Make sure you are setting your dog up for success before you take them off leash! #positivereinforcement #forcefreedogtraining #offleashtraining
This is definitely sloppy looking, but I care way more about her being comfortable in a new environment like this. Engagement and relaxed body language is so much more important from this dog since she is easily stressed in new locations, and everything else can be cleaned up later.
Willow is a sweet girl adoptable from HSCI, and today at the adoption event she learned sit, down, and touch. She did so well despite being in a pretty distracting environment!
This is easy and free way to make meal time more exciting for your dog! Just monitor to make sure your dog doesn’t eat the paper or cardboard! #enrichment #enrichmentfordogs #positivereinforcement
We train in the rain and keep things FUN, and for her that means chasing something as a reward. But that also means that I need to be out there with her! #positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #rainyday
This is how we do nail trims cooperatively and restraint free! This is one of the many things we can work on in our lessons! #dogtraining #cooperativecare #positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementtraining