You could say….its her lucky day. She needs help 😞 We couldn’t leave her on the street struggling to thrive.
I have been patiently waiting for Leonard, a.k.a. Leo. He’s a long-haired white and orange one. Every other cat has been shoving their face full of food for the last 45 minutes.
Sigh. Came across this today. I wonder how many dozen of people have seen her and her babies running around the neighborhood but failed to do anything? If you’re not part of the solution… You’re part of the problem. Read that again. #Cats #Kittens #SpayNeuter #Rescue #TrapNeuterReturn #TNR #EarTipped #CatsOfInstagram #AlleycatAllies #ColonyCats #EarTip #Nebraska #NorthPlatte #ColonyCareTaker #CrazyCatLadies #AnimalRescuer #Adopt #PhotoOfTheDay #Kitty #Rescue #SaveALitterFixYourCritter #Meow #ILoveCats #Feral #FeralBeauties #SpayAndNeuterYourCats #FosterAKitten #FosterKitten
After my long work day….i set out to trap this 💩 3 hours went by and me watching the trap that whole time and he could have cared less that I had yummy smelly food inside the trap 😪 14 hours later after leaving my house for work, I called it a day and headed home. Cat 1 - Sami zero!! Have a new plan. Will try next week! Thank goodness it’s my Friday!!
My Sweet Daisy Girl 🥹
I got the best update 🥰 Makes me so so happy. And she sent me a video of her drinking from her favorite water fountain that I sent with her. And a new window photo of Daisy sitting on a cat perch at a window I’ve never seen a photo of 😘
She’s doing well. Each day is a little more comfortable for her, I think. I am having fun because she is playing with some long forgotten toys that my previous kitty got too sick to enjoy. She did sleep quite a bit today. And got on my chest for a while, too. I am honored.
How are you doing without her?