Winter is here! Brrrr… we broke out the fleece! We have a huge selection of fleece! Christmas is on the way too! We have gifts for dogs, kitties, and small animals too! We will post a sneak peek of some items in the comments section!
The importance of teaching your dogs to accept being groomed and dried thoroughly. Jensen & Hendry both swam for hours today in the pool and I always give them a quick mild soap free bath after swimming. I follow up by making sure they are dry. No hot spots here!
I began training Jensen as an adult to allow me to groom him. I got him at age 17 months. He was fearful of anything to do with grooming. He is now 4 years old.
Whoever had him prior to rescue was not good to him. As you can see in the video he enjoys being dry.
Hendry is my Border Collie , he is 2 years old. I have trained him as a young pup to accept grooming and all the tools needed for a healthy coat.
This high velocity dryer also will help you detect any fleas or ticks while parting the coat with the nozzle. I use all natural flea and tick prevention.
NO ticks here ever 😁
The dryer I have is a 4 HP Metro dryer. Air Commander. You can find the company if you would like to check this item out. If you cannot find one you like we can always special order one for our customers 👍
Hoping everyone has a fun safe Labor Day weekend! Best wishes, Jayne
Happy 4th of July! We will be closed on July 4th & 5th. Re open Saturday at 10am
Have a great 4th! Please keep your pets indoors. So many get spooked and bolt away from home due to fireworks 💥 be sure your pet has identification on their collar “just in case they run off”
Pets that are afraid of loud noise should be walked on a leash to use the bathroom and brought back inside where it’s quiet.
Have a safe and happy holiday.
Best, Jayne,Jeff, Brandi & Jayson