Hello, home gardeners. We are ready to sell some plants! Sylvie’s Seedlings has lots of varieties of heirloom tomatoes like Cherokee Purple, dwarf tomatoes like Peppermint Stripes, and hybrid tomatoes like Sun Gold. We have sacks of potatoes that are really fun to grow and they just taste better than store-bought potatoes. If you’ve never grow potatoes, it’s really fun and easy to dump these grow bags and find fresh potatoes. We have cucumbers like Boston Pickling cucumbers. We have all kinds of herbs like rosemary, thyme, and dill. We have peppers, eggplants, and flowers, including marigolds, dahlias, bluebonnets, zinnias, and nasturtiums. Please message me, Jonathan, or Sylvie Seedlings, and come by and take your pick. All plants (1 gallon, 4 inch, or 6-pack) are $5; sack of taters are $10. We’d love to help you grow your own garden.