Our Story
Welcome to Stone Row Genetics, we are happy to see your interest in the page and our farm! We are a small family owned and operated farm that has decided to turn itself into a purebred and show pig facility. For the starting herd, we hope to have 25 breeding sows within the first five years of existence. Currently, we are farrowing around eight litters within a year of different breeds. Along with the purebreeds, we do have a group of commercial hogs. These commercial hogs are not show quality, however, they are perfect for those who are looking for a pig to raise and butcher for their own consumption. On the farm there are several different breeds, some of them are as followed; Duroc, Yorkshires, Chesters, Herefords, and exotics. Our specialty is in swine but we also raise our own beef cattle who are raised on the farm for consumption and replacement heifers. Feel free to call Brandon at (484)-896-0091 for more information about the farm and our animals. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read our story!