Topline Animal Services and Rehab

Topline Animal Services and Rehab Large and Small Animal Bodywork, Rehabilative Therapies, Sports/athletic and Maintenance Programming

Here's another one that made my brain twitch...The phonecall came and the discussion was had: a 5 yr old stallion who is...

Here's another one that made my brain twitch...

The phonecall came and the discussion was had: a 5 yr old stallion who is lame for two days after the farrier comes and is only able to be ridden for about 20 minutes before he is lame the rest of the my head it was a farrier issue. I headed over there and honest to God the feet are appropriate with his breed and riding style.

Oh boy. Which way do I go next...

Turns out he had a decreased craniosacral rhythm in 3 of his fetlocks, his right hock, and left stifle. He also had some soft tissue bound up around c4 and due to this combination he was unable to do much more than shuffling with poor overall break over and a lack of any spring in his step. Sweet boy got a full work over.

In an hour and a half, he went from not good pastern angles to better angles, and from an arched and uncomfortable back to a nice relaxed posture. And then he trotted out with impulsion and with good and steady breakover.

I couldn't be more pleased with the results and am very much looking forward to seeing him and a few others at the same barn on Thursday.

The best part? I don't speak Spanish. They didn't speak English. Their son translated over the phone when needed and otherwise we pointed and gestured to get it done. He would point and say, "in Mexico, its called" and tell me while he pointed. I would say, "in English, its called..." and point to the same spot.

When I understood I told him, "I got you."

When napoleon trotted like a completely different horse, he gave 2 thumbs up and said, "I got you."

What a cool day 😎

Anyways, check out the before and after. What a change, even in the way his tail hangs πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Headed off to Travelers Rest early tomorrow. I love watching the sun come up over the river on the way.

Catch yall on the way back in.

I'm headed to pick up my rental tomorrow and then I'll be headed back to Travelers Rest. I still have a few hours open t...

I'm headed to pick up my rental tomorrow and then I'll be headed back to Travelers Rest. I still have a few hours open this trip if anyone wants seen Tuesday or Wednesday.

If not, I'm going to be hanging out on the theraplate πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ😊

Anhidrosis in horses. I'm sorry, do what in horses?Anhidrosis. A medical term for a significant reduction or complete la...

Anhidrosis in horses.
I'm sorry, do what in horses?

Anhidrosis. A medical term for a significant reduction or complete lack of ability to produce sweat.

Horses that live in a hot and humid environment are more likely to develop this condition but it can also develop from an illness, immune response, or a physical or craniosacral injury. Research says it can be temporary or permanent, but in my experience with dietary changes and craniosacral therapy it can be reversed, prevented from recurring, and easily managed.

It can also develop quickly or slowly over a long period of time.
Signs of Anhidrosis include: decreased sweat, no sweat, rapid breathing (if a horse looks like it's panting, that's a very very bad sign), dry/flaky skin, dull hair coat (especially on the forehead), hair loss lethargy, fatigue, decreased appetite, decreased water intake, and overall depression.

Anhidrosis puts horses at risk for heat stroke, and the inability to thermoregulate is deadly.

Treatment includes moving the affected horse to a cooler environment, feeding electrolytes, supplementing salt and extra vitamin e, and the available alternative treatments.

Alternative treatments for anhidrosis include acupuncture and even more successful craniosacral therapy. Cst has been a very successfully documented reversal of anhidrosis and is a staple reversal in my practice.

The most important thing to remember is that horses are not able to breathe through their mouth, they can only breathe through their nostrils. If it looks like your horse is panting when they are at rest, that's a very dangerous sign something is wrong.

Great memory post from last year for more on anhidrosis and the rehab they need for successful sweating...

Great memory post from last year for more on anhidrosis and the rehab they need for successful sweating...

My appointments for the 15th and the 22nd have been combined and moved to a different date. Thank you for working togeth...

My appointments for the 15th and the 22nd have been combined and moved to a different date. Thank you for working together!

This means that I'm available from 9am to 2 both days for normal reduced priced haul ins. Ambulatory prices are 110/single and 90/multiple and haul ins are available for 75. This can be for new or already established clients. Enjoy this price because this is the last two days availabl3 for the month.

Anyone that wants it, you know what to do.


Yall don't forget, I'm available for haul ins most anytime (reduced feesπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ)This coming Friday, the chiroiractor comes at...

