Look at these beautiful girls! They deserve the best home!
Dahlilah is a 3 year old spayed female Golden Retriever who weighs 70 lbs. She came to All 4 Paws from a commercial kennel after they no longer wanted her for breeding purposes. This poor girl was rocked by the change in her world - she didn’t trust anyone and just wanted to disappear. We knew from the moment we met Dahlilah that her rehabilitation would take much longer than most. Dogs take on so many roles for their human companions. They are our best friends, training partners, sleep aids, therapists, nurses, adventure buddies… the list goes on and on. When Dahlilah arrived in our care, we knew she needed more than us humans could offer her. Enter Georgia. Georgia is an 8 year old spayed female Golden Retriever who weighs about 90 lbs. She came from a similar situation, and when their paths crossed at the vet, Dahlilah responded to her more than any other dog she had been around. Perhaps it was because Georgia was a Golden too; or it was Georgia’s kind demeanor. We aren’t sure of the why, but what we are sure of is Georgia is Dahlilah’s emotional support animal. Because Georgia seems to be helping Dahlilah in her rehabilitation, we are looking for a family that will accept both girls into their home. These girls are very different, yet their souls are as sweet as ever. Georgia has loved everyone she has met and quickly bonds to those around her. She is easy going and sweet to the core. Georgia seems to be house broken, walks well on leash, and is eager to please. We know Dahlilah is very much like Georgia deep down, she just needs time to feel safe enough to let it shine through. Georgia and Dahlilah’s ideal home is quiet, with low traffic and commotion. They will need a physically fenced in yard for Dahlilah’s safety, and for Georgia’s enjoyment. The family that opens their home and hearts to this duo will have a long road ahead of building trust, but we have no doubt they will be rewarded with the love and devotion of two beautiful souls. Please help us find these girls the dedicated forever home they deserve!
Interested in adopting? Take the first step and complete an adoption application on our website: https://www.all4pawsrescue.com/
We are a foster based organization, so we do not have a facility to visit. Please read our FAQs to learn more: https://www.all4pawsrescue.com/faq
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