Three Arrows Outfitters

Three Arrows Outfitters We guide archery antelope hunts. We use horses because Rick discovered over 20 years ago that it works and has not hunted antelope any other way since then.

Rick has been in magazines and on TV. If you've seen this type of hunt, this is where it all started.

The morning drive 🏹

The morning drive 🏹

Here's what happened.We stalked him for a half a mile across the field. He had a doe with him who didn't care we were co...

Here's what happened.

We stalked him for a half a mile across the field. He had a doe with him who didn't care we were coming. But this doe in the picture changed the game. She was headed straight for them too. We worked hard to cut her off because she also had 2 fawns with her. We managed to stay between her & the buck & doe we were after. This silly doe kept coming!! Keep in mind she could see us the ENTIRE time because the buck was on the other side of the horses. She grazed in to 19 yards!!! I kept turning around to see if she was gonna ruin the hunt & keep eyes on the buck & his doe, who finally decided she doesn't like the situation. So at 79 yards the doe trotted off & the buck reluctantly followed, even though this doe was still within the 20 yard range right behind us. She was so close I couldn't get a picture with her & the fawns, who are just off the right. You just don't know what's gonna happen on these hunts. Even though it was a doe, it was so cool to have her follow us to this buck & hang out long after the buck & his doe scattered. We actually walked away from her & the fawns, they never spooked. It was one of the highlights of this hunt for me 🏹

Are you wondering what happened?

Are you wondering what happened?

Hunter got his antelope the first stalk, of the first morning of the first day!!! Forest was up next. It was a perfect s...

Hunter got his antelope the first stalk, of the first morning of the first day!!! Forest was up next. It was a perfect script. Lone buck. Bedded down. And a hunter who is a great shot. We worked in fairly quickly & the buck was unconcerned. We were at 80 yards when he stood up & looked at us. I got excited because I could see what was about to happen. He had scared every other antelope in the country with the mass of twine, that really looked like had been braided, around his horns. I told Forest to get ready because he was gonna come straight at us & he did. I was giving Forest ranges & at 30 yards he stopped broadside & looked at us & gave Forest his shot AND HE SMOKED HIM!!! We haven't ever had an opening day like this one!!! Couldn't be more impressed with these young men! It was a blast hunting with them! Dad is up next 🏹

What a phenomenal opening day!!! Wayne is here with his 2 sons, Hunter & Forest, & none of them have hunted antelope bef...

What a phenomenal opening day!!! Wayne is here with his 2 sons, Hunter & Forest, & none of them have hunted antelope before so what an adventure!! They decided Hunter was up first. We took off to try a buck on a field with about 7 does & fawns. It was going great but the flies were harassing them & the buck wouldn't settle. He would bed down, jump up, kick a doe up, walk away & lay down again. In the middle of the hunt, we got side-tracked by a badger, but we resisted the urge (we did, but Wayne had to revisit the field with his bow after we wrapped up with Hunter)& took off after the buck who had trotted a couple hundred yards away. We worked in quickly. The buck stood up broadside at 38 & Hunter smoked him!!!! The bonus on this was this was also Hunter's first bow kill!! He joined the club with the handful of us who also started out with an antelope!! Wayne couldn't have been prouder!! The hunting is always a rush, but to be part of the excitement of a first kill & a family hunting together like we do ourselves is the best 🏹 I'll tell you about Forest's adventure soon....

We got 2 out of 3 tags filled today!!! Ended the day chasing this beauty!!! I'll share more tomorrow 🏹

We got 2 out of 3 tags filled today!!! Ended the day chasing this beauty!!! I'll share more tomorrow 🏹

Good morning from antelope country! Today is the day!!! Stay tuned.....

Good morning from antelope country! Today is the day!!! Stay tuned.....

We hunt in 5 DAYS!!! 5 DAYS 🀯 It was a milestone day yesterday. 4 generations went out scouting. The newest scout was by...

We hunt in 5 DAYS!!! 5 DAYS 🀯 It was a milestone day yesterday. 4 generations went out scouting. The newest scout was by far the cutest!!

Saw some great shooter bucks & most of the does were leading 2 babies. The bucks were still mostly in their bachelor groups or lone do**in it. We've been in the 100s for 3 weeks & this last week has been in the 80s, mornings in the 40s. FEELS LIKE HUNTING SEASON!! The antelope are starting to move around & next weekend we'll be chasing them!!! Stay tuned....🏹

We had grand plans to do some scouting but with temps still in the 100s & the fire danger in the severe category we put ...

We had grand plans to do some scouting but with temps still in the 100s & the fire danger in the severe category we put it off till next weekend. We have a nice temperature drop coming with some good chances for much needed rain, so hopefully next week I can post some season preview pictures!! I am hopeful because the antelope moved back down on the hayfield this last week so that tells me things are gearing up! In 2 weeks we will be 2 days into the first hunt of 2024 & we couldn't be more excited!!! TWO WEEKS 🏹

What do you do when are are entering a third week of temps touching & soaring into the 100s?? Take everybody fishing!!! ...

