Pickle Puss Pet Boutique

Pickle Puss Pet Boutique I have the most awesome job in the world! Even after 29 years I couldnt imagine doing anything else that could bring so much joy !

A customer of mine has these adorable puppies for sale for $100 a piece....they are chi we**ie and pug mix.pm for contac...

A customer of mine has these adorable puppies for sale for $100 a piece....they are chi we**ie and pug mix.pm for contact info...

Please help

Please help


Happy 5th birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world...My granddaughter....I miss you so much and hope your day is filled with so much joy and happiness ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŒน๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŒน๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŒน๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŒน๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ’•

Two shih Tzu females in desperate need of a home..their owner has passed and the person in charge of their care can't ca...

Two shih Tzu females in desperate need of a home..their owner has passed and the person in charge of their care can't care for them .they are about to be abandoned

How could you not love a job for over thirty years when these are the kind of faces you see every dayโค๏ธ

How could you not love a job for over thirty years when these are the kind of faces you see every dayโค๏ธ

Bird cage $40

Bird cage $40

UPDATE!!!!!!  I FOUND HIS PERSON....THANK YOU!Is this your dog?

UPDATE!!!!!! I FOUND HIS PERSON....THANK YOU!Is this your dog?


I'm back in the shop๐Ÿ˜it's been a really tuff past few weeks,but I am open...I just want to thank all of you guys who have been so supportive and kind to me during this terrible hellish time in my life I understood my unusual circumstances...I am truly grateful..i have had to neglect the shop to rearrange my whole existence.now onward to better things and focusing on what needs to be done..nowhere to go but up from here and as long as my body holds up I will work hard to move forward and be the best groomer for you and your precious fur babies...thank you๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ


I will be closed Tuesday...I have broken my ankle and doc says stay off for a couple of days..

Now this evil hag is stalking me to see the damage she caused....I want nothing to do with her ever ...go to hell where ...

Now this evil hag is stalking me to see the damage she caused....I want nothing to do with her ever ...go to hell where you belong greedy, evil,fraud!


I'm back in the shop...sorry for the brief absence...I've been thru hell trying to save my home....I did not...onward and upward and let God deal with them now.

WARNING!!!!!Town of Mt.Carmel....beware of these two frauds!!!

WARNING!!!!!Town of Mt.Carmel....beware of these two frauds!!!


Been up all night since two am ick to my stomach and throwing up...I wont be in the shop today..I'm sure its nerves from being suddenly made homeless.


I have lost my home...I have 30 days to get my whole life out of the home I built and have lived in for ten years...never even got to speak to try to save my home..just..poof! You're a disabled homeless woman now....how's that for justice...please bare with me as I adjust to this traumatic transition..as it is awfully heavy...


Not feeling well at all this morning.fever and big headache...I may not be in today....I apologize for any inconvenience.


I won't be in the shop on Tuesday....I will be in court on an eviction from my home i built and paid for....please keep me in your prayers as the owners and the sellers are grasping at straws and trying everything to ruin me and my life and take my home from me...

I won't be in this morning. This is my little baby his name is Jack I've had him for 16 years and he's on his way out. I...

I won't be in this morning. This is my little baby his name is Jack I've had him for 16 years and he's on his way out. I'm going to spend the day taking care of saying goodbye to one of my best friends.And burying him...sorry for any inconvenience ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’”


