NDCHers having a good time Wine'ing & Design'ing tonight...
As this Veterinary Technician week comes to a close, we wanted to give ongoing thank you's to our nursing crew. The position is incredibly tough yet rewarding. Nick, Susan, Deanna, Desi, Libby, Makayla and Lacey are kind, compassionate and dedicated to the care and health of our NDCH patients...through and through. The Nipomo Dog and Cat Hospital is fortunate to have such a wonderful tech crew.
Does this pup look familiar? Found at the Nipomo Park yesterday and a good Samaritan kept safe overnight. He is currently at our hospital and SLO County Animal Services will pick up later today.
Please call our hospital 805-929-2855 if you have info to help return this boy back to his people.
As we lean into the holiday and prepare our farewells to 2022, we hope you all know how much we appreciate your trust in our care of your furry family members. The relationship we have with you as your veterinary care team is very unique and we strive to be there for you no matter what brings you our way.
We know these past few years have been additionally tough but no matter what, please know that we know you love your pets to the stars and back. We always hope to support you through their needs.
Our hospital will be closing today (Friday, 12/23) at 4pm and we will be closed Monday. We will reopen with regular hours on Tuesday (12/27)
We hope your family has a safe, happy and uneventful holiday but should you need veterinary care while we are closed, our local pet emergency hospitals are available 24/7.
Central Coast Pet Emergency Clinic (AG): 805-489-6573
PETS Urgent Care (Orcutt): 805-250-5600
PSπ We'd love to see your holiday pet photos in the comments if you'd like to share!
...It *can* be this easy, but usually it's not. Seems like this pup and his person collaborate well on this.
As we've shared before, we know the medical and veterinary industries are big generators of plastic and Styrofoam waste. To offset this sad reality, and until we can work together to create earth friendly packaging materials, the Nipomo Dog and Cat Hospital along with Melissa Latimer from Boehringer Ingelheim are preventing this foam from heading straight into the landfills where it will be for.ev.er. We ship the clean polystyrene to a surfboard making company and most recently, Melissa found another company in SB County who will reform this foam for other packaging purposes. It doesn't mean this awful stuff won't eventually end up in the landfill, but it *does* mean we are doing our best to delay it for as long as we can. She picked up another big load of these foam containers again today before she headed further south.
Thank you Melissa for always having this important subject on your radar and for helping us be better stewards for the planet.
Sometimes smashing stuff is just the thing we need at the end of a stressful day.
When life gives you pumpkins.
SMASH them...
Genius! Add some pet-safe toothpaste and maybe a smear of Churu or a sprinkle of catnip and let them chew and chomp away!
Now...who's ready to try this and let us know how it goes!?!?
π€£ like Mariah Carey...but different.
Do your doggy divas belt out songs, too?
We made it through Monday with the help of this happy little guy.
PS- No one tell Bear that he has the tongue of a Labrador. π