Kayla's Kitties

Kayla's Kitties Kayla's Kitties is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization within Licking County. My goal is to spay/neuter as many cats as I can.

Some old adoption pictures left in my phone. Can’t remember if I uploaded these or not. *these are old pictures from whe...

Some old adoption pictures left in my phone. Can’t remember if I uploaded these or not.

*these are old pictures from when I rescued in Ohio*

**I do not currently live in Ohio**


Kayla’s Kitties is no longer based in Ohio. We have moved to Tennessee.

Kayla’s Kitties will also no longer be a business as of the end of this year.

To everyone who has supported me and adopted from me, you have no idea how much I appreciate you.

Rescue will always be a part of me, and I have started the process to connect with a local rescue in Tennessee. I will probably never become a 501 again (that was just too stressful), but rescue is in my heart 💜 and I will always find a way to help and be that voice for the voiceless.




Just so everyone knows. You decide if you wanna work with this bitch or not 🤷🏼‍♀️

Just so everyone knows. You decide if you wanna work with this bitch or not 🤷🏼‍♀️




Best way to donate at the moment:

CashApp: $kaylaskitties13


I believe there’s been some confusion, so let me jump on here and straighten things out…

I have not been on here much in the last 6 months because I have finally realized that the city of Newark does not want me here. Rescue has been a part of my life since I was a mere child, growing up in Bankhead Forest in Northern Alabama, I was always coming home with some animal that needed help. I have rescued hundreds of cats PER YEAR since I started rescue full blown back in 2016. Everything had been wonderful, until we moved to Newark.

The humane officer and cops were constantly coming to my house (a cop showed up at 730pm one night and scared my kids) because of false accusations of not taking care of my animals. If this were in fact true, then why would Toby and the police tell me “there’s nothing to see here; case closed” and leave me be? I’m sick and fu***ng tired of Licking County Humane Society and other local rescues who all view rescue as a competition.

I OWN and run 3 businesses ALONE, I’m raising 3 children, homeschooling 1, ON TOP OF making sure I get to my mental health appointments as well as my PHYSICAL DISABILITY appointments throughout the month; I AM DOING THE BEST I CAN WITH WHAT LITTLE HELP I HAVE. I’m also sick and fu***ng tired of people telling me “if you can’t be a mom AND do rescue, then maybe you should choose one.” You know what I have to say to that? F**k you. Just because YOU’RE not strong enough to do it all does not mean that I am weak 💪🏻

So to clarify, I am still doing rescue. I WILL ALWAYS DO RESCUE. I have just decided to NOT serve Licking County. I will not continue to work with people in a town that clearly want to do everything by themselves.

My suggestion to anyone at this point would be to go ahead and keep on throwing hurdles and obstacles in my way. I will continue to jump over every single one and come out on the other side stronger than before.

It’s such a shame that the “cat community” in this town are the very reason some people try to commit su***de. The way this town treats its citizens is really fu**ed.

Let’s start this year off right 💪🏻 👌🏻 PayPal.me/kaylaskittiesVenmo -White-279CashApp $kaylaskitties

Let’s start this year off right 💪🏻 👌🏻

Venmo -White-279
CashApp $kaylaskitties

Check him and his sisters out at Pet Supplies Plus Newark 💜

Check him and his sisters out at Pet Supplies Plus Newark 💜

Andale Neighbors! 🏃 Mr. Tig here would really like a fur-ever home before Halloween! 😻 😻🤠 Stop by PSP Newark to see this precious little guy! 😍 💚 💚

Let’s see pictures and videos of your cats on catnip 😹

Let’s see pictures and videos of your cats on catnip 😹

Catnip is one hell of a drug

*UPDATE: added photo of estimate. This does not include two tubes of Neopolybac for eyes and Clavamox to take home for c...

*UPDATE: added photo of estimate. This does not include two tubes of Neopolybac for eyes and Clavamox to take home for continued immune system support.

Donations needed ASAP!! Please call Feeder Creek Veterinary Services to make a monetary donation on Kaylas Kitties account or:

Venmo -White-279
CashApp $kaylaskitties

Will update once we know something. At the vet now…



Neighbors! It's testimonial time for 💞 "These are my beautiful foster fails. I wouldn’t have them if it hadn’t been for Kayla's Kitties. 💖 They are my world. 😻 Caption and Photo by Erika Michelle Decker.

For every LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT **on PSP original post ONLY**, Pet Supplies Plus - Newark, OH will be donating 1lb of ...

For every LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT **on PSP original post ONLY**, Pet Supplies Plus - Newark, OH will be donating 1lb of litter for my rescue. Let’s blow it up!!

Last year we received 411 LIKES. Let’s double that!!

Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me and the kitties in any way. It is all truly appreciated 😻💜

🚨 Donation Giveaway!! 🚨
Hello Neighbors!
Starting today, Monday Aug 30 until Wednesday September 1 at 5 pm we have a donation giveaway going on. For every like, comment and share we will donate 1 lb of litter from our store to Kayla's Kitties .

