When is too hot to play ball but you are a ball driven dog you improvise.
#hot #summerdays #allaboutdogobedience #happy #balldriven #zoey #rescuedog
#rattlesnakeaversion #allaboutdogobedience #rattlesnakeremoval
And lastly sound which leads to total avoidance. It's usually when they push against your leg or duck behind you in a hurry. That's the dogs way of telling you they either see, hear, or smell a snake.
#allaboutdogobedience #happy #rattlesnakeaversion #rattlesnakeremoval
We have a Rattlesnake Aversion class on the schedule. It is Monday, April 25th. Registration is through Pick time on our Website. Allaboutdogobedience.com click current client class schedule, click All Aboout Dog Obdeience, then select the Rattlesnake Aversion class.
This is open to current AND PAST clients. For those running their dog for the first time this year Rattlesnakeremovel.com comes out with live rattlesnakes. Their mouth are taped for safety. This way your dog sees, hears and smells the Rattlesnake.
For those returning we do have a new coarse set up for you and are looking forward to how fast your dog picks up the oder.
Who else is excited?
Working on my Reels game. Here are some "school pictures" Hope you enjoy them. #newtoreels #happy #allaboutdogobedience #tryandtryagain #happypups #daycare #funatschool
Hey guys. Rob tested positive for COVID. He's got a sore throat and body aches but no fever and can still smell and taste. Thankfully the girls and I have all tested negative and are feeling good. That being said, we are discussing how to structure classes tomorrow so everyone can participate. We may combine classes a few classes. Please keep your eye on Pick time and I will also do my best to send out a text message. 🙂
It is important to establish your threshold no matter where you are at.
#reps #establishthreshold #training #allabputdogobedience #practice #putinthework #happy #obedience #obedientk9 #smile #camping #onenightgetaway
Our annual CHiPs for Kids Toy Drive was a success. We are so grateful for all who participated.
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party tomorrow from 930 am to 11am. Hop on line allaboutdogobedience.com and sign up!