Discover what causes your dogs discomforts in just FOUR easy steps
Step 1. Purchase The Whole Pet Wellness Panel on line. We test Over 350 Elements which includes proteins, veggies, grains, additives and preservatives found in commercial foods.
Test also includes environment, nutritional and heavy metal test an no additional fee.
Step 2. Collect a hair sample. It's easy, non evasive and pain free.
Step 3. Mail in your sample and kick back and wait 10 - 14 days for results.
Step 4: Results are in. You will receive a email with your test results and you can immediately make the necessary changes to relieve your dogs symptoms.
But Wait!!!!
You can also receive allergy free recipes based upon your dogs sensitivity test. Which is naturally complete for all life stages.
Learn More
Collagen makes up 70 to 90% of a dog's muscles, tendons, and ligaments. But it also aids in digestion.
Collagen is soothing the lining of the gut. It “seals and heals” the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract by helping to form connective tissue and infusing the whole system with healing amino acids.
Great for dogs with #allergyfreedog
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What's in your dogs Bowl?