I would like to apologize to any of my customers who have came for appointments and I wasn't there last week. As you know my mother and step father Diane and Don Whitlow has sold my home of over ten years out from under me to Logan Chambers and Tasha Daughtery. I built this home with my own hands and the help of friends.well my friends built this house with the help of me..lol.When I built my home her and her loan shark friend Jonathan Layman saw dollar signs. They sold my home after I had paid for it and she went and bought herself a $550,000 farm in Mount Carmel. Note that my mother and her husband are in their mid 70s... After I had my quadruple bypass and would not die so they can have my home they started sneaking around my back and working on this deal. Most of you know that I am disabled anyway and try to work a little bit to fill the gaps. My whole family had made a deal after my home burned and I was looking for a new home when my mother and her husband came to me crying wanting me to build a home on their land and come help them as they aged. As a daughter with a heart I wanted to do the right thing and help take care of my parents. My brother lived on my father's land as I did too. He had given me some acreage and I had paid for a little trailer for me and my son to live in.my brother was horrified that my dad may give me something and relentlessly harassed for years for me to just let him have my dads home..my father wasnt even dead yet. My home burned .The deal was my brother lived with my dad and helped him when he died my brother got his land. And I came to my mothers land and lived and helped and when they died I got their land. When I got my home up and had spent quite a bit of money my mother decided to start harassing me relentlessly to sign the land my father had given me back over so I could have this and my brother could have that and it would be fair. My son and his family also lived on my father's land. Well ... My father died. My brother turned the power off on my son and my son came to live with me. My mother and my brother robbed my son his babies and his pregnant wife of everything they owned. With my help as a mother I was almost as devastated as they were. I made sure they got back everything they needed.... Now evidently the people that my mother has sold this land to are as evil and spiteful as she is. They have tried all kinds of intimidating ways to make me abandon my home. After all I've been through to have this home I refuse to leave because I feel like I have a chance to fight. I am one woman. A battle scarred injured and battered woman. All of the stress from this situation has also landed me in the hospital with my heart. But I am also a determined, strong-willed, not easily shaken woman. I have done nothing to these people I don't even really know them all I know is the man introduced himself as a bear hunter and a Ogle from Gatlinburg.And how many of us have had the bear hunters drive up in our driveway piling out of their trucks with their guns demanding we let them hunt on our property..note..(not all of them act this way but ive had it happen a few times and several of my customers and my son have too.)He came into my yard and threatened to shoot my dogs in the head if they bit him. He also made his brags of having the new judge and our sheriff in his pocket because his wife is the daughter some sort of law enforcement officer in Sevierville. Last Saturday the day before my birthday I woke up to a hail of gunfire next to my home. Pellets were raining on my house. So at 6:00 in the morning I open my back door and see my animals running for their lives scared to death scratching on my door and whining. I start hollering to try to get their attention and make them stop. They would not stop it was relentless for like 15 minutes. So I fired a couple shots on the other side of my house to get their attention nowhere near in the direction of where the people were. It was only to get their attention.Whoever it is stops for a moment and anyone that knows me knows I have one good potty mouth so I start cussing. (I had seen these people dumping feed out the day before and didn't really understand why they were dumping bags of stuff out but now I know.) My neighbors were texting and calling me worried to death about what was possibly going on over here. We are all used to gunfire and hunters. We all have guns. We all know how to use them. Mind you this is 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning. We all work around here and these new owners don't even live in this house yet. And I don't think they have realized that there are also people who live behind them either. they seem like overly entitled people who just don't care about anyone else.My decision after being told that he had the police in his pocket was to call TWRA. It was early and the officer hadn't got to work yet and so the nice man on the other line told me that he would have the officer call me as soon as he got to work. Soon after that the new owner man calls and text me telling me that those are his children over there hunting doves and that I need to quit cussing them. I had no idea there was children over there ,all I knew is there was a relentless hail of gunfire that frightened me my animals and my neighbors. I would like to add that when you shoot into a pile of birds they fly away. They don't sit there and let you shoot them over and over and over.and why they are shooting and pellets are coming down on my house I don't know. Seems to me they let a bunch of teenagers lose with guns to come intimidate me out of my home. Anyway the game warden called me back and since the new owner man told me they were kids I didn't feel it will be good to start off on the wrong foot and have them arrested for baiting and slaughtering wildlife although I was awfully mad about it. I told the officer that if it happened again I would just take pictures of them putting the seed out and we would handle it from there. The kids shot all day long and I mean all day long up until dark they probably shot a thousand rounds of ammo. The next day was my birthday I went for a motorcycle ride the end of the day I received the text from the new owner man telling me that his children would be over Labor Day morning to kill more doves and how he didn't appreciate