Help Phil find a forever home for the new year! He’s been searching high and low!
He is a 1.5 year old pittie mix, with the goofiest personality. He was originally adopted out as a puppy but a year later his owners dropped him off at a shelter saying they no longer wanted him. Luckily, we were contacted and able to bring him back into our care. Even though he had a rough start at life, he is still the happiest and sweetest boy. He LOVES kisses and snuggles, all you need to do in kneel down and he’s right there!
Some fun facts about Phil:
•Knows sit, shake, and down.
•Walks great on a slip chain collar, but even on a flat collar he does okay
•Phil is child friendly, we are just recommending older children due to his size and how excited he can get
•No cats/small animals
•Phil is a high energy boy, who would love dog siblings that match his energy to play with!
•Corrects well from other dogs
•Prefers mental stimulation over walks
•Needs help learning manners, so he will need consistency to learn and continue to be a gentleman ♥️
•Will go into his crate, however he will bark if he knows someone is home. He responded well to some training techniques to correct this (sit on the leash, bark collar, etc). We believe as he decompresses, he will learn that his crate is a safe space.
•He will do best in a single family home (no apartments)
•House trained (we always suggest a strict potty schedule the first couple weeks while dogs decompress)
•Available for Foster-to-Adopt and his fee is reduced to $50! ♥️
Apply at www.adoptastray.com today!