Adopted by Morgynne Bellwether at 4 weeks of age, to become her familiar. Traveled from Seattle, all over the US, as a shoulder cat. Found magic mushrooms, ate them, went into heat, and got pregnant. Had 3 kittens in Massachusetts: Sushi, Pumpkin, Sprinkle, and adopted another abandoned kitten, whom has the same father: Sashimi. Appearance: Half Tabby, Half Maine C**n. Grey, and white striped medi
um length coat, huge eyes, permanently kitten sized, with little muffin boots feet, and enormous ears. Food Habits: Spaghetti w/ mushrooms, canned spinach, canned peas, cat food, Vienna sausages, hot dogs, salami, turkey, chicken, ice cream, beef jerky, cereal, cheese, rice. Attitude: Only likes being picked up by her mom Morgynne. Loves being petted, but only by certain people. Hates large dogs, likes small dogs. Loves people food. Gets extremely offended when referred to as a "cat". Human behaviors, didn't get taught cat behaviors, seeing how her cat mom left her at 4 days old. Doesn't know how to pick up kittens, or to hunt. Likes trying to follow birds. Friends with rodents. Likes to lick Morgynne's face. Prefers to only drink water out of cups, by putting her entire head in. Goes into heat more often then the average cat, and likes to rip up/eat toilet paper, and posters when bored, or in heat. Always cold, likes wearing miniature bandanas and sweaters, and T-shirts. Rides in backpacks, likes playing outside. Knows how to p**p outside. Skilled at long cross country car rides. Will NOT go in a cat carrier under ANY circumstances. Doesn't like random adult male cats.