Kayla’s Kitties is now partnered with Newark’s local Pet Supplies Plus - Newark, OH in housing adoptable kitties! We’ve ...

Kayla’s Kitties is now partnered with Newark’s local Pet Supplies Plus - Newark, OH in housing adoptable kitties! We’ve already had several adoptions:)

If you or something you know is interested in adopting, please visit the store for an application.

*We use Mittens Morsels cat food and PlayOn cat litter, which are Pet Supplies Plus brand*

Please share!

Please share!

URGENT KMR NEEDED!!!! Got a special request today for a mom in need in Lancaster. A very friendly abandoned mom had 12.. yes 12 babies in a bush. Knowing they would not survive without help supplemental bottle feeding for her. We did lose 1 before they got to rescue :( she was very very small and it is not surprising with so many. I am trying my best not to lose anymore...

If you can please donate.. we will need A LOT of KMR. ONLY KMR. pet Ag does not have enough fats in the formula and is good after 4 weeks mostly.

Thank you!!! It takes a village and they need your donations 💜

Some adoptions from National Adoption Week July 2021

Some adoptions from National Adoption Week July 2021

Some furever home updates 😻

Some furever home updates 😻

This beautiful easy going girlie will be at PetSmart this evening from roughly 3-5pm. Come visit her and more adoptable ...

This beautiful easy going girlie will be at PetSmart this evening from roughly 3-5pm. Come visit her and more adoptable cuties 😻


Come check out these cute adoptable kitties at PetSmart!

Last weeks adoptions

Last weeks adoptions

Cosmo, Angel and Ritz from Renees Rescues enjoying their new home 💜

Cosmo, Angel and Ritz from Renees Rescues enjoying their new home 💜

Been being on posting adoption pictures

Been being on posting adoption pictures

Dolce, Gabanna and Tiger will be up for adoption soon! Tiger is a 2YO neutered male UTD on all vaccines and super friend...

Dolce, Gabanna and Tiger will be up for adoption soon! Tiger is a 2YO neutered male UTD on all vaccines and super friendly. Very fatherly to these two babies.

Dolce and Gabanna will be getting altered and vaccinated ASAP, but you can start putting in applications now to get pre-approved!

**Donations needed**We just took in three litters of kittens, so we are over max capacity at the moment. We could really...

**Donations needed**

We just took in three litters of kittens, so we are over max capacity at the moment. We could really use LITTER donations. We are not picky; the kitties have used everything from Yesterday’s News to non-clumping clay to pine pellets. Any donations are greatly appreciated!

I’m a partner with Pet Supplies Plus - Newark, OH, PetSmart (Heath), and PetSmart (Easton Market). Donations can be dropped off at one of these locations, or you can contact me directly for the address, or you can contact me directly for a meeting place.

Anything helps! The kitties and I appreciate you 🐾 Thanks in advance!



Long post but definitely worth the read to really understand a day in the life of a rescuer ….