Yall don't forget, I'm available for haul ins most anytime (reduced feesπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ)

This coming Friday, the chiroiractor comes at 2. There's almost always room for more. (This will quickly become a monthly deal, we just have to iron it out.)

Message me if you are interested, you can have appointments with each of us if you'd like.


Updates to in-state service area, apologies in advance...

This year has been a difficult and transitory year for my little family. Our youngest child has turned 15 and starts high-school this year (he also starts and finishes his school day later), epm hit one of our senior horses, two other horses turned completely metabolic, my speaking engagement calendar blew up, and Travis opened his own guitar tech and recording studio. In the middle of all of this we have been slowly pecking away at polishing off the rehab center on our facilities set to open (if the creek don't rise πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ) either December or January, which has until this posting been quietly moved from summer/fall of 2025 because we were way further ahead than I thought we were. All great problems to have, but due to that some really hard decisions have had to be made.

One of those is reducing my in-state travel radius and being more readily available for 1)haul ins 2)immediate injury/rehab availabilities 3)making room for those future rehab stays at our facilities and 4)the wonderful locals that are close to within 50 miles of Newnan. Anything that is over the 50 mile radius is subject to an increased travel fee no matter the number of horses, so long as the gas prices stay as high as they have been. There is another post coming about the fee schedule but you won't see that one until the end of the year if and when there are any changes.

If you haven't heard from me about this new arrangement yet, you are likely not affected. This does not affect anyone on any of these state lines, or over them: ga/fl, ga/al, ga/sc, ga/tn. It also does not affect those anyone that I travel to that require overnight stays or those that I catch on the way back home from those stays.

This was a very difficult decision to make and honestly I'm sad about it. But as sad as I am about it, I am very very excited for everything else that's coming from me to you. I am truly blessed to have such a supportive client base that appreciates my skills and is happy to see me continue to elevate.

Thank you all so very much for believing in me, thank you for your unwavering support, and thank you for allowing me to be a part of your professional team.

In about 2 months time, I'll be looking for more local case studies to finish out my veterinary thermography, saddle fitting, and equine rehab therapist certifcations (good lord that seems like a lot!). This week I need to find some of you to video some good stretches for the class I'm publishing. Research is ongoing, business is busy, and everything continues to grow and thrive at tremendous rates. I am absolutely astoshined and completely humbled.

Well, I've done it again!Linda and I have made our schedules for Travelers Rest, SC through October and are working on N...

Well, I've done it again!

Linda and I have made our schedules for Travelers Rest, SC through October and are working on November/December; We are happy to announce that I will be back through Traveler's rest for the following dates:
August 20-21
September 17-18
Equi-Forum and Appointments October 11-13 (almost finished formatting)
5 day On-Site Rehab servicing Nov (date tbd)

If you are in or near the area any of those times and you want in on the bodywork rotation, please feel free to contact me, 404.877.8571

We are both so excited continue our friendship and our working relationship to include an ever expanding service area for bodywork and rehab services! We can barely contain ourselves!

For the first time in Topline history, I will be up at Shadydale Equine Center in November for a 5 day rehab stay for the locals up there, or those that are close. The details are in the flyers attached, but this will be a perfect time for you guys to have me up there at your disposal for a full 5 days; Linda has so graciously opened her barn so that I and your horses can stay for 5 days for all of the bodywork and rehab they can get. I am so excited to watch all of the positive changes of balance and proprioception take place, and so honored to be able to do it for you guys. (This will be the same work that I will do in my rehab center once I am up and running end of this year or early next.) The goal is to be able to repeat the 5 day rehab stays twice a year if we can bring enough interest.

At the time of this posting, there is only 5 spots left open so please be sure and get in touch if you are interested. The dates are still TBD but should be worked out later this week.

Please feel free to ask questions here, share, or even have a running conversation in the comment section!
Talk soon

!!Last minute opening for haul ins tomorrow, August 6!!!My travel radius had to make an immediate change (more on that l...

!!Last minute opening for haul ins tomorrow, August 6!!!

My travel radius had to make an immediate change (more on that later in the week), and that leaves me nothing to do until about 230pm.

If you like to drop in, just let me know and I'll work you in

Goatee William will be happy to greet you!

