Frisbee and Fetch Naia Edition 💚🐾
Wait for it.... 🤣 so proud.
She’s so high drive. I hate that she’s getting older (2 now) but she’s really starting to find herself!
Nooooo its too Cooooooold
🤣 Meet Winston “Winnie,” he’s a little over a year. One of my past students, this made my night and wanted to share. Momma says he does this “every night.” 🤣
Lol videographer I’m not... but I’m so proud of how fast Simba learns!!! He’s such a smart boy and therein lies the problem. 🤣 he’s doing sooooo much better with bringing his excitement down when people come in BUT still jumps for a minute or so- so they will continue working on that, his progress is AMAZING!!!! Wtg Erika. Now we are tackling counter surfing. This was about 5 minutes after we started. 😍😍 working on keeping all 4 on the floor and going to his place instead of being under foot. 🐾💚
The Herders
Hey everyone! I’m thinking of trying something a bit new/different. In light of all things Covid related, a lot of puppies are lacking some extremely important socialization, and lets face it, so are their humans.
My thought is to try some SMALL group obedience classes at my house. I have a big and safe fully fenced in back yard. Cost of classes will be less because you’d be coming to me and there would be multiple families here.
I can also do classes where I train here and use my girls for socialization (at the end of class not during) since they both LOVE other dogs and people.
I’m also thinking of some puppy socialization time being held here, (maybe a) small fee and need proof of all UTD vaccinations.
The video below is Sammy, one of my most recent classes. She gets socialization with momma but also, since she comes here, with my babies too.
What does everyone think? I’m open for suggestions.
Frisbee Things
Working on frisbee skills/ coordination with the Naia Monster! She’s getting there! My baby girl is growing up so fast! 😢
Merry Christmas from my little family to yours! 🐾💜 Be safe! And I hope your day is amazing and full of love, hope, laughs and peace. 💜🐾
Lexi’s dock diving 101. 🤣🤣 go Lexi!!!
🤣🤣 I just can’t with these two (those butts!!! 🤣🤣)! Working on some walking and distractions with Cooper (he’s doing AMAZINGLY with people- momma is working her butt off with him!!! Now we just need to work on other dogs). Drake is along for the ride because he’s the bestest boy ever!! 💜🐾
We took Gemma to Fort Niagara today to work on her LLW skills. After about 10 minutes of utilizing a new way of loose leash walking, she was getting the idea and we had an enjoyable walk! I’m so proud of mom and fur baby for doing such an amazing job learning today. She even kept a loose leash while seeing other people, squirrels and birds! Next week we will head into Lewiston to work in a more distracting environment. We will also be adding some DMT (Distraction-Mark-Treat) to our outing as well. 💪🏼 our goal is to have a fun, relaxing walk where Tiffany doesn’t get pulled down the road by her two big beefcakes. 🐾🤣 I’d say we are pretty durn close!
Also the video would’ve been longer if we hadn’t come upon a nice big stinky dead carp! 🤢
Working on Naia’s crate skills. Maisie took to her crate so quickly, Naia requires a little more work at it. So I started by luring her in, then releasing her out. When she was comfortable with that we moved on to closing the door and being confident in there alone. She’s doing so well. Smart little peanut. Also I’m fiddling with her food to teach her some manners around bowls as well as self-control. 💪🏼 💜🐾
Everyone meet Naia! She came to me on Saturday 3/2 and has a decent amount of separation anxiety, ESPECIALLY in a puppy so young! So we have been working on bonding through training (instead of feeding her out of a bowl I hand feed/train with her food), I’ve added “Comfort Zone” (DAP) to the outlet next to her crate, and started working on crate, sit, and started down today! She picked up on crate in 3 sessions and sit in less then 5 minutes. Now if I could just get her to stop having accidents in the house we would be golden!
Start impulse control early with your fur-kids. It makes it so much easier when you don’t have to worry about door dashing or them knocking things out of your hands when you try to feed them. I started wait with Maisie when she was 8 weeks old and to this day it’s one of my favorite things to do with her.