We recently took on a cat from a su***de. Yesterday I got the rest of the story, something for people to consider.
The lady who su***ded was an animal rescuer. The local cat lady. She had for many years been saving and helping animals in her area. Not a hoarder, not a bad egg. Just a local rescuer.
Please share with your rescue friends.
As she got older her body could not keep up with the work . . but the pressure continued and as people kept pushing animals onto her .. even if she said no. Even if her hands could not work, or she couldnt bend over to feed. But . . . Just .. one ... more.
No one knows if that was what eventually ended her life.
# # # Note If this is resonating with you and you are wanting help there is Lifeline 131114, Beyond Blue 1300224636 💙 do not listen to people are going to make you feel bad. Talk to people away from rescue # # #
We have in the last month had rescuers contact us discussing su***de, on the verge of family breakups or ready to jump off a cliff . . one of them was actually at the cliff the day before. . . . . driven there by the pressure she was under from all sides.
In all seriousness, these warning signs need to be heeded.
The amount of pressure poured onto animal rescuers is insane. I cannot dramatise that. It just is. In many instances rescuers are people with no training or qualifications to help cope with grief or pressure . . many of them have no support mechanisms, these are volunteers that give up life, food, work and family and funding to help the animals. Because if they dont an animal will suffer.
You might imagine it is just a rescuer feeling bad about stray cats and helping them.
What the public dont see is that once you people know you have helped an animal, everyone wants more . . . It becomes every day, every social interaction, every night.
A friend from work will say "hey, I know you help animals, I have this issue with . . . " . . . your partner will be asked "I know your partner has cats can you ask . . " . . you will get messages, emails, . . every social interaction you have you hear the words “I just want your advice can you help with....” and everything becomes pressure to take in more.
And your friends will say "I know you are full but I'm your friend, can you just help me with . . . . "
And if you ask for advice or support from rescue ... you face a barrage of toxic nitpicking, abuse or at worst . . being told to go end it all.
"What do you throw a drowning animal rescuer? more animals, make them drown" This is how it can seem.
So people start disconnecting to avoid the constant guilt and pressure.
So what can you do. FIrstly, share this post. It's not weak or whining. It just "is".
This is something to consider when you find a cat and just look for someone . . anyone . . to take it off your hands.
Listen without prejudice. Just . listen. You may not be able to help, but ask people if they are OK.
Before you give cats to anyone to foster or care for . . ask them "How many do you have now, how are you going to feed them . . do you have a vet . . . . and more importantly . . ARE YOU OK is this pressuring you? Give them a chance to back out. Dont force them
Do you need to tag that person on Facebook when they are being tagged 20 times in a day already?
They have not slept, they have been up all night feeding and cleaning . . but you just tagged them anyway "just in case" . . did you do much? No, it was no effort for you but you could break them. That last time you tagged them may drive them off a cliff.
They dont "like" being tagged in the same way you probably dont like watching animals being tortured. It's more pressure on top of the huge amount they are already under.
Dont "Just ask for advice" when what you really mean is "Im hoping to guilt trip you to taking more cats". Just ask the question plainly and if the answer is no . . the answer is no.
Ask if the rescuer is OK. Ask how many cats they have and when the last time was they actually got to do what normal people do.
Ask when they went out and spent time with their family last. Ask them what are the three things you can do to help them or that they would like to do.
Ask . . do I need to push this cat onto someone else? Cant I do it myself? You have two cats . . they have 20, do they need to be pushed. If they say no, do you keep pushing?
If you are helping a friend out then try to help them, not just put the problem on a rescuer.
Often rescuers say no, and people get abusive or scream in capitol letters trying to bargain and guilt and threaten . . "I dont want to take them to the pound" then dont take them to the pound. Do something else besides threaten their lives if someone else doesnt help them for you.
Even internally in a rescue group itself it can happen. Be conscious of the people around you and the pressure they may be under.
When you are a rescuer, working your hardest to rehome cats but are constantly being criticised by the people around you, or being targetted in toxic gossip can feel like you are trapped in mission impossible (we ignore it). Working hard to rescue and getting screamed at as thanks is not uncommon. Not everyone is thick skinned.
As a rescuer. What can you do.
(Sidenote - my biggest piece of advice from personal experience . . stay out of the rescue chat channels, groups, pages . . these are the most toxic, time wasting places to be in and you will end up under pressure to take more cats).
Say to everyone. "I am focused on rehoming the animals I have and cannot take more. I have 20, I need to get that down to 5, if I take more they will suffer, I do not have a wait list, I cannot commit.
That's it, turn it around on them, ask them what they will do. Say no, and back it with hard fact.
I will repeat that piece of advice
"I am focused on rehoming the animals I have and cannot take more. I have 20, I need to get that down to 5, if I take more they will suffer, I do not have a wait list, I cannot commit."
Remember that expression. Cut and paste it, save it. Use it.
If people say "I dont want to take it to the pound", they are in control of that . . not you, they should not take it to the pound.
Normally then people will ask for advice, have a cut and paste ready to go with all the things they should do, but dont take on any more work.
If people keep pushing, block them.
Some groups are fortunate in that they have a strong network of friends and a team to fall back on (and help say no), other things outside of rescue and years of experience, but even with that we are still human and there are many days where you ask "why did I do this again".
If you are needing help. Call out. If you cant contact friends as they will only push you to feel bad or take more, phone a friend who is not connected or callLifeline 131114, Beyond Blue 1300224636 💙 do not listen to people are going to make you feel bad. Talk to people away from rescue # # #
The country needs a healthy and strong national network of rescuers because the big organisations simply cannot do it. For that to occur rescue workers need comping mechanisms, understanding and support, and to be kept to their limits when they ask . .. beg . . to not be pushed beyond them.
This was a really sad story and this wasnt a hoarder or a nut job, just a small every day rescue lady in need.

One more time, remember this expression. When you get pressured, use it.
"I am focused on rehoming the animals I have and cannot take more. I have 20, I need to get that down to 5, if I take more they will suffer, I do not have a wait list, I cannot commit."


Newark, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 10am - 4pm




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Kayla’s Kitties

My mission is to rescue as many lost and stray cats and kittens as I can. To do that, I need help from the community who also want to see a change. I understand that stray cats can be a menace to a neighborhood, so it would be a wonderful thing if we could come together to create the same outcome: getting rid of the madness. Whether it’s trapping, monetary or supply donations, or even fostering, every little thing helps.

Below are some ways that you can help. If you or someone you know is interested in helping end (or at least diminish) the stray cat population, please contact me.

  • Trapping strays in a humane trap

  • Transport trapped strays to my rescue