I woke up to this message on Etsy:
Congratulations, you've made 2500 sales!
Take a moment to pat yourself on the back! You've earned it.
I am thrilled to be a Star Seller for the Month of March! Whoooo hoooo! Before I sold on Etsy, I sold my Quilty Critters® on Ebay, and at random Bazaars and Markets, Grey Fox, Etc. So the total sales really is quite a lot more, as well as how many I have given away - to the tune of close to 5,000! Ah, me aching fingers! I now battle neuropathy and so creating these is both a challenge and a therapy for me, but I am NOT giving up. Slow and steady wins the race. Am I tooting my own horn? Perhaps. But if I don't, who will? And there you have it. Huzzah!