What do you do when are are entering a third week of temps touching & soaring into the 100s?? Take everybody fishing!!! 7 of us grabbed poles & headed for the dam. The first dam was slow & the First Fish title was snagged up by Dad. A couple of us caught some fish but nothing BIG & we had a start on some titles like Biggest & Most Species. There was a storm coming in so we loaded up & headed to the Walleye dam. They were biting there, & not just the crappie this time!! Titles were being stolen repeatedly then someone caught a BIG bass & pretty well sealed the Biggest title. Dad & Hunter were tied up for Most Species at 3 each. They were also competing for Most Fish. Hunter found the crappie honey hole & pulled ahead to win Most Fish. Dad won Most Species by pulling in a walleye!!! First one this year! So with that & his bass, Dad won Most Meat. Hunter also forced us to create a new title with his Smallest Fish, but it was clearly a bass & not bait so we'll give it to him. Another great day with family enjoying the outdoors 🎣

Dad snuck in some fishing with a buddy last week. They caught some big catfish & a couple good walleye. They also practi...

Dad snuck in some fishing with a buddy last week. They caught some big catfish & a couple good walleye. They also practiced their catch & release skills, or some fish worked their escaping skills. The details of the event are a little unclear πŸ˜„


Episode 2 airs tonight!!! Tune in to see more antelope action!!


Got out early yesterday morning for some fishing. The crappie were biting like crazy & the race to catch the most was on!! And so was the trash talking πŸ˜„ I caught 3 right off the bat so I had First Fish title in the bag. I also caught a bluegill so was holding Most Species. I was at 9, Dad was at 6. Then 12 & 8. He caught me at 16 fish each. It was getting serious so when one of his fish spit out the hook & lit on the bank he yelled as long as he gets his hands on it it counts. I may have beat him to it & flicked that one back in with the tip of my pole 😬 He passed me at 18 and by then had caught a bluegill & took the Most Species title away from me. We were rolling through the minnows & getting low so I added a challenge. The minnows were pretty small & he was having a hard time hanging on to them, so I said if anyone drops a minnow on the tailgate or in the dirt that's a 3 cast penalty, meaning that person had to wait until the other person had cast out 3 times (we were bobber fishing & that would have felt like an eternity!) Things were getting serious & we were TIED at 25 each with 1 minnow left. He didn't get his fish thrown back fast enough so I snagged the minnow & ended the day winning 27 to 25. WHAT A BLAST!!! Altogether we caught 54 fish! I got First & Most. Biggest & Most Species were a draw. Always a good time 🎣


Happy 4th of July from South Dakota & thanks to those of you who have fought to keep us free πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²


Tonight is the night!! Our first episode airs tonight on The American Way TV on the Pursuit channel!!!


The results of Father's Day fishing!!! I won first & most. Dad got biggest. We tied for most species because like he says in the video something was wrong & he didn't catch a bluegill. I added another category specially for him. We now have a 5th category: most meat. He caught 2 bass so even though I caught more fish, his were bigger & contributed more to the plate. Happy Father's Day, Dad πŸ™‚πŸ‘

And we wish you all a safe & Happy Fourth of July & THANK YOU to all of you who have fought for our freedom πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

He is here 🩡

He is here 🩡

What's the best thing to do on Father's Day? Grab a six pack & your dad & go fishing!!! Happy Father's Day to all you da...

What's the best thing to do on Father's Day? Grab a six pack & your dad & go fishing!!! Happy Father's Day to all you dads, & those of you special men who are dads to kids that need them. 🩡🏹

Uncle Randy & Aunt Rhonda were out getting cows set in the summer pasture this past week. This little guy popped up out ...

Uncle Randy & Aunt Rhonda were out getting cows set in the summer pasture this past week. This little guy popped up out of the grass as they were driving through on their side-by. These have to be some of the best baby antelope pictures I've ever seen! You can see in one picture its mouth is open calling for mom, who wasn't too far away. It always amazes me how the babies are camouflaged with tan but only for a couple weeks until they have those signature white markings. And I wish there was a way to judge in these pictures how small an antelope baby really is. So tiny & vulnerable in coyote country. Thanks for sharing, Uncle Randy!!! Fantastic pictures!!!

These babies are hitting the ground now!! Mid week heads up!! For those of you hunting with us, you can now get your arc...

These babies are hitting the ground now!!

Mid week heads up!! For those of you hunting with us, you can now get your archery antelope licenses!!! If there is a choice, you will be purchasing the private landowner license. If you have questions or trouble, get ahold of me & we will get it figured out. Another reminder. You CANNOT purchase licenses over the counter in South Dakota. This is a guarantee license, but no need to wait till last minute. I'll be texting each of you this week to touch base!! We start hunting in just over 2 months!!!!!!!! 🏹

Yesterday was feeling a little more like summer. We took advantage & got in some fishing. Dad & I like to watch Bill Dan...