me cussing his kids yesterday and if and if it happens again he's going to do something to me that won't be so nice and I needed to move out of my house it's time for me to go. I replied back that I wasn't going anywhere.and that baiting and slaughtering wildlife was illegal ,Which I'm sure was frustrating to someone who has went through so much trying to intimidate me out of my home and I'm supposed to be scared of the big bear hunter with all the money and the cops and judge in his pocket.. I was terrified of the gunfire I am still scared because I am over here in the woods all by myself but I will not abandon the home I have went through so much hell to have. I'm assuming the reply that I gave and the fact that I'm not budging really pi**ed this guy off and so he called the police and told them that I was shooting at his children. He had told me that his teenagers were going to have my house so they could live over here with their girlfriends while him and his wife lived in my mother's house after they got it fixed up with their smaller children from what I understand they have eight boys. So evidently there were three teenagers that said I was shooting at them and that they were terrified of me. Now.. if your child called you scared to death because someone was shooting at them, would you tell them to stay there and shoot until dark or would you tell them to leave? The mother was even riding around in the field on lawn mower. If everyone was so afraid of me and that I would shoot them why did they not leave immediately? The next night which was my birthday at around midnight the police came and got me and took me to jail said I had aggravated assaulted three children. Never asked my side never Read me My Rights just threw me in a car and took me. I stayed 12 hours made my bail and come home. I hadn't been home long was washing the dishes where I'd made myself a birthday dinner the night before and more police show up I go outside to see what they might want and they have no idea why they're here. The One cop even asked me if I was driving on revoked. Which I looked at him like he was from another planet because my gate was locked my car was in the driveway and I just come out of my house with wet hands from washing dishes. I still to this day have no idea why they were here and I don't think they do either. I told them this would probably be a reoccurring thing since this guy thinks he has the police in his pocket my driveway is awful and I'm sure they don't like coming up and down it so I gave him my number so he could call me and make sure I'm not doing anything bad. Evidently they saw no danger here and they left. The next day which was the 5th of September I come home from work and there's a little note on my gate hanging there with a pink ribbon telling me I need to leave in 3 days. These people have handled none of this legally they're trying to handle this by intimidating me and threatening me sending their kids to intimidate me. I called the sheriff and asked him if he was in this person's pocket and told him what was going on I also tried to take out an order of protection because these people are trying to bully me out of my home and I am one person the judge declined. I have also called the police and asked for wellness check on me this weekend because I don't know how these people are going to handle the fact that I'm still here.The woman in this situation works for Morristown hamblen child Care center. This is a scary thought to me. I have one son. He's even doing an online college class on gunsmithing. I taught him gun safety at an early age. And I'm not even an avid hunter. I have raised my son to never ever act like this. He would never try to intimidate a woman out of her home with guns.This woman who works with children is teaching her eight boys that it is okay to show up at a disabled woman's home and try to intimidate her out of her house with guns. How in the hell am I the bad guy here? I know this is a lot of information. But I'm trying to explain why I would randomly be out of work and leave you all hanging. I love my work, and I appreciate every one of you. And I am so so sorry for any inconvenience that I'm causing any of you from trying to fight for what's right and my right to live in the home I built and have been in for over ten years... Please bear with me as I fight alone for my home and please pray for me because this is very stressful and very tiring on a woman who has had quadruple bypass surgery and is disabled in her back and legs... I am a fighter and I know I'm right and I'm not backing down.Who knows what these people are capable of since they think it's ok to send their own children to do their dirty work. Thank you so much to those of you who understand I love you all and I'm trying my best. as a person who's made it her life's work since I was 17 years old to take care of God's creatures and love them and make their lives and their owners lives a little bit better I am devastated by the unfolding of events that have affected my life, my work, and my health. I love my job I love my customers and I absolutely adore their fur babies. I am really struggling and I appreciate any prayers or Good vibes and love you guys could send my way.


I want to apologize to anyone who kept their appointments and I wasn't in the shop....I had a short hospital stay with chest pains(I am a quadruple bypass survivor )out this past week for three days due to some life altering stress...I am back in the shop today and working on feeling better..I am taking appointments for next week and doing my best to call everyone back...thank you for being patient and understanding about my absence.again... apologies


Just want everyone to know that I'm back...I'm a fighter...I've had a hard blow thrown at me,but I'm getting back up..There was no way i could have held a steady hand to be able to cut any furbabies last week..im still shaken by it all,but ready to move forward and fight for my home.Im not the kind of person who just gives up..thank you all for the support and kindness and patience you have shown while I navigate thru this difficult time.I have the most wonderful customers in the world and appreciate everyone of you.โค๏ธ๐Ÿพ


444 West Broadway Avenue
Newport, TN



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