Hey yall! We have talked about this before, but the conversation just gets too long (not anyone's fault but mine!). Let ...

Hey yall! We have talked about this before, but the conversation just gets too long (not anyone's fault but mine!). Let me condense this into one post and then try to get some good videos when its not pouring down rain!

All humans, horses, dogs, cats, etc have intricate myo-fascial kinetic lines that play a crucial role in their movement and overall well-being. These lines are pathways of connective tissue that support muscles, bones, and organs, ensuring smooth and efficient motion.

Here’s a quick overview of the key lines:

Superficial Dorsal Line (SDL): This line runs along the back, from the poll to the tail, supporting the horse’s posture and helping with movements like rearing and bucking.

Superficial Ventral Line (SVL): Extending from the jaw to the hind legs, this line aids in flexion and extension of the neck and back, crucial for activities like grazing and jumping.

Lateral Line (LL): Running along the sides of the body, this line helps with lateral movements and balance, essential for turning and side-stepping.

Spiral Line (SL): This line spirals around the body, connecting the head, neck, and limbs, playing a key role in rotational movements and overall coordination.

Deep Front Line (DFL): Extending from the jaw to the hooves, this line supports the core and stabilizes the horse during various activities, including galloping and dressage.

Understanding these kinetic lines helps us provide better care and treatment for our equine friends, enhancing their performance and comfort. The most important part for you to understand is that they all connect and if there is a restriction anywhere it will cause another deferred lameness or restriction somewhere else.

Once the rain stops, I will paint the lines on my horse and do a stretch video so they make more sense.

The picture below is my Hank Dog when he was a puppy. Here, he is using his lateral, dorsal, and spiral lines to help him get comfy enough for a snooze (this is nothing unusual or unheard of).




Dear horse industry,

there is a lot we can be learning from Simone Biles.

As most of the world knows, at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Simone Biles decided to pull herself from the competition and received backlash of all sorts from all kinds of kinds for being a "quitter," "letting her country down," and so much hate from people who really didn't give a rats a** about women's gymnastics before she stepped down.

Simone Biles has come back 4 years later and has absolutely dominated. Simone (and her team) secured an Olympic gold medal this week in Paris, France.

What can we as equestrians learn from a small woman who flips in the air with such tremendous power?

1. Put yourself first

Simone pulled herself from competition because of a condition called "the twisties" which causes a gymnast to lose track of where they are in the air while performing maneuvers. It was a huge safety risk to compete with this. She had to prioritize her health before any other goals for herself or her team.

As horsemen, we need to acknowledge when we are not at our best and know when to step away from the barn, the ride, or even a competition.

2. People talk

Simone is one of the most decorated gymnasts of all time. She has a laundry list of world championships, skills named after her, national titles, and now two Olympic all-around titles.

You can be the kindest, most talented, most beautiful, most helpful individual and you will still have folks talking about all of your shortcomings. People will create reasons to not like you, and as an athlete you need to acknowledge that and not dwell on it.

There are so many strangers on the internet that will spit on Simone's name at any given opportunity and their only achievements in life are an average office job and professional couch jockeying.

The horse community is known for this kind of behavior and it can wear a person down fast.

3. Perfect hair doesn't equal a perfect score

So many trainers/coaches/parents get so wrapped up in having the perfect hair/bun/shirt etc. Simone had several flyaways while competing this week and still came out with stellar scores. The judges are not judging your hairstyle folks, just make sure it's not in the way of your back number and we really will not be looking twice.

4. Slowing down doesn't mean quitting

I am certain there was a lot of work put in to get Simone past "the twisties" and back to performing her stunning skills. When I have a horse struggling with a maneuver we go back to the basics to fix the issue before we ask the horse to perform at their full potential again.

This can be frustrating when your trainer tells you "I had to back off of your horse some" or "Hey, we're going to work on boring beginner exercise #3 today." All of this is part of the process and it doesn't mean you or your horse will be stuck their forever. Set backs are a normal part of an athlete's journey.

5. Build others up

Simone has encouraged many women gymnasts such as Jordan Chiles who competed alongside her at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Jordan was invited by Simone to join her at her gym.

The equine industry is terrible about putting others down and being downright rude. Every single youth, amateur, and trainer is human. No one knows everything, everyone can teach you something.

The more we collectively work to create a community of competition AND encouragement, the better the horse industry will be for everyone.

