Your website is a communication tool that can drive customers to you or drive them away. Potential customers will and do check referrals, advertising and other outreach you've invested in against the content and tone of your business before making a choice between you and your competitor offering similar products or services. NOW is the time to take a hard look at ALL your communication properties and listen to what they are actually saying to potential customers. Does your website engage? Inform? Create a desire for your product or drive demand for your services against the future clamor for customers as the country reopens? When we come through this time we will be embarking on a new day, a new world and an even more competitive marketplace. Now is the time to get ready.
As a marketing professional with more than a decade of experience in content generation and website makeovers, I'd like to help you take advantage of the communication assets you already own and help you develop strategies, content, and communication that will set you apart from other businesses in your lane.
In 2009 I opened Dandelion Creative LLC to assist small to midsized business and nonprofits navigate through difficult economic times. Small business IS the backbone of our economy and I'm eager to do my part to help ensure YOUR small business is primed for recovery.
For an outline of services and content packages, please contact me directly. Small business recovery is important to all of us. Now is the time to get prepared.