4 straight run goslings up for discussion in Newnan. NPIP AI clean.
Fun at Word of God Lutheran Church
Did you know ferrets can sleep up to 18 hours a day? Talk about living the dream! 💤 Just don't be surprised if they steal your comfiest spot on the couch. 😴 #SleepyFerrets #NappingPros #LazyButCute
This is our group of ferrets, Winnie, Billy, and Binx. They are named after characters in one of our favorite movies. Can you guess which one?
🐷 Happy National Pig Day! 🐷 Let's take a moment to appreciate these intelligent, affectionate, and incredibly cute animals. Whether they're rooting around in the mud or snuggling up for a nap, pigs never fail to bring joy into our lives. Our pig Penny came into our lives almoat 8 years ago. She’s smart and like to do a spin for a treat and she’s incredibly affectionate and emotional. We love piggies and hope you do too! #NationalPigDay #PigLove 🐽💕
Tegu eating egg
🥚🦎 Did you know that tegus have a unique diet that includes eggs? These intelligent reptiles are known to enjoy munching on eggs as part of their natural diet. It's fascinating to see them use their sharp teeth and powerful jaws to crack open their meal! Just another reminder of the incredible diversity of nature. #Tegus #Reptiles #EggEaters 🦎🍳
Celebrate spring with us and our lovable animals - chicks, ducklings, goslings, bottle baby goat kids and lambs, as well as big and small bunnies! Book now for your festival or birthday celebration!