!!!ANNUAL SUMMER PSA!!!I say this every summer, so it's time to repeat the message. VET YOUR PROFESSIONALS...There are n...


I say this every summer, so it's time to repeat the message.


There are new professionals emerging everyday. As wonderful as that sounds, are they really certified? Are they licensed? Are they even insured? Have they worked on someone you know or their animals?

Often times, the answer you need lies in the quality of their work, their level of education, and the knowledgeable (or lack thereof) way they present information to you. What did they find and how did they address your concerns?

In the state of Georgia, there are a few basic and legal requirements:
Equine Dentistry: this is a black and white area, even though it seems grey so we will hold this conversation at some point later. These are not the people I'm concerned with at this time and may never be.

Animal Massage and bodywork: only a certification is required; I'm not sure if I will live long enough to see the day a license is required, and I'm ok with that. This scope of practice is not heavily monitored or governed. When I first started out, I travelled with all of my certificates so that my credentials were readily available when I was asked. I never had to show them, and as the file got thicker I quit carrying them around. My work speaks volumes to the amount of education and experience I have and no one asks to see the actual certificates.

Animal Chiropractics: Must hold a Doctor of Veterinary Degree AND an Animal Chiropractic License, taken at the state board OR they must hold a Doctor of Chiropractic and an Animal Chiropractic License. This is an either/or scenario of legal and medical requirements: Not meeting one or the other pair of requirements means they are practicing medicine without a license. And just fyi, if they are not licensed, they are not insured. When (not if) they injure your animal during a non licensed adjustment, you will not get reimbursed for the loss of use of your animal unless you keep them tied up in court. And, just FYI...the penalty for practicing chiropractics without licensure is a felony conviction with a fine anywhere from 500-5000 dollars (they will not escape this charge), prison for no less than to and not more than 5 years or a combined sentence of the above. Each count is a separate case and it also falls additionally under false or fraudulent advertising. If you are not sure about your chiropractor, the state licensing board gives you a place to search your DR (or your not DR) and find the status of their license. You will quickly learn if they are current, not current, their license has been revoked, or will come up blank if they never went through licensure at all.

I have seen and rehabbed a lot of horses who have been damaged by unlicensed professionals, and every single injury caused by them could have been prevented if only the research was done on the professional by the owner. In all cases, the owner didn't want to press charges and so the unlicensed professional is still adjusting animals.

It's a circuitus track with many side effects.


Proprioceptive Therapy Day for Re*****on and his locking stifle (surgical repair with a previous owner).

Sometimes a locking stifle, other such stifle injuries, or stifle issues that still occur after surgery don't always stem from the connective tissues but instead can be caused by a dysfunction in the stay apparatus.

During proprioceptive therapies, horses sway and self stretch. When they go through these motions they work their core muscles and exercise the lock and load mechanism of the stay apparatus.

This will eventually over time decrease the occurrence of locking stifle and increase comfort as he heads back into work.

Bubbles the donkey wanted to try it too

3 horse and Rider pairs. 3 different countries. 1 withdrawal after public backlash, 1 elimination, and 1 yellow card. Th...

3 horse and Rider pairs. 3 different countries. 1 withdrawal after public backlash, 1 elimination, and 1 yellow card. The opening ceremonies were 2 nights ago πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

I am not here to beat up on these talented people, nor am I here to politicize anything. It's only through awareness that things can change.

We have got to have a better awareness of biomechanics as it relates to functional anatomy and be more educated and intentional in our rides. It starts with those of us that have been in the industry for a long time, and it should continue with the youth and new entrants.

Rider #2 to be eliminated from the 2024 Olympics, due to a bleeding mouth. (No, this horse did NOT bite his tongue. The still shot was taken DURING his dressage test)

Rider #3 that was issued a yellow card for exhibiting an obvious Rolkeur. This pattern of overflexing is forced, will block the hyoid apparatus (which means they can't balance or counter balance), and decreases the horse's ability to breathe.

I honestly cannot even begin to think about which scenario does the most damage to the horse. The horse's willingness to work harder to please us even when we make it almost impossible continues to blow my mind.

It's not rocket science. It does not have to be intentional to be cruel.

I am saddened that these trends still exist at such a high level, but am hopeful because the judges are finally speaking against it.

