After a scare this evening with a pretty significant gas colic on one of our older lesson ponies it’s time for the reminder post about TREATS.
Our rules about feeding treats are: 1) ask permission from your instructor or one of the farm employees BEFORE you feed your horse ANYTHING, every time. 2) Do not feed any other horse anything.
Here’s why; all horses, just like people, have different diets and certain restrictions. We have A LOT of senior citizens who have metabolic issues and some who don’t have teeth strong enough to chew certain things. We have a lot of privately owned horses who should NEVER be fed treats by anyone other than their owner. Horses digestive systems are delicate and it doesn’t take much to throw something off and have it turn into a serious or fatal problem.
We appreciate that you want to treat your horse after your ride and you should thank them for allowing you to learn on their backs BUT people must ask permission and only feed them what they are allowed to have as well as an amount they are allowed to have. We have soft alfalfa cubes available at the barn and people may bring special treats from home. Treats you are allowed to bring are: carrots cut up in small pieces or baby carrots, apple cut up in small pieces, watermelon cut up in small pieces and bananas. THATS IT. Again- some lesson horses do have dietary restrictions and can not have sugar so not every horse is allowed to have what I just listed. So this is why you MUST ask permission first.
Horses are herbivores but that does not mean they can eat all types of fruits and vegetables. For example- what was found in the ponies bucket today was Broccoli and Cauliflower (among other things) Cauliflower and Broccoli are a cruciferous vegetable, which means it contains raffinose, a type of sugar that can cause gas in horses. This gas can lead to colic, digestive issues, bloating, and scouring, which can be severe and even fatal for horses.
Everyone here has good intentions and some people just may not know the importance of this rule or why it is in place. I know everyone loves to feed treats, the horses beg and can look so hopeful but please remember- NO TREATS OF ANY KIND WITHOUT SPECIFIC PERMISSION 🐴