Yesterday was feeling a little more like summer. We took advantage & got in some fishing. Dad & I like to watch Bill Dance bloopers & have been watching them a lot lately. Our afternoon looked like a blooper reel from his show. A tackle box got spilled (don't tell him I may have been the one that didn't latch the lid 🀫), he tangled a chunk of old line in his pole, forgot his new pole at the house, almost fell in the dam on another project, & when he released the parking brake in his side-by the handle came off. I THOROUGHLY enjoyed our afternoon!!! And he was the only one to catch a fish so he won it all!!!

There were antelope in the ridge pasture, geese with babies on the dam, & the prairie flowers are blooming. It was a good day.

Get out and create memories 🎣🏹

Aspen likes to be involved in everything ranching & hunting. Last year she joined the Hunt Safe instructor team. She is ...

Aspen likes to be involved in everything ranching & hunting. Last year she joined the Hunt Safe instructor team. She is blessed enough to get to help with the program alongside my Uncle Randy, on the right, & our family friend of 40+ years Fred, on the left. Those 2 men were both my instructors & my kids' instructors. They are legends!! Uncle Randy's has been an instructor for nearly 50 years & received the Instructor of the Year award in 2015. Fred has been involved in the program for over 30 years & just last month received Instrucyor of the Year. I am disappointed that my generation dropped the ball on educating future hunters, but am proud that Aspen is getting involved & these programs will survive thanks to volunteers like these three. Congratulations & many thanks to them.

In other news, we've been branding, mowing our yards, dad's been fishing some, had a couple bonfires in my backyard, the boys got pedicures & new shoes this week (Smokey, Twizzler & Jake) AND JUST 5 WEEKS TILL BABY BOY GETS HERE!!!

Create more experiences, share more stories, live more fulfilled 🏹

Waited all day to take this picture with my babies & to wish all the moms out there Happy Mother's Day!!!

Waited all day to take this picture with my babies & to wish all the moms out there Happy Mother's Day!!!

We enjoy all of life together, and yesterday just happened to be a work day, pairing out for Swans. We were taking the c...

We enjoy all of life together, and yesterday just happened to be a work day, pairing out for Swans. We were taking the cows that have calved out of one pasture & moving them out to summer pasture with green grass. That sounds simple, but the challenge is to keep around 12-15 moms & babies mothered, or paired up at a time, sorted from the herd, through the gate, across 2 creek crossings & through another gate into the summer pasture. The cows know the routine. It's the 14 or so babies that are running cause the sun has super-charged their little bodies that are the loose cannons of the operation.

You may recognize Smokey & Jake from the hunts. That's because these are not just hunting horses, they are our working ranch horses. They get used for ranching, hunting, and we love to just ride.

There were some wrecks, but that's ranching. At the end of the day, the work was done, no one got seriously hurt, & we enjoyed another day living the dream. Quick video to watch in the comments.


Today we talk about Aspen. We remembered more about her so there aren't really gaps for me to fill in. I will throw a bonus video in the comments. Enjoy!!


Today you get to learn some things about me. Again, this is all unscripted, which leads to some cricket moments. Other things I've done that were highlights in my life were ranching, being an archery instructor for the 4-H program, but most of all being home & raising my 2 kids was the greatest adventure of my life. Now I'm on to the next adventure, full of grandbabies, home projects, & all things outdoors 🏹


Today you get to meet my dad, Rick. The 3 of us do the most together, but there really are more people in our family! 😁 My folks have been married for 49 years this year. My mom, Deb, is the one who keeps us fed between adventures & cooks for us during hunting season. They have 2 kids, myself & my younger brother, 5 grandkids, and now 2 great-grandbabies. I'm sure there's more but for now, here's Dad...


In this video, I mention our 40/40/fixed rule.I talk about the 40/40 & then forget the fixed rule. We are talking about broadheads. We require you to use fixed blades. Mechanical broadheads have failed time after time on antelope. We hate to see a hunter leave camp without their trophy simply because of mechanical failure. We want you to have the best experience & best opportunity for a successful hunt. I know I just pushed a button with some of you. If you want, give me a call & I'd be happy to discuss it more!

So, here we are again, talking more about our passion for antelope hunting🏹


Happy Easter! He is risen!!

Here is another video that tells you how a typical day of hunting goes. Again, unscripted, unedited. We probably forgot something, so if you have questions just ask. More next week!!!


I have been thinking & a lot of you may not know us, what we do or how we got started. I told dad we needed to do some "get to know us" posts & he groaned because he didn't want to do videos. GREAT idea, Dad!!! I was just gonna type it up & add some pictures. So since some of our best discussions happen in the pickup, we loaded up & started talking. These are not scripted or edited. Just us (because I don't know how to do all the fancy editing) telling you how dad's persistence changed the course of our lives. HE is the one that started the whole idea of hunting antelope with horses. Other people have tried, some may even offer a hunt this way, but DAD gets the credit for this. So proud of him & grateful that he included Aspen & they roped me in 🏹


13444 Paint Horse Lane
Newell, SD


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