If you would like a biomechanics clinic or lesson, or even just a simple evaluation, please take the opportunity to reach out.

I am busy, but I am here to educate and help you and your equine athletes.

Tomorrow I will finish up the fascia lines (when it's not raining I'll do the videos), and then we will move into some great biomechanical posts for you!

The next equiforum is Sept 8 in John's Islanxs, SC. After that the next one is Oct 12 in Traveler's Rest. My normal rotations out of state still continue, and in Novemeber I'm holding a 5 day rehab stay in SC.

Stay tuned for some much happier things ☺️


This might ruffle some feathers. And I'm good with that if we can make some positive changes. No hate on this post,just conscious discussion.

"I am deeply ashamed..." As you should be. As should many people, including those that condoned this and the person who filmed it with approval and laughed while doing so. Also including the group of judges that think this is a pretty picture and that all horses that are being forced to carry themselves this way makes the best scores. As should anyone who thinks this level of collection is now or will ever be biomechanically sound 1)at a very young age and 2)under anything other than a relaxed frame. Yes, it is possible to have high level of collection AND be relaxed AND enjoy their job.

After I swallowed the bile in my throat and collected my thoughts...I am absolutely disgusted by this behavior and nothing anyone can say will make this ok. Absolutely nothing.

If any trainer has that kind of temperament, they should absolutely have no students.

This appears to be a younger horse who is still learning, but these other thoughts immediately came to mind when I saw this.

This is abominable behavior, but let's dissect the biomechanics they are trying to literally FORCE this horse into. This horse is being held behind the vertical with far too much weight on the front to have any increase of forward motion or impulsion. The horse has a flash noseband which is unneccarily tight which makes it unable to flex his jaw and tongue in order to relax. His rider is pinched in the left knee and drawing it up instead of stretching down and using those long legs to her advantage. She is also holding him in frame through her shoulders with strength and not relaxation, and the horse has not been allowed to relax and move forward into the bit.

As a rider that has literally ridden every (American) discipline except mounted shooting and archery, and many many years under classical dressage schooling it amazes me that some of our top riders don't know the physical, mental, and emotional distress that we cause in our horses by just not educating ourselves and for the love of God STOP RUSHING THE TRAINING OF YOUNG HORSES.

The last bones in a horses body to close their growth plates are the lumbar area. They are the largest and they don't close until 6 years of age, 8 in larger breeds. There is absolutely no reason to rush them and absolutely no reason to lose your temper because they don't do what you want when you want.

Did yall know that I have equipment you can rent from me?I have a whole revitavet red light wearable set and even have s...

Did yall know that I have equipment you can rent from me?

I have a whole revitavet red light wearable set and even have some duplicate pieces.
Each piece is available for 100$ in 10 day increments.

This does not include the revitavet blanket, IR2 (that's my Infrared kit) or the poll cap. Until I duplicate those I need them with me. (The poll cap alone is $400, the leg sets are $750. All of mine have use but still look new with very little hours on them.)

My bemer blanket is available for $150 a week; their site, and many others lists it for $175 a week so this is a reasonable deal.

There are only certain times these are not available and I have no problem keeping up with those schedules in the rentals so far. (I have occasionally borrowed them back and returned them after the appointment I needed them for)

Everyone is enjoying them so if you want to try these before you buy them it's a great way to see if you like them. You will get the results you want, and it's a good trial. If you do want to purchase them Tom gave me a discount code for you to get 15% off your entire cart.

I have a rental agreement and they are all still under warranty.

A picture of the poll cap use is below, and as an added bonus is a picture of Starr (I talked about him yesterday).

I have a few appointments today and tomorrow and should be caught up. Should be...

Talk soon


It's amazing to me how mentally, emotionally, and physically resilient horses are.

It's amazing how much we can teach eachother if only we are willing to work together even when one of us can't communicate using words.

This lonely, sad, and frightened almost feral boy has been so traumatized by people (not the current owners) but he still wanted to trust me.

After this video yesterday, I left him alone to marinate with his thoughts until this morning. After some very short trust building exercises this morning, he allowed me to halter him, and then allowed me to give him a good solid craniosacral session with some nerve releases. He didn't want to leave, he just needed me to allow him to take a step backwards from time to time.

