Our focus at Not Devoted isn’t just about seeking intervention & justice for the animals that are part of The Devoted Barn, it’s also about ensuring the well-being and safety of current and former volunteers as well.
Everything we report on related to TDB involves big, big feelings. We are all humans who are trying our best for ourselves and for the animal rescue world. Much of our identity, as humans, revolves around how we support and interact with the outside world and our community.
The revelations surrounding the actual condition of the farm animals that were seized is causing a lot of people to see the truth of what they’ve been supporting all along. What goes hand-in-hand with this kind of awakening are very difficult feelings. We want to help make sure that everyone who has believed and supported TDB knows they are also a victim.
We want to stop short of calling TDB a cult or assigning personality disorders to its director; we are not mental health or sociology professionals. However, the behaviors exhibited by The Devoted Barn and its director are almost textbook cult-like behavior or narcissistic abuse tactics. A “cult” doesn’t have to be religion-based, and “abuse” isn’t only found in domestic relationships. Humans face exploitation and abuse at the hands of manipulative people and groups of all kinds, and it’s important to recognize and seek out help if you think you’ve been a victim. Please read further and decide for yourself.
Warning signs related to cult-like groups:
1. Absolute authoritarianism without accountability
2. Zero tolerance for criticism or questions
3. Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budgets
4. Unreasonable fears about outside opinions or ideas different from what the leader espouses
5. A fear of backlash if you were to leave, or if you associate with anyone who has left the group
6. A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave
7. An “us vs them” mentality
8. Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group
9. Followers feeling that they are never able to be “good enough”
10. A belief that the leader is right at all times
11. A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation
There are a multitude of dark emotions that come along with leaving a group like this, and we want to remind everyone that they’re not alone. WE, the blog, are former volunteers and have gone through this ourselves. Please know that whatever sadness, anger or frustration you might be feeling in the wake of the recent law enforcement actions surrounding TDB, you are supported and deserve to be heard.
Here are several resources if you find yourself struggling with this or anything:
• Dial 988 24/7 Su***de Hotline
•Michigan Community Mental Health Services- https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/keep-mi-healthy/mentalhealth/mentalhealth/cmhsp
• Dare to Doubt - https://www.daretodoubt.org/cults
• Freedom of Mind Resource Center - https://freedomofmind.com
• People Leave Cults – peopleleavecults.com
• International Cultic Studies Association/Resources - https://www.icsahome.com/support/counseling-resources