thing. This clear form of communication, combined with positive reinforcement, is an effective, safe, and humane way to teach any animal any behavior that it is physically and mentally capable of doing. Poodles to Pit Bulls Clicker Training, Inc. is fully insured through the Business Insurers of the Carolinas.