Once allowed to take a step back, he wanted to lean on me and stay close. He spent a long time just breathing on me. I braided his forelock so he wouldn't be so worried when I switched sides, and he enjoyed it. After his session was complete, he was calm and not near as worried about what people might do.

I am hopeful that I was able to help him find his way back to trusting that people are good.

It's all in being able to understand how their minds and bodies work along with pressure and releases. It's all in the ability to read body language and being intuitive enough in your interpretation to be able to communicate it right back.

Sometimes, rehab is just the tiniest step forward. Sometimes it's leaps and bounds where it really counts.


Last call for any LAST MINUTE appointments tomorrow and Tuesday (July 15/16). I am 100% out of pocket from the 17th to the 21st, but am only back in town for the 22..could not fit anything else in that day if I tried.

Be sure and check to make sure you do not need seen between the 17 and the 25 because you won't be able to get in for a session (unless, of course, you are already on the schedule).

I will be in and out of service and will have a harder time responding, but will still do my best to help where I can.

Yall know what to do! (If you don't, comment/message/call)

I'll only be gone for as long of a stretch as Rose took yesterday πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Eta: filled within 10 minutes of posting. Thank you!Barnaby and I were just chatting while I was working on him. Actuall...

Eta: filled within 10 minutes of posting. Thank you!

Barnaby and I were just chatting while I was working on him. Actually I was chatting and Barnaby was sleeping in his water but that's not the point...

Our sponsored rider Grace is moving to Virginia. I'm so happy for her but as always I am so sad to lose a sponsored rider. That being said there is an immediate opening for a brand new relationship with someone new.

🌟 Sponsored Rider Wanted! 🌟

Top Line Animal Services and Rehab is on the lookout for a talented and passionate individual to join our team as a Sponsored Rider! Do you and your horse have what it takes?

*Must be 18 years of age or older
*Actively competing
*Active on social media with a strong presence
*Absolutely drama and drug-free

What We Offer:
*Sponsorship for you and up to 2 horses
*Access to top-notch rehabilitation and maintenance programing
*Opportunities to represent Top Line at competitions and events
*A supportive and professional environment

If you meet the requirements and are interested please private message me .
Let’s achieve greatness together! 🐴✨

This life though!How old would you guess Buddy Dog is? Believe it or not, this sweet boy is a beautiful 17 year old Bord...

This life though!

How old would you guess Buddy Dog is?

Believe it or not, this sweet boy is a beautiful 17 year old Border Collie.

Buddy is a highly active dog who has been beautifully maintained by his human mom and dad and now receives bodywork, chiropractics, acupuncture, and a fair amount of Frisbee and other Border Collie type activities.

This post should be inspirational to all senior dog owners.

Post a picture of your dog in the comments below and you just might find yourself gifted πŸ˜‰

Remember the people and ideas that founded this country, the backs our freedom was built off, and the many of those that...

Remember the people and ideas that founded this country, the backs our freedom was built off, and the many of those that did it on the backs of horses.

Stay safe this holiday


Have some last minute openings with the heat and everyone swapping up getting ready for 4th of July shows or youth world!

July 8
July 9
July 12, haul ins only
July16, haul ins only

10% off if I travel OR you're new to my roster OR you can come to me for $75 a horse. My travel time is limited but haul ins are unlimited.

I am absolutely 100% out of pocket July 17-21, and in South Carolina rotation the 23 and 24 so please be sure and make sure you get serviced beforehand.

404.877.8571, call or text anytime.

Next Travelers Rest, SC trip is July 23 and 24. It's starting to really fill up, so if you need me to add you in at Shad...

Next Travelers Rest, SC trip is July 23 and 24. It's starting to really fill up, so if you need me to add you in at Shadydale Equine Center or stop in on the way please contact me asap.

List of services is on the first image, as is contact information. Only fees not listed are the horse and/or rider biomechanics but yes they are available once again.

Getting all reports caught up today and tomorrow, in between getting my class tidied up/published and studying for my official Rehab Therapist Certification...seems like a lot, but I'm almost there (Travis has to work sound tomorrow night so I'll be in the corner working πŸ’ͺ πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†)

Anyhow, I'll be back to regularly scheduled posts asap to continue to fascia lines as related to rehab and even a video or two to help you guys stretch your horses better

In the meantime (and by now), you know how to reach me and if you don't then you should!

Love yall, stay safe.


Smokey Road
